Getting Started …

You can take “the scenic route” as I did (in other words, the longest journey possible), or you can take advantage of my life lessons and allow me to lead you straight to Wealthy Affiliate where you will learn all about creating and scaling your online business!

The purpose of this site is to show you the short route to the way to build your business online. When I say the way, I mean the way that I have found which has worked best for me and millions of other online entrepreneurs! Why does it work best? Let me tell you:

  • It is cost-effective
    • in fact, it’s free to start – giving you the opportunity to try out the platform before you put any money in the game
    • once you have tried it out, the price is a mere $19 to join & covers your first month (this is a time-sensitive offer, be sure not to miss it)
    • and $47 per month thereafter – less than half the price I was paying at the previous platform!
    • plus no upsells!  What that means is, there are no additional costs for training, hosting, site support etc.  Everything you need is $47 per month.
  • The training is world-class
    • step-by-step training designed in such a way that you put into practice what you learn, as you go
    • your first website will be up in a matter of minutes, no matter your experience level (I kid you not)
    • I was inexperienced and my website ranked with Google within the first week!
    • Affiliate Bootcamp and Core Training Certification
  • The community support incredible
    • help is available 24/7 in more than one format:
        • live chat
        • help center
        • private messaging
    • not only the community but the owners of Wealthy Affiliate are also available to chime in too

This is likely not the first Affiliate Marketing offer you have taken a look at – me neither, that’s how I know it is the best one. Give it a free test-drive, I am certain you will agree.

Creating your Online Business need not be complex

The reality is that creating your online business need not be complex. My meanderings and journey can lead you straight to the best source for everything you need to create your online business, and, all in one place.  training,

I am an Affiliate Marketer but let’s not restrict this to Affiliate Marketing, Wealthy Affiliate teaches everything you need to know about a range of different online business opportunities:

  • Affiliate Marketing (which is my first love)
  • Dropshipping
  • Niche Marketing (designed according to your passions and interests, entirely your choice!)

You will find a wealth of information – yes, pun intended.

There are so many scams and flaky products on offer in the online business world, which is one of the reasons Wealthy Affiliate offers the opportunity for you to try out the platform without sharing your bank or card information.  How many others can say the same?  Whilst we are on the subject of scams, here is an article I wrote to help you avoid falling prey to any online scams

What prevents you from online success?

Perhaps it is a fear of failure? Many of us are afraid to try new things – it is the human condition, to protect ourselves from perceived danger. Wealthy Affiliate makes it easy for you to try something new without any risk.

Maybe you don’t want to showcase yourself in public. No worries, the way you design your website is entirely your choice.

You do not have to reveal who you are. Though people are people and they do like to know who they are dealing with. It is still not essential – you create the brand, the brand personality, and character which will attract and speak to your followers.  You will learn how to attract them, with the help of Wealthy Affiliate training.

Building a Business Online entails only THREE things (seriously, it’s true!)

1. Help

Learning anything new can be very frustrating, getting caught up in the challenges without assistance can be awful.

2. A Website

Your website is essential in the online business world. Without your own site, your success will not have much in the way of longevity, if it ever happens at all.

Come on now, I am sure you are not going to scare easy here – as I said earlier, Wealthy Affiliate has the training you need, to not only build out your website but to get it ranked on Google!

Your website could be set up within a matter of minutes – yes, minutes – and without you spending a cent!

3. Learning and Practice

Learning is a given in life – no matter what you are looking to do. Cast your mind back to when you were young, learning to do anything – speak, write, play the piano, swim, ride a bicycle … yes, it was learning and practice that got you to where you needed to be.

Building your online business is no different.  You can learn how to do this.

Here is what you can expect

Here is what you can expect when you join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter for Zero Dollars

  • Help and Support
    • Within a community of 100’s of 1,000’s
    • Live Chat support
    • Ongoing discussions
  • 1 Free Website
    • 100% functional WordPress Site
    • 100% ready to make money online
  • Training, Training and some more Training
    • Video’s
    • Tutorials
    • Courses
    • Classrooms

All of this for Zero Dollars – as I said, you will not even need to enter your card details.

The training on offer is robust and the support is exceptional – you will be hard-pressed to find this anywhere – I certainly haven’t, and it’s not for a lack of trying.

Naturally, there is more than one option:

Starter Membership @ $Zero per month and Premium, which offers a whole lot more. Have a look at the image below where you will see that the Starter option provides everything you need to get started, including 1 website, live help, 10 modules of Affiliate Bootcamp Training, 10 modules of the Core Certification Course, and searches for the first 7 days.

Premium Membership is a massive leap up to unlimited live help, 10 websites, all phases of Core Certification Course, all phases of the Affiliate Bootcamp training … the list is very long :

There is no need to wait – you are literally minutes away from creating your very own Online Business!

Have a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review here. If your mind is playing tricks with you, have a look at my article on Mindset Mastery here.

=======> Get Started Today!  <=======

I encourage you, don’t let anything stand in your way – get started today, you literally have nothing to lose!

See you on the inside – yeah, I will be there to welcome you and show you the way around!


Proven 4 Step Process To Starting In Online Business

8 thoughts on “Getting Started …”

  1. Great review on Wealthy Affiliate.  I think it’s always important to note how many people are members and how many experts there are that will be willing to help out people who are new to this business, it helps to show how credible the platform is.  That’s the thing that I love about WA – there is always something there to help answer literally any question or problem that you get stuck on.  Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online and the opportunities are literally endless.  Great post!!

    • Hi Nicki

      Thank you for your time and input, really appreciated.  Yes it is important that people know we have more than 1,4 million members at Wealthy Affiliate – that is a mind boggling number!  Yet, even with huge numbers of people, help is always at hand – I don’t even know how many experts there are within the platform but yes, whenever I have had a question, there is always someone available to help.  Wealthy Affiliate truly has the most incredible community!



  2. It looks like you’re getting started, I hope that you achieve success, your site looks good and visually appealing, but I’m not sure what to comment. Overall, nice work. Keep up the site and good luck. 

    Some of the articles on the side seem to be great. I checked out the Adsense on google article, nice work. 

    • Hi JB

      Thank you for taking the time to stop by.  Yes, I am new to the online business world – thankfully we have such incredible step-by-step training at Wealthy Affiliate, I was able to get my site up in a matter of hours and ranked within the first 10 days!

      As I learn, I am sure there will be more value to add – I will be writing a follow up art to the Adsense google one your enjoyed – visit again the the near future and have a read.



  3. Nice definition of a late bloomer. I think I can considered as late bloomer when it comes to affiliate marketing. It’s a pleasure to read your post calling yourself as late bloomer Mom, wife, divorcee and etc. Never thought of that to every person. I’ve met lady doctors who married late and got young husbands. Anyway, it’s good that you have great outlook of life and that’s enough to keep you moving. God bless your work.

  4. I attempted to review this post but the navigation isn’t working very well. On the home page the only two links that work are your site name “Late Bloomer” and “Read more”.  Even those clicks come right back to the home page.  

     I’m very sorry I wasn’t able to leave a review of content. I would love to review the blog when the navigation is fixed.

    V. Pearl

    • Hi Vanna

      Sorry about the navigation challenges – I believe I have fixed them up now, with the incredible assistance we have within Wealthy Affiliate.

      I hope you have the time to return and give me a review, would really appreciate your input.




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