The ClickFunnels Review – What Is So Exciting About ClickFunnels?

Introduction and Summary

I have to tell you right off the bat – I am very excited about ClickFunnels! Now you know that in advance, allow me to share more about this exceptional company:

ClickFunnels started in 2014 as a result of two guys looking for solutions to online business challenges. ClickFunnels have established themselves as a leader in the digital tools and sales funnel space. ClickFunnels is so much more than just a sales funnel, it really is something work knowing about. More will be revealed as we go through the review.

ClickFunnel offers a 14-day trial period which is always promising – my opinion is that a company would not offer a trial if they didn’t know they had something of high value to offer.

Are you an Early Adopter? As you already know, I am very excited about ClickFunnels and if you don’t want to wade through a review to see why and would rather experience it firsthand, here is an opportunity for you to get right in:


If you are more like me, still an action-taker but more in line with the Early Majority and in need of further information, no problem, continue reading, I am sure you will like what you see.

ClickFunnels Review

As always, I am thankful for your time here, it makes my time researching and writing these reviews so worthwhile, just knowing that I am bringing you information that is going to be of assistance to you with your online business.

If you’ve read any of my other reviews you’ll know that I enjoy researching and writing reviews, knowing that it makes a difference to you, my reader, is all the more rewarding.

Let’s get into it.

Overview: ClickFunnels At A Glance

NAME: ClickFunnels

PRICE: Free 14 day Trial Offer, $97 per month ClickFunnels and $297 per month for Etison Suites (which offers additional features)

OWNERS: Russell Brunson, Co-Founder, CEO and Head of Marketing and

                  Todd Dickerson, Co-Founder, Lead Software Architect and Head of Technology



The Good & the Bad

The Good:

PRO #1 So much more than just a sales tunnel offered

PRO #2 Great training offered and it’s just 4 videos, each only a few minutes long

PRO #3 Very easy to use, quick and uncomplicated

PRO #4 Builds gorgeous pages extremely fast

PRO #5 14 day free trial allows you to take it for a test run without spending a dime

PRO #7 Excellent integration with all major email services

PRO #8 Superb conversion tracking and split-testing features which improve results

The Bad:

CON #1 Will take some time to learn fully

CON #2 More pricey than Thrive or LeadPages (having said that, it does offer more too)

CON #3 Your funnels are only available to you with a continuous subscription

Who is ClickFunnels For?

ClickFunnels will add value to any online business, or brick and mortar business with an online presence.

Here are some ideas of who can enjoy the benefits ClickFunnels:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • PPC and Online Advertisers
  • Online Businesses and Marketers
  • Local Marketers and Business
  • NGO’s and fundraisers
  • Email Marketers
  • Events Companies

ClickFunnels Tools & Training

The tools offered by ClickFunnels are so much more than one would expect based on just the company name. They offer some great surprises! Let me explain:

ClickFunnels is a tool designed specifically to implement sales funnels. A typical funnel would include one or more opt-in pages, an autoresponder (to send a sequence of emails), plus one or more sales pages, maybe order forms, additional content and a members’ area.

In days gone by, this would require a website, hosting, a separate autoresponder service, software for your landing page, software for split-testing, software for your membership site and, in order to get everything working together, designers and programmers too.

The beauty of ClickFunnels is that it lets you do all the above on one platform!

As you can imagine, this safe a lot of money and spares you the technicalities of making all the different tools work with one another.

If you take ClickFunnels in its purest form, you do not even need a website anymore – well, I just love my website and cannot imagine my world without it, so this is a huge paradigm shift for me! Having said that, Russell Brunson and others at ClickFunnels suggest that working on your funnels should be focused on above anything else.

ClickFunnels provides a single platform where you build your complete funnel – that includes the following

  • Opt-in pages
  • Sales pages
  • Email sequences
  • Membership areas
  • Online training courses etc
  • Payment processing

It’s true, the way they have designed everything, it is self-sufficient and does everything you could possibly need.

In addition to your funnel, email automation, and payment processing, it also provides very comprehensive tracking and analytics. Meaning, you can see how each step in your funnel is performing and it is easy to see what needs to be tweaked to improve the level of conversions and profit.

ClickFunnels has a built-in split testing feature too! You can make use of this to test the different landing pages, emails etc., and get insight into which converts the best.

ClickFunnels facilities are extensive and as a result, really doing it justice is pretty difficult to do in one review.

