A BuilderAll Review – Is It Worth Your While?

“Imagine a platform where you can access ALL the marketing tools you need for your online business in one place.”
  That is quite a promise, and it is one made to you by BuilderAll!  Join me as I take a deep dive and find out more with A BuilderAll Review 2021 – Is It Worth Your While?

 I have worked hard to bring you this review.  Here is what you can expect:

  • The good
  • The bad, and
  • The ugly

SPOILER ALERT:  There is no ugly (between you and me, I prefer writing reviews where there is no ugly to report 😁

BuilderAll Review 2021

A BuilderAll Review Is It Worth Your While

Introduction and Summary

Welcome! It is great to see you here – makes all my hard work well worthwhile! I take much pleasure in reviewing products as a service to you my reader, and all because I just love to know as much as I possibly can about the exciting world of Online Marketing. Yes, I love it that much!

A BuilderAll Review


BuilderAll Review 2021

Let’s get into it.

I started out by saying “Imagine a platform where you can access ALL the marketing tools you need for your online business in one place.”   Why did I do that? That is where BuilderAll positions themselves. As a one-stop shop for the Online Marketer, they have an extensive range of tools on offer at various price points. Something for everyone depending on needs and affordability.

What can you do with the tools available? Let’s have a look:

  1. Build your websites with their drag and drop technology
  2. Create compelling and persuasive email campaigns with the Mailing Boss email autoresponder
  3. Design awesome mockups and video presentations
  4. You, yes you, can create animated and floating videos in a matter of minutes
  5. Create Mobile Apps – Now I thought this was only the territory of the seriously high tech folk out there, but no, you (and I) can create mobile apps too, with the help of BuilderAll
  6. Knowledgebase – an area dedicated to tutorials and training to equip you on how to get the best out of every tool BuilderAll has to offer
  7. Create Membership sites
  8. Create and market your online training courses
  9. Get a handle on Facebook and YouTube integration

BuilderAll really does offer it all! Plug-ins, funnels, website, email automation, sales pages, sales funnel creation tools, marketing software, and more

That’s a brief overview, we will get into more detail as we progress.

You Can Join BuilderAll Today!

BuilderAll At A Glance:

A BuilderAll Review


NAME: BuilderAll / eBusiness4us, Inc

WEBSITE: https://builderall.com

PRICE:   Free Starter Option for 7 Days, USD9.90 per month, USD29.90 per month or USD49.90 per month

OWNERS:   Brazilian Entrepreneur Erick Salgado

FOUNDED:   eBusiness4us, Inc. was founded in 2008 and the BuilderAll Platform project in 2010



A BuilderAll Review


The Good & The Bad

The Good:

A BuilderAll Review

Pro #1 All your online marketing tools in one place

Pro #2 Easy to sign up

Pro #3 Affordable range of price points

Pro #4 Interface is very user-friendly

Pro #5 Extensive Training videos available split into Beginner, Intermediate & Professional levels

Pro #6 Proven System

Pro #7 Email accounts available with your domain name

Pro #8 Mobile App builders

Pro #9 Opportunity to save on digital tool providers Possible saving opportunity as you do not need to purchase the different tools from a variety of providers

The Bad:

A BuilderAll Review

Con #1 Funnels cannot be exported out of the platform (in other words, you are locked into BuilderAll, clever client retention strategy on their part)

Con #2 Not WordPress compatible

Who is BuilderAll For?

BuilderAll is created for all Online Marketers, from entry level to expert level. Here are some ideas of who can enjoy the benefits offered:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • Writers – freelance, permanent and contract
  • YouTubers
  • Marketers and agencies looking to find the ranking of their / client sites and posts (SERPs – Search Engine Results Pages)
  • Local marketers and businesses
  • Niche Marketers

BuilderAll Tools & Training

BuilderAll offers a range of top-notch online tools. This is what you can expect:

Drag & Drop Website Builders (HTML)

Be amazed by their intuitive site builder! This is an easy-to-use system (from newbies to experienced online marketers), you do not need to know code or even learn to write code. Experienced web designers will love the ease of use with this system too! BuilderAll puts the tools in your hands, you need only edit one of their professional templates (and there are thousands available to choose from). Your editing is a case of dropping your information into the template, your content and images. In addition, you have the benefit of facilities to create professional websites, virtual stores, sales pages, lead capture pages, and other marketing pages and more! All of this without a high level of technical know-how. As if that is not exciting enough, the video training will take you from beginner to expert too!

