How To Write Content For A Website

This article is all about Content Writing Made Easy. We are going to break it down into manageable bite-sizes. I truly enjoy writing, it is one of my all-time favourite pastimes, and I was totally intimidated at the prospect of writing an article for my website! Fortunately I am in training which takes you step by step into the big intimidating realm of the world wide web through a painless process. More information on that a little later. For now, let’s look at How To Write Content For A Website.

My Biggest Challenge

For me, what to write about has been the biggest challenge. Thanks to the incredible training I am receiving, I am able to share my excitement with you that this concern can be whittled down into a few different topics as follows:

  • Product Reviews
  • How To’s (just like this one)
  • Lists – Top 5, Top 10, Top 50 – you get the drift
  • What To Avoid – Scams for example
  • Anything around the psychology of what you do (mindset, heart set, goal setting etc)

I even happier to tell you that finding topics to write about becomes almost intuitive as you grow and develop. You begin to see what your viewers are searching for as you do your keyword research for example. You are also exposed to more and more products and services as you develop your website. Revealing more material for you to write about. If you need it for building your online business, it stands to reason that many others will too. Share your learnings and experiences, that way you build a better presence online, Google with see you as an authority on your subject and you build relationships with other online marketers, affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs. I am a big fan of the online business world, one of the reasons is that it operates very differently from the typical corporate environment. Sharing really is caring, the more you share, the more you build your own online business. Unlike the corporate environment where it really can be “dog-eat-dog”.

Content Writing Made Easy I

There is a formula a writer can follow, which makes life a lot easier. This is also why I named the paragraph Content Writing Made Easy. You can beef it out as much as you would like to, for some writers this framework creates a “safe space” for them to produce their work within. For others, it creates a basis or structure to expand on. Whichever works for you, is where you are at right now, your current writing skill level and experience. Something else I have to tell you – writing is something you can learn! It is not rocket science, it is just another skill to be learned and mastered.

Five Paragraph Essay

We can start out by looking at the typical “Five Paragraph Essay” as the “nuts and bolts” to creating your content. You may recall this from your schooling years, if not, don’t stress, we are going to cover it here too. I found a plethora of information online when I Googled “Five Paragraph Essay” – the results were: “About 194 000 000 results (0,67 seconds)”

This is reassuring in more ways than one – it means that many readers are very familiar with the format we are covering here, we are speaking about readers of your and my articles too. Their brains will appreciate being able to recognize format, even if it is on a subliminal level. I realize that we are following an academic example to write your article, just keep in mind that the vast majority of your readers have been schooled in the same way too, they will relate!

So, what does a Five Paragraph Essay include? Research revealed that it is between 500 and 800 words long, includes an introduction, three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion. (Yes, I had to rely on research, school was a very long time ago for me).

So broken down, it will look like this:

  1. Introductory Paragraph
  2. Three Supporting Paragraphs
  3. Conclusion or Concluding Paragraph
  4. 500 to 800 words long

Here is what you can include in each Paragraph

The Introduction

  1. Introduce your topic
  2. Give a description of your main idea
  3. Develop a thesis statement (you can make this conversational rather than formal in your article, unless you are writing academic content of course)
  4. List three points to support your idea

Three Supporting Paragraphs
Here is what is known as the “body of the essay” and will include information such as the point you are making, why you are saying that is true and then the supporting evidence such as facts, quotes, examples, statistics etc.,


This is the summary and often consider the trickiest part to write. Really, it is just rounding off everything you have already said, making sure that the introduction and supporting paragraphs runs in an understandable order and the conclusion just ties it all together. This part of your essay needs to end off with clarity so that whoever has read it, understands perfectly what you have just written about in the preceding paragraphs. Ensure that you do not present anything new in your conclusion. This is key.

I hope the above has put your mind at ease when it comes to writing your content. This format is very easy to follow, just to ensure that you keep everything in a logical order. If you, like me, are a more conversational writer, your articles will not look like they follow the Five Paragraph Essay format.

Please be aware that whilst the “5 Paragraph Essay” provides us with a great framework to start out from, it really is just that – a framework. The truth is, 500 to 800 words worth of article is not going to make Google happy. If we want to have our hard work recognized and ranked by Google, we need to write double that at a minimum. For that reason, and a few others which will unfold, I have included Content Writing Made Easy II for you.

Content Writing Made Easy II

In Content Writing Made Easy I we looked at an academic way to break things down. Here we are going to look at some sound advice which is specific to the digital space. Let’s continue in answering our question: How To Write Content For A Website by reviewing the following aspects:

  • Research
    • Ensure you gain an understanding about the topic you are writing about. You could gain this by research in all forms, I use online most typically. Ensure that your source or sources are 100% credible and trustworthy. You can also include a reference in your article to identify the source of the information. You can ask questions within online communities, read magazines, search through websites
    • Define the purpose of your article – it could be to collect leads, increase sales, drive traffic to your website, educate or motivate and inspire your reader
    • Be aware of the language you use in your article. If it is a business or professional article, make use of professional language, avoiding obvious slang. In a more casual article (as I prefer mine to be) your language can be more relaxed and friendly – conversational works well for me, I like to feel like I am having a chat. Some writers include swearing in their articles, I would not recommend this, likability is everything and the truth is, not everyone appreciates bad language.
    • Identify who your audience is, who are you speaking to? Where in the world do they come from? How old are they? Male or female? etc
    • Have an idea in mind of how you will be structuring the content. Readability is very important. Create your article or content in such a way that the next sentence is the next logical step, as if you are having a conversation with someone. Anticipate the question in your reader’s mind, that is a great place to start.
    • Keep in mind where you are placing your content: it will go onto your website, are you planning to share on social media? If so, which social media? Will you extend the life of the article into an email?
  • Technology has really made our lives so much easier, take advantage of it. Make use of Spell check or Grammarly. You can download Grammarly for free – a great program, it checks your spelling and grammar. Grammarly can also be a pain because it doesn’t always appreciate the phrases I use, but you do not have to make the changes suggested by Grammarly. Please be encouraged to make use of the spellcheck and Grammarly facilities every time you write – that is every, single, time – and even then, check more than once. I am not 100% accurate and find that one of the best ways for me to pick up errors – even after making use of technology – is to close down what I am working on and come back to it again after a while. I like to take breaks from writing, usually I complete another task (not writing related) and come back with a “fresh eye”
  • Plan – this is pretty rich coming from me because I am a more “shoot from the hip” kind of lass, but if planning works for you, then planning is important. Many folks start with a plan or outline of what they want to say. Jot down ideas and list them in order of importance, making sure you address each area. Planning will assist in keeping things chronological, or flowing in a logical and easy-to-understand sequence. This will also assist you with finding which areas require more research and information and which are too heavily weighted. Mind maps work well in this area too – my daughter loves working visually – try it, maybe it will assist you too.
  • Make use of keywords which will bring your desired reader to your article. Keyword research is vital. Lucky for you, I have a fantastic keyword research tool for you to make use of. Not only is it fantastic, it is also FREE! Click here to find out more. No online writer should ever write – not ever, not even one little article – without conducting keyword research first.
  • Images are nearly as crucial as your keywords – according to Hubspot, “content with relevant images gets 94% more views” than content without. 94% is MASSIVE! Please, please, ensure you incorporate relevant visuals into your articles. Ensure that they are relevant, appealing, and create an opportunity to highlight the points you are trying to make and have emotional appeal too. Be aware here too folks, not all pictures and images you find online are there free for the taking. It is best to either pay for images or work through a free image service. Here is a list of them – finding the right pics can take time, but it is time well spent. I have found many awesome free images online, the legal way.
  • Headings and Subheading – these break up your article and make it easier on the eye for your reader. Not only that, they allow your reader to do a quick overview or skim read of your article. That way they get the gist of your content and can delve deeper into it should they wish. This means you also need to ensure that your headings and subheadings create interest, so your reader does get involved in reading in detail and interacting with your content too.
  • Edit – do not be shy to edit your work more than once. As I mentioned above, I find it easier to walk away and come back again, sometimes not even on the same day. Thought more often than not, I am in a hurry to publish what I have written. You may be the same. If that is the case, save your work, take a break and review it again after doing something else.

I hope you do not feel overwhelmed from too much information in this article. I strive to over-deliver, but hopefully not as too much of a good thing. Please be assured that with practice, your writing will become better and easier. That has been my experience and the experience of many of the members in the community where I am training.

Train and Build Your Online Business

Which brings me to another very important answer I need to give you – to the training I alluded to in the first paragraph of this article. I have joined this incredible online platform where I am learning to create my online business by following the most exceptional training. Not only is the training exceptional but there is a community of like-minded online entrepreneurs at differing levels of expertise, and very generous with the sharing of their knowledge. Allow me to encourage you to join us by clicking on the image below – there is a FREE Starter option waiting inside for you, no need to even share your credit card details to access the platform:

Need More Information?

Need a little more information? No problem, have a look at an article I wrote for you right here.

Keen to access the FREE Starter Membership option?

Here it is again:

That is it for now folk! I appreciate the time you have spent here with me – thank you.

Having read this far I can only imagine that you are as serious as I am about building your website and online business. That being the case, I am more that convinced that you should click on the image above and join the most incredible online university and community. I will be there on the inside to meet and greet you and walk the journey with you too.

See YOU on the inside!


3 thoughts on “How To Write Content For A Website”

  1. I’m a big fan of the mini template about writing paragraphs. Hope you don’t mind I’m going to steal that. I find it so much easier to write when I have questions or guideline that keep me straight because my mind wonders a lot no matter what the topic. I’ll make the craziest connections.

    Thanks again Louise!


    • Hi MJ
      You are welcome to make use of the mini template about writing paragraphs – I am so happy that this information will be put to good use!
      Your comment also made me laugh – I call myself the “queen of digression” for exactly the same reason, haha!


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