Here are just two of the FREE offers available at ClickFunnels:

FREE Perfect Webinar Secrets – click to receive FREE Copies of the Perfect Webinar Secrets

FREE Marketing Secrets Blackbook – click to receive YOUR FREE copy!

I am seriously impressed with ClickFunnels! I would recommend you sign up for the free trial offer, enjoy the free training you will receive too! The training is truly exceptional and very highly regarded in the market place by those who use it. The introductory training is just a few videos of four minutes each, and this training really does set you up for success.

I really do encourage you to watch them (it’s quick and will be time well spent) and then give ClickFunnels a test drive yourself. Don’t take my word for it, this is something you really should experience first-hand!

NAME: ClickFunnels

PRICE: FREE 14 day Trial Offer, $97 per month clickFunnels or $297 per month Etison Suite (which offers additional features)

OWNERS:  Russell Brunson, Co-Founder, CEO and Head of Marketing                        Todd Dickerson, Co-Founder, Lead Software Architect and 

                    Head of Technology

FOUNDED:  2014


My Final Opinion of ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is easy to use and the quality of the finished product (pages in this case) was really top-notch. All the pages are suitable for mobile too, meaning they look great no matter what device is used for viewing.

ClickFunnels does a lot more than many of it’s perceived competitors (ie. Thrive and Infusionsoft for example). It is more pricey, taking into consideration that ClickFunnels offers so much more, the higher price is well worth paying. It can save you the cost of more than other products because you will no longer need them, and that may result in it becoming the less expensive option after all.

As a serious online marketer, I highly recommend you sign up with ClickFunnels! You have a great opportunity though, take this amazing offer for a test drive:


Before sign off, I am sure you aware that I am an Affiliate Marketer, so my disclosure here is that I have signed up as an Affiliate for ClickFunnels – I shall be making use of their products which means I am not promoting anything I do not believe it. So that you know, when you click on the link that I provide and sign up as a paying customer, I benefit with a commission from ClickFunnels. The price is not affected in any way, you will still pay their standard pricing – and you will still pay nothing at all for their free trial.

If you are keen to become an Affiliate for ClickFunnels, have a look here:

Signing Off …

Last, last thing before I sign off, please allow me to briefly share how I am learning to do what I am doing – building an online business. This is my Number One Recommendation. If you are looking to build your own online business and create a life of financial freedom (which also translates into geographic freedom and the ability to make a difference in the lives of others for me!) have a look at this:

My Number One Recommendation

There is a caveat here, please know that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it takes time and effort to build a successful online business. (My advice when it comes to get-rich-quick schemes – run!)

It is important that you only do this if you are prepared to put the work in and you are serious about:

  1. no longer being a slave to the 9 to 5
  2. no longer spending hours on end commuting,
  3. no longer taking instruction from a boss you may or may not enjoy.

Creating your online business is about building a life of freedom:

  • to do as you choose, when you choose
  • to live the life that is important to you.

Perhaps it is about spending more time with your children as they grow up. For me, it is about financial and geographic freedom and making a difference in the lives of others (how? you for example, when you become a successful online marketer! Plus, I want to be able to fund education for underprivileged children and contribute donations to no-kill animal shelters – those are the things near and dear to my heart!)

I invite you to read more about this incredible Online Business Opportunity, have a look at my article here.

Still, need some convincing? Have a look here for success stories of our most successful Affiliate Marketers – I am looking forward to joining those ranks too – as I said, this business does take time to build, no different to a brick and mortar business, you have to make sure to lay the solid foundations first!

Keen to take advantage of our FREE Starter Membership, where YOU can experience all that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer without spending a dime? Here you go, click on the image below:

I look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


Louise aka Late Bloomer Wealthy Affiliate

2 thoughts on “The ClickFunnels Review – What Is So Exciting About ClickFunnels?”

  1. hello Louise

    Thank you for sharing with your readers the results of the research; it really is a very thorough research and I wonder when you have so much time; ClickFunnels looks very serious and helps you enormously, as I understand your post; what is wonderful that everything you present has already tried and works; but I’m sorry, it’s not for me, for now; I am determined to finish the WA training first; then I will see, I will look again at your posts
    all the best for you

    • Hello Carmen
      I agree, there is so much training out there, we need to be discerning which we focus on first. Moving step by step is surely the best way!
      I am still learning with WA and ClickFunnels, it is not easy to balance the two – perhaps doing it one at a time the way you are would be better for me too. I will keep going and bear what you have said in mind.
      Love to see you here, thank you very much 🙂
      Louise x


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