Review – By Late Bloomer

Taking this from a colleague, “ is one of the most highly recommended WordPress hosts available on the market today.” They have a range of packages available, tailored to meet every budget. As you will see from the banner below, offers hosting from only $3.95 per month! Thank you for joining me here to read the Review – By Late Bloomer.

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Bluehost, when you click a link and purchase hosting from through one of the links on this website, I receive a commission. Clicking through my site does not cost you anything more, the likelihood is that you will receive a better price through my links. Review – by Late Bloomer

Introduction and Summary, also known as simply Bluehost – a hosting company that offers a variety of website hosting options that will agree with the different needs and budgets. they offer the likes of Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, Shared Hosting, and Dedicated hosting – these are standard options. In addition to those, Bluehost also has specialized hosting offers that are tailored for site applications such as WordPress and WooCommerce. They promote their platforms as being reliable and high-performance servers. Plus they offer support 24/7. Review – By Late Bloomer

Thank you for visiting my site to have a look at the Review. There is wisdom in going online and having a look at reviews, you want to be sure that you find the right product and service for your needs, so well done you for doing your research!

It is my absolute pleasure to bring Review to you and the reason it is a pleasure is because I have queried with colleagues to find out who they would recommend for hosting and came up tops. We know then that they are highly recommended by successful online entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers – making use of hosting is critical to the businesses they are committed to.

Let’s get into it. / Bluehost is a specialized web hosting company and is owned by Endurance International Group. One of the 20 largest companies in its field, along with its sister companies (HostMonster, FastDomain, and iPage) hosts well over 2 000 000 domains! was founded in 2003 and its Headquarters are based in Provo, Utah, USA. They operate their serves in-house and the facility is 4,500 sqm in size (50 000 square feet!).

The services offered by Bluehost are shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated and Cloud Hosting, and WooCommerce Hosting, plus many other types of hosting and domain services.

Overview: At A Glance

NAME: Bluehost


PRICE: From as little as $3.95 per month, offers a wide variety of packages

FOUNDER: Matt Heaton

KEY PEOPLE: Matt Heaton (Founder and CEO 2003 – 2011)

Dan Handy (CEO 2011 – 2015)

Mike Olson (CEO 2015 – present)


ACQUIRED BY: Endurance International Group in June 2011


Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Bluehost when you click a link and purchase hosting from through one of the links on this website, I receive a commission. Clicking through my site does not cost you anything more, the likelihood is that you will receive a better price through my links.

The Good & The Bad

The Good:

PRO #1 Solid reputation – built over decades

PRO #2 Listed as one of the official hosting providers for WordPress blogs

PRO #2 Unmetered bandwidth on all accounts

Pro #3 Starter plan comes with 100 email accounts and their Plus and Business Pro plans offer unlimited email accounts

Pro #4 Support Centre is available 24/7, no matter where in the world you are

Pro #5 Extremely high-security protocols to protect the sites of their clients

The Bad:

CON #1 To get full functionality you need, you may, unfortunately, need to install the available add-ons

Con #2 Unfortunately thee are up-sells to navigate, which can get to be an annoyance, particularly if you are adhering to a strict budget

Con #3 The WordPress plans can be expensive when compared to plans offered by competitors

Who is For? products cover a wide range of online businesses from entry-level beginner sites all the way up to large corporate businesses. can be utilized by a wide range of online businesses with users from entry-level to expert level. As a result of their exceptional product offerings, are able to accommodate individuals with beginner websites to large corporations with teams of experts.

  • Bluehost is one of the oldest names in the business and trust is well-established. They are a great option for clients who see a reliable web host with a solid reputation.
  • Clients who are already with WordPress and can afford to pay more for access to enhanced features and a support team of experts dedicated to WP.
  • Large and small businesses will be very comfortable with Bluehost, even if they are on a budget. Tools & Training

Bluehost offers a 24/7 team of experts to assist their clients with their sites. This team brings an enormous base of knowledge and support. As I mentioned, there are colleagues within the community I work in who rave about Blue Host’s Tools and Support. if they are anything to go by, you can expect to have your hosting expectations not only met but exceeded.

The team are not restricted to Tech Experts only, they also have Design Specialists on board to assist with any design issues you may face.

Whilst I am writing this review I decided to give their contact center a little test and their response speed is exceptional. Not only that, when one person cannot answer your query, they are quick to pass you onto a specialist who can. Their service is great!

Below is a screenshot of their contact center who I reached out to,  you can see that they separate out the different areas of concern a customer may have. I connected with General Sales Questions because I wanted to ask an entry-level question, my question was about any training that they offer to someone brand new to building a website. They promptly referred me to a YouTube link  (I have shared the video below for your viewing pleasure) and offered to connect me to a Design Specialist! Products and Services

Bluehost offers a very wide range of products, programs, and support (as you have seen above). The products are as follows:

Shared Hosting

The vast majority of the people I have interacted with agreed that shared web hosting fits the bill. When you are building a whole new website and have no way to predict exactly how much traffic will be moving through your website, shared hosting is more than adequate.

  • Perfect for a new site or blog
  • The customer dashboard is easy to use
  • Everything is fully managed for you

VPS Hosting
Is described as a middle-ground offer. This is where you share a physical server with others but have your own virtual operating system. This means that the server operates as if it is your own physical server.

  • This option provides power, control, and flexibility to the user
  • Perfect for moderate to high traffic websites
  • Scalable with on-demand resources
  • Full access for complete control

Dedicated Hosting

As this name suggests, there is no shared hosting involved here. This kind of hosting is offered to larger organizations and corporations who want dedicated hosting arrangements, without having to take on the responsibility, staff etc., to host their sites themselves.

  • Great for established sites with high traffic
  • A site with resource-intensive needs
  • Highest level offering in security and performance

As you can see in the graphic below, there are different price points for each offering and different levels of “Power” as they describe. Shared really does provide an opportunity for your site to get online. VPS gives you the control and flexibility to run your server in your own way; and the final option, Dedicated, aptly named – is for sites that require a dedicated team constantly providing improvements, security, and customization. Pricing – “Select your plan”

Bluehost is a professional outfit and ensure that they offer a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of the market place. This is one of the reasons they are leaders in the field, they know how to cater to clients from the smallest individual blogger to the largest corporations

  • Basic Plan – $3.95 per month and offers:
    • 1 website
    • 50GB space
    • unmetered bandwidth
    • standard performance
    • 1 domain included
    • 5 parked domains
    • 25 subdomains
    • 5 emails accounts
    • email storage – 100MG per account
  • Plus Plan – $3.95 per month and offers:
    • unlimited websites
    • unmetered website space
    • unmetered bandwidth
    • standard performance
    • 1 domain included
    • unlimited parked domains
    • unlimited subdomains
    • unlimited email accounts
    • unlimited email storage
    • $200 worth of marketing offers included
    • over $24 per annul in extras
      • spam expert
  • Choice Plus plