How To BackTrack & Finish 2020 Strong! [Accelerated Personal Growth]

2020 has brought more than its share of challenges about whom, how, and what life is all about – for me at least. Knowing that you are here joining me for this series and especially for this article, accelerated personal growth, I can’t help but think it has been the same for you.

The reason I started this How To BackTrack & Finish 2020 Strong Series is to find my way through the mire that 2020 has brought and still finish the year having achieved the goals I started out with.

That is not to say 2020 hasn’t brought its own special brand of growth, it certainly has. Social anxiety is not something I had experienced previously. These days I am learning how to overcome it!

Just to recap, this series has covered the following topics so far:

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Accelerated Personal Growth – Here We Come!

For me, the best way to accelerate my personal growth is to start off by creating awareness of where I am at.

Questions work very well. It’s like peeling an onion layer by layer. You start out asking one question, unpack the answer, and then unpack that some more.

Allow me to give you an example.

If you are lagging in energy, lacking in focus and direction you could start out by asking:

1. How do I feel right now? Write down your answers

2. Why am I feeling this way? Write your answers down.

3. What can I do to change this?

4. How do I go about doing that?

My Recent Real Life Process

Here is what has worked for me:

Question 1. How do I feel right now?

My Answer: I am lacking in energy, enthusiasm and direction.

Question 2. Why am I feeling this way?

My Answer: This shift has been due to changed habits during lockdown – eating out of boredom, lack of exercise, too much time on social media & watching Netflix, keeping irregular hours, and sleeping too much.

Question 3. What can I do to change this?

My Answer: To change my situation I can detox, exercise, and set mini daily goals

Question 4. How do I go about doing this?

My Answer:

  • Detox: Cut out coffee, dairy, sugar, and wheat products (gives me ghastly headaches for the first 2 or 3 days but awesome energy levels after that)
  • Increase: Measure daily water intake to ensure hydration, increase fresh fruit & veg and healthy proteins
  • Tech Detox: Spend less time on social media and restrict Netflix to one movie over the weekend.
  • Exercise daily (even if it’s only for 15 minutes to half an hour),
  • Set Mini goals:
    • do something every day that challenges my mind (I chose crossword puzzles, Sudoku and Wordsearch) and intentionally commit to training within the online platform I belong to) This keeps me off social media too
    • adjust my nighttime routine to ensure I don’t get to bed late
    • adjust my morning routine to ensure I set the right tone for the day

(If you’ve ever read The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, you will know that small daily actions are the route to achieving great things).

Results: Increased energy, more enthusiastic about life, weight loss, increased fitness and I am so much happier These results make sense from a physiological perspective. Our energy will increase when we fuel our bodies correctly. Weight loss is a natural outcome of ditching high sugar and fatty foods, not to mention including exercise. Our chemicals change too, we produce dopamine and serotonin and all those fun happy hormones when we eat, hydrate, exercise, and sleep right.

Following the above recommendation will set up for accelerated personal growth – if you stay the distance. Day 3 is extremely challenging for some reason, I encourage you to push through and know that this “new” lifestyle will become easier the more you do it.

Spiritual Connection & Growth

Something I nearly didn’t mention because I don’t want to come across as preachy with you, but is extremely important to me. My spiritual connection and growth also impact me in bigger ways than any of the above.

I am a Christian and though all my church activities have been continued online, there have been times when I’ve felt afraid and let down because of just how much the virus has affected all of us.

To counteract that I have made an effort to spend more time praying, reading my Bible, and Christian literature. Getting back to basics in my relationship with our Heavenly Father.

I have done the Christian version of affirmations by choosing Scriptures and meditating on them.

Here is are two of my favourites:

Jeremiah 29: 11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

John 14: 27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

As a church, we have focused on Psalm 91, which has also really helped me.

Perhaps you believe in something different to me, and that’s okay. I encourage you to find a place of connection and peace from a spiritual perspective too.

Here Is The Plan Going Forward

I have a plan for the last 3 months of 2020 – October, November, and December – and hope you will be joining me on this journey.

One of my all-time favourite books is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. I am going to start working through it.

As I work through the chapters, I shall write about them. It will be great to do this journey with you. So, get your hands on a copy of the book, and let’s do this together.

