Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners

After much searching and hard work, I have found a system that is perfect. This system is a platform where I have received incredible support, in a community of successful and like-minded online entrepreneurs, plus I have benefited from fantastic step-by-step affiliate marketing training for beginners.

Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners

It doesn’t stop there

Having been in training since October 2018, I can tell you, that even after all this intense training (you choose the speed you wish you travel at, my preference was high speed), there is still so much more for me to learn!

I am recommending a truly fantastic opportunity for you!

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

This question is frequently asked so I have written an article about it too, you are welcome to have a read, it is entitled: What Is Internet Affiliate Marketing?. Should you rather read the short answer, here it is:

Affiliate Marketing is a way of making money by receiving commissions for recommending products or services to others.

Yes, that simple. There is more to it than that of course, but the above is the short answer.

You are still welcome to read the more detailed version where I explain and answer the question:  What Is Internet Affiliate Marketing?

Is there Potential to Make Money In Affiliate Marketing?

Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners

Not only is there potential to earn money in Affiliate Marketing, here are ideas of what Affiliate Marketing could* have in store for you:

  • Create a life of financial freedom
  • Live a life of geographic freedom
  • Build a business in something you are passionate about
  • Quit your job, become an entrepreneur, earn your living online
  • Live a laptop lifestyle, (travel the world, and run your business from your laptop!)
  • Create multiple income streams
  • No technical or sales skills or experience required

Could Have In Store?

Oh yes, the word “could” is an important one to keep in mind. Not everyone makes it in Affiliate Marketing – and for good reason.

You need to know from the outset that making money online takes a number of things:

  • Time
  • Patience
  • Commitment
  • Consistency
  • Hard work

Building a successful online business is no different from building a brick-and-mortar business.  You will be required to have all the above and maybe even more.

This is an article written by one of the members of our awesome community, backing up everything I have said so far – just a little evidence for the skeptics.  Yeah, I know you are there, I was one too.

Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

If you are offered something like that, measure it against this article before you become involved:  How To Avoid The Scams Online.

Get-rich-quick schemes are usually scams!

Why Online Business?

Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners

The difference between online businesses and brick and mortar businesses is very obvious too though.

With an online business you can:

  • Scale your business with relative ease, in other words, build your business and increase the income you generate
  • Work from anywhere you desire (so long as you have a computer and internet connection)
  • Expect a lucrative future, online sales are the way of the future!
  • Create multiple income streams

The Four Main Steps In Affiliate Marketing

There is a lot more to Affiliate Marketing than only four steps, but these will give you a clear indication of what to expect.

We are talking about Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners after all.

Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners

Step 1: Choose An Interest

This is where you get to build a business that is in line with your passions!

Are you keen on cycling or writing or music? Whichever it is, there is sure to be an opportunity for you to build your business.

The main consideration is that it must be an interest you can monetize.

Let’s look at cycling for example – this is a great one! There are many, many products you could review and promote on a cycling site! Here are some examples:

  • Bicycles
  • Helmets
  • Glasses
  • Clothing
  • Sports drinks
  • Cycling Shoes
  • Bike computers
  • Gloves

Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners

As you can see, this list is pretty long.

The thing to consider when choosing a niche (that is the most commonly used word for interest in online circles) is that it needs to be narrow enough too.

So, sticking with cycling, you could decide to focus on road racing or off-road.

You could target professional cyclists or recreational. Then you could break it down further by age – cycling for seniors, cycling for moms and dads, cycling for kids, etc.

The best way to think about it is this – look for ways you can help other people.

Yes, when people are searching online, they are looking for solutions. You can help people find the solutions!

Keen to read more about what a niche website is? I wrote a piece called What Is A Niche Website About? have a read, it will answer that question.

Step 2: Build a Website

This may scare you – but really, building a website has never been easier!

Would you believe me if I told you that you can build a website in less than 60 seconds? It’s true! No technical know-how required.

Not only that, your age really does not matter either. Our community comprises youngsters (teens) and people well into retirement age (in their eighties!) – all building their own websites!

We have folk from a wide variety of backgrounds too, farmers, artisans, accountants, doctors too! You will fit right in, I promise.

I wrote an article about the ease of building a website, How To Build A Website in WordPress in 60 seconds (includes video evidence).

Truth is, you do not need to know any technical terms, code, or anything like that at all. It literally is just a few clicks of the mouse and your website is ready for you to build your online business!

Keen to build your own website? Create a FREE Account with Wealthy Affiliate. You will receive 2 FREE websites ready to build in no time at all!

Step 3: Attract Visitors (Shoppers)

Once you have built your website, the next step is to attract visitors to your site. Visitors are also known as “traffic”.

In the online business world, just like the brick-and-mortar environment, no traffic means no customers and no sales either.

There are 2 types of traffic:

1. Paid Traffic

2. Free or Organic Traffic

Paid Traffic is literally what it says – you pay for traffic.  You invest money in adverts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram for example. We don’t focus too much on this.

Organic traffic is what we focus on with our training – we are taught to build a website that becomes an authority in the niche we are in.

Being an authority attracts visitors to your site because you are writing about things your target market is searching for.

It’s very cool. You get to write about what you enjoy and attract other people who enjoy the same things!

Getting your website up and running smoothly is the most important task, then you will learn how to get visitors to your website.

Step 4: Earn Revenue

Keep in mind, we are building a business here, so our main aim is to earn money, consistently.

This is about achieving all the freedoms we discussed in the beginning.

Earning revenue – not only a great income but also consistent – with your website is very possible!

Here are some ways you can earn an income from your website:

1. Affiliate Programs

2. Build a List (email marketing, which will be an extension of your website)

3. Exciting niche products (like cycling gear) from the likes of Amazon

There are many, many ways to make money from your website, these are just three of them.

Thank you for reading my article: Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners.

Keen to know more?  I have two routes for you to choose from, both are FREE!

1. Join my FREE 7-Day FREE Training Series.  I will take you through a short series of training emails and teach you how to make money online.


2. Dive straight in here:

This is an exciting opportunity for you to build your Online Business! There is no time like the present – and it’s FREE – what are you waiting for?

Look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Blessings always

Hi, My name is Louise and I am an Affiliate Marketer (online guru in training). If you are keen to join me and learn what I have been learning, click on either of the links above. I will be on the inside to welcome you on board!

Yes, you will join the same opportunity I signed up with to explore this incredible industry! Don’t hesitate, this is such an exciting journey!

In case you need more convincing, here is a review I have written about this awesome online business opportunity.

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