How To Increase Organic Traffic For Your Website

This is where the real gold lies, if we can answer the question of How To Increase Organic Traffic For Your Website, we can increase our opportunities of growing our online businesses! It is exciting stuff I tell ya!

Starting at the beginning

So we have a website and we are looking to build an online business – correction – not just any online business but a successful online business, right?

We join the number one Affiliate Marketing Online Business Opportunity, build our website and then what?

Actually, I have simplified things considerably here, we join the number one Affiliate Marketing Online Business Opportunity for the incredible training, community, support and tools they offer. They teach us how to build our online business, and there are four essential steps in that process, namely

1. Identify or choose your niche

2. Build a website

3. Rank content

4. Promote offers

To learn more about all of that, please have a read of my Online Business Opportunity article.

Hopefully we have covered that this is not an entirely simple process but help is available, and to check that out FOR FREE, all you need to do is click on the banner below:

Traffic is the absolute necessity

I digress, let’s return to the subject matter at hand, How To Increase Organic Traffic For Your Website. Traffic is the absolute necessity in your successful online business.

No traffic, no customers, no sales … you get the idea.

Sadly there are many entrepreneurs who launch their online business and website, don’t gain traction with bringing visitors to their websites and abandon mission before they’ve even really started. If that is you, stay with me here, I have some great news for you! There is so much you can do to boost the traffic to your site and turn your online business into a successful online business.

Don’t Despair, Help Is Near

We are talking here about garnering traffic without a massive investment behind it. How? In a word: Google. Google truly is your friend in this online business world.

Let’s have a look at just one aspect of what I am learning through my online business journey as a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate. I started on the Free Starter Membership shared with you above, and very quickly realized that Premium is the route to take, it is available to you too of course, all you need to do is follow this link.

Back to the training I am receiving … the first step is preparation … websites need articles and most of us just write about whatever pops into our head, this is not the best strategy. Every now and then you may strike it lucky, but that really will be a wish and a prayer. Rather make use of the incredible tools available to you. The training I have received is emphatic about Keyword Research. This is your starting point for certain.

Keyword Research

I have a wonderful surprise for you here too, yes, I am full of them! I have a Free Keyword Research Tool for you to enjoy. Go on, it is free, and it’s available right here on my website!

Let’s chat more about what Keyword Research is before we go there, shall we?

Keywords are essentially the words that people type into Google when they are searching for something. So, if you were looking to buy a pair of black Levy jeans, you would type in “Black Levy Jeans” or “Levy Jeans” – you get the drift. So, we know what a keyword is.

Keyword Research then is a way to find sought after or searched words to make use of in your articles. In the headline and in strategic locations throughout your article. Google will find the post and list it in the search engine results for the keyword that you use. If done correctly, you could very well see your website appear on the first page of Google’s search engine results, for that specific keyword. It is extremely exciting to be ranked by Google, I have experienced it firsthand as a result of the great training program I am on.

What is the biggest benefit of Google ranking your articles?

You will see an incredible increase in traffic to your site.

Traffic = visitors to your site = customers = sales =


The success I have experienced with Google rankings boils down to two things:

  • the training I am receiving as a Premium Member, and
  • the incredible keyword research tool I mentioned earlier. Here is what it looks like, and you can trial it out for free! Click on the image below or go to my Free Keyword Tool page.

Like I said though, I am full of surprises!

Jaaxy doesn’t only provide you with opportunities to find profitable keywords, it offers a range of different and very important functions. Have a read of my article on Jaaxy right here.

Getting back to the importance of Keyword Research and How How To Increase Organic Traffic to your site. Bottom line is this, once you have learned how to conduct effective Keyword Research, it becomes a matter of “Wash, Rinse, Repeat”. literally, do it again and again until your website becomes the Successful Online Business you desire it to be!

Let’s learn how to find good low-competition keywords

There is something I haven’t mentioned yet, that is the word “organic” and what it means. Organic traffic is traffic you do not pay for. Yes, it is FREE TRAFFIC to your website.