Blog Builder

Manage all of your pages without spending a fortune of time on them! This Blog Builder is optimized and enables great results with the major search engines (Google for example). You also have the option to create responsive opt-ins and squeeze pages.

Sales Funnel Builder

Enabling you to create sales and marketing funnels. There are also thousands of templates available for you to choose from. The different types are funnels, lead magnets, sales letters and webinar funnels.

IOS / Android App Builder

People look at their phone over one hundred times a day and the App Creator gives you the opportunity to make your presence felt! The App Builder gives you the ability to offer products directly via your customer’s mobile! Product sales, hotel bookings, push notifications, image galleries, delivery services, and more! Plus, BuilderAll offers video tutorials so that you can learn how to take your business directly into the hands of your customers and prospects! What a handy feature and tool! This great tool has been created to assist you to design mobile Apps.

A BuilderAll Review

Lead Capture Tools

Your marketing strategy can take a step up by using the sophisticated tools and tactics available to you through BuilderAll. Capture leads with Facebook logins, email forms, browser notifications, quizzes and more.

Mail Boss Email Autoresponder Tool

You have the advantage of nurturing your new visitor and existing customer relationships by making use of the professional email marketing system. You can create autoresponder campaigns efficiently and make use of tags to manage leads. The number of emails you sent with your BuilderAll account is unlimited. Created to generate automated email campaigns. This enables users to grow your email list, a big plus is that your price does not increase with the number of emails on your list!

Facebook Integration Tool

This tool enables you to collect leads and create lists in the process of building relationships with existing customers and prospects. The BuilderAll Facebook integration Tool also helps you to capture and nurture these important relationships with notifications, posts and apps, which integrate directly into the Facebook fan pages. Enables you to easily integrate your websites and Facebook pages

Script Generator

Never run out of ideas, this superb tool will assist in composing your email and other promotional campaigns

A BuilderAll Review

Design Studio Mockups

The ability to design incredible videos, Facebook posts and more is within your reach when you enjoy the benefits of Design Studio Mockups. You have the tools to create your own info products, e-book covers and more. The advantage of designing professional cover images, posters and a variety of media for your online business is all yours.

Animated Video Creator

Create awesome sales videos and animated videos with their animation too. As the online market leans more and more toward video, this tool will be a real advantage to your business, assisting you in creating your own unlimited animated videos. You get to have fun designing your own characters with their expressions, alternatively, you can choose from the hundreds of characters available to you through BuilderAll. Then download and publish wherever you choose: your website, YouTube channel, Facebook etc.

A BuilderAll Review

Floating Video Creator

Give your visitors a huge surprise without the need for expensive equipment. The Floating Video Creator enables you to create a floating video for your site in a matter of minutes. Again, a great advantage as the preference moves towards video in the market place.  To my knowledge, this is a unique feature to BuilderAll too.

A BuilderAll Review


Studio Mockup Designs

Knock your viewers the socks off with your incredible designs! You can easily design incredible items for your videos, Facebook posts and more! Imagine the impact that will have on your audience. Not only that, you have access to developing your own ebook covers, and other creative items you could need with the exclusive Design Studio feature.

Interactive Presentations

You get to create interact communications for your website visitors. Once you’ve perfected your creation, download it, create a custom URL and then integrate with your website. All with the professional Interactive Presentations tools.

Webinar Presentation Builder

A fantastic tool in your hands which assists in the creation of digital presentations for your website. You have the tools to craft an interactive communication with the visitors to your website.