The first part of the book is about Paradigms and Principles, it is extremely interesting. Allow me to whet your appetite with one of the stories from this chapter:

Paradigm Shifting Experience

I hope you enjoyed that paradigm-shifting experience, it describes perfectly what a paradigm shift is – something that “puts the situation in a totally different light”.

It would be awesome if you join me working through the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey. I have decided to create an email course and you can sign up for it by clicking on the image below:

Free Email Study The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

I hope you have enjoyed this series. Please feel free to pop me a comment below and let me know how you are doing with Finishing 2020 Strong and especially after this session of Accelerated Personal Growth!

Blessings as always

Free EBook  Prove 4-Step Process To Starting In Online Business

12 thoughts on “How To BackTrack & Finish 2020 Strong! [Accelerated Personal Growth]”

  1. I stumbled across, How to BackTrack and Finish 2020 Strong and it just hit home. I am in great need of some accelerated personal growth at this time in my life. Lack of energy, depression,weight gain, and thoughts of uncertainty tend to overwhelm me lately. I can’t seem to stay focused on anything, let alone work. Your article has made me realize that I am not alone and that I can change things by setting a few daily goals, I love puzzles and crossword puzzles, so it will be easy to challenge my mind a bit more, and I often stay up way to late and end up sleeping in. I’m going to try to change that too. Thank you so much for sharing these tips, I know I can benefit from having read this article and making a few adjustments to my daily routine. Blessings.

    • Hi Tracy
      I am so happy to read that this article has helped you. We do live in unprecedented times and the uncertainty has had a profound effect on many of us.
      I wish you every success with turning things around.
      Blessings always

  2. Hey Louise you certainly touch on all aspects of life here, not only in 2020 but in life as a whole with some valuable points we all should really look at, I really can’t wait for 2020 to go, this year actually change the World and your article help us to get back in touch with the one that is greater than us all as well, thank you much for this article, you always hit on the nail when it really needed.

    • Hi Earl
      I am so glad you found some value in this article. The truth is that I started the series to get myself back into action again. It’s worked for me. If this helps one other person I shall be a very happy lass.
      Blessings always

  3. Hi Louise

    Thanks so much for sharing this post, I like to work on my own personal growth, but many times I didn’t know how to work on it, your article gave me great steps to follow as you show how to do it with questions and answers, as I like to work with an weekly agenda, I will add a page to it with a weekly plan, starting with just one or two steps, and then I will add more.


    • Hi Alejandra
      Thank you so much for letting me know this article offered you value. Putting ourselves out there in the world wide web can be unnerving.
      Enjoy finishing 2020 strong and feel free to pop back and grab other ideas from within this series.
      Blessings always

  4. Yes, 2020 sure has brought about some changes in all of our lives.
    In some ways it has been good for me since we don’t go out as often and I can devote more time to working my online business. In other ways it has been bad because the kitchen is just down the hall and I have no reason to leave the house when I’m working from home instead of the office.
    Like you I’ve decided I needed to exercise more to make me feel better and get my energy back.
    Its a work in progress, but I’m building exercise programs for people like you and me that need to do a little more each day to feel better and be better. If you have the chance pay a visit.

    • Hi Les
      Yeah, I think it’s not a case of the toughest making it through 2020 but those with the most endurance & perseverance, which, for me is a matter of depth rather than strength alone.
      Thank you for sharing your workout site with me, I have had a look and love the energy you bring to your videos! Zumba has always appealed to me so I have been tempted to do something about it online. Before I can do that though, I need to build some muscle strength so I shall follow your workouts for a bit first.
      Blessings as always

  5. Hi Louise,
    2020 is a tough year for everyone, and you are not alone!
    I like your approach to set mini goals to achieve on a daily basis. I also do the same because many mini goals lead to a huge goal completed in the long run. For example, our mindset, our health, or our online businesses.
    When I feel distracted, I often do mini meditation session to get myself back to the right track. It’s good to see that we have many in common. 🙂


    • Hi Matt
      Isn’t it great to have an online world where we can share our successes and challenges?
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share here too. I really appreciate that.
      Blessings always


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