Paid traffic is also referred to Pay Per Click campaign (PPC through Google Adwords – you can read an article here about How to Advertise on Google). There are social media sites where you can buy advertising, Facebook is a classic example. We are not looking at paid traffic though, we want our business to be as cost effective and profitable as possible. What is more, growing a successful online business is 100% achievable when making use of Organic Traffic. (Not knocking the paid-for, there is definitely place for that – we are just starting out here remember. Having said that, there will always be place for organic traffic).

We are going to focus on getting traffic to you website making use of reliable search engine optimization (SEO), the result of which will result in rapid and enduring ranking.

Apply these strategies and your traffic will grow which, as we know, results in a successful onsite business!

At the outset of your planning, you need to research the keywords or keyword phrase based on the subject matter of your blog or article.

A Keyword Phrase is what search engines like Google use to categorize your posts.

Usually, people searching on the internet will use Keyword Phrases or questions rather than isolated words. These are known as Long Tail Keywords which make more sense to use. Let me give you an example, whilst searching to write this article (making use of Jaaxy of course), I started with

“Increase Traffic To Your Website” This is not considered a long-tailed keyword and in fact, doesn’t make great English sense does it?

I then looked at the options Jaaxy revealed, after some testing of the different options, I found that there were two phrases which were the best of the lot:

“How To Increase Organic Traffic To Your Website” A perfect example of a Long Tailed Keyword, it makes more sense doesn’t it?


“How To Increase Organic Traffic For Your Website” Another Long Tail keyword, for the same reason.

I chose the latter because the competition was lower than the first one and the traffic and searches were pretty much equal. Oh yes, Jaaxy is amazing as your searches reveal these different criteria – how much traffic, how many searches and the number of competing sites there are.

In essence, this means that when people search, they are typing in words which are full sentences, completely understandable without having to add any more words. As writers of articles, it is important that we make the search experience as pleasurable for our readers (ultimately, customers) as possible. How do we do this? We make use of the same wording in our articles!

Being customer-centric is vital. It works in the offline world and online word equally. Keep that in mind, it will make every difference to the success of your business!

There is so much more I could add to this article, I am sure though, that this information has already piqued your interest sufficiently for you to take both opportunities offered for a free test drive. Let’s reiterate them shall we?

Our Free Keyword Research Tool:

Free Starter Membership for your Successful Online Business

Even if you have a website and an online business with a degree of success, this opportunity is one you should grab hold of with both hands. Many of our community members were successful in their own right prior to signing up, and they have never looked back!

I look forward to seeing you on the inside. You are welcome to send any questions my way, either in the comments at the bottom of this page or drop me an email:


Louise aka Late Bloomer

6 thoughts on “How To Increase Organic Traffic For Your Website”

    • Hi Chrissie, that is exactly right! I have had articles ranked by Google (which is what brings the organic traffic to your site) within weeks of joining Wealthy Affiliate. Their training is truly superb! I am just following the training step by step and have every confidence that it will all make sense very soon.
      Thank you for visiting me here, hope to see you again soon.

  1. Do you have any resources that explain Long Tailed Keywords vs what is not considered Long Tailed Keywords and maybe even gives the benefits of using them?

    • Hi Mike
      Thank you for your question – that is a very good one. Wealthy Affiliate training is seriously the best online training I have seen to date (you can trust me on this, I have done A WHOLE LOT of research), every question you could possibly ask about online business is answered either by the incredible trainers we have in Kyle and Carson, or the very experienced and talented community. Why not pop in and have a look around? You can follow this link to create a FREE starter account
      Hope to see you on the inside!

  2. Another very informative post.

    I often use keywords that pop into my head but instead of writing an article using them I always check first with Jaaxy.

    If the KW itself isn’t ideal – ie does not fall within my required parameters as taught at WA – there is usually a handful that are similar that are perfect. Jaaxy really is great for all keyword research.

    I use it to eliminate keywords too – sure saves a lot of time NOT writing for a keyword that I am unlikely to rank for.

    Keep up the great work.


    • Glad you enjoyed it, Lawrence.
      I’ve made the mistake of writing without doing the KW research first – not a wise thing to do.
      Thank goodness for Jaaxy, what an amazing tool we have!
      Blessings always


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