A BuilderAll Review


Keen to build your own digital training courses? This is the tool for you! The BuilderAll E-Learning tool will assist you in building your course.

On-Page SEO Report Tool

BuilderAll has systems in place that boost your websites with indexing and ranking on Google, thereby optimizing your SEO. All you need do is take advantage of all the information supplied to make your pages and sites highly visible for search and as close to SEO perfection as possible.

Browser Notification

I notice that Pinterest makes use of a feature like this. This tool sends notifications to your viewers, even if they are not on your site at the time. These notifications will include important events, promotions and offers. Very smart. Another tool which aids in developing the relationships with your customers, followers and prospects.

Click / Heat Map Tool

This incredible too is often a paid for standalone service, not at BuilderAll, it is part of the bouquet they have on offer. The Click / Heat Map Tool reveals the behaviour of visitors on your website, enabling you to understand which pages and articles are attracting the most attention, and the converse of course. Imagine how this will assist you in optimizing your conversation rate because you know exactly where to place your CTA’s!

Marketplace: Build Your Own Affiliate Program

Are you looking to create an affiliate program for your products? Look no further, BuilderAll can help. Creating your own affiliate program can be an extremely costly process, not to mention, a steep learning curve. Why go through that unnecessarily when BuilderAll has it all covered for you.

As you can see, this is a host of tools which are perfect for the online marketer – and all in one place! That has huge appeal, and cost-saving potential too!

Training within BuilderAll

As mentioned earlier, there are in excess of 400 videos available for training purposes. With this vast range of products within the BuilderAll stable, they would need to have an equally vast amount of training available to their users.

A BuilderAll Review

BuilderAll Pricing – find One That Fits Your Budget

A range of pricing options really appeals to me. As a newbie to online marketing you can start at the entry level and as your business grows, generates higher income and the need for additional tools increases, you can work your way up the ladder to the higher priced option which offers more tools.

Starter = Free 7 Day trial opportunity

There are three different price points for BuilderAll, these are as follows:

  • Web Presence: USD9.90 per month (does not include any Apps or Mailing boss. One domain, no SSL included)
  • Digital Marketing: USD29.90 per month (includes tools such as sales funnels, website builders, 15 domains, SSL, Mailing Boss. Excludes: webinar tool, FB chatbot App, Affiliate Program and Marketplace)
  • BuilderAll Business; USD49.90 per month This is the most comprehensive offering they have and includes every tool and App they have available.

In all, the prices are reasonable, with the exception perhaps of the Web Presence offering, this does include one domain (average market place of USD13 so there’s already a saving there) but the exclusion of SSL would be a concern for me. Site security is everything in the online world.

A BuilderAll Review Is It Worth Your While

If we consider all the main features on the platform at the BuilderAll Business rate of USD49.90 per month, that could result is a cost saving if you were to move from a variety of service providers to just the one. Keep in mind though that you would be locked into BuilderAll, there is no moving your funnels away, this is critical. As mentioned earlier, a clever retention strategy on their part.

*** You Can Join BuilderAll TODAY! ***


NAME:   BuilderAll

WEBSITE:   https://builderall.com

PRICE:   Free Starter Option for 7 Days, USD9.90 per month, USD29.90 per month or USD49.90 per month

OWNERS:   Brazilian Entrepreneur Erick Salgado

FOUNDED:   eBusiness4us, Inc. was founded in 2008 and the BuilderAll Platform project in 2010


My Final Opinion of BuilderAll

In all, I give BuilderAll a great big Late Bloomer thumbs up! They offer a comprehensive range of online business tools on their platform.

I have mentioned that I would be a little wary of the web presence option, not because it is not well priced, that it certainly is, but because of the lack of SSL.  Site Security is extremely important, especially if the only presence you have is online due to being an online business.


Before I love and leave you, if you are looking to become an Affiliate Marketer, or you are already an Affiliate Marketer keen to be a part of an exciting training platform and welcoming community, then you need to know all about My Number One Recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate University.



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Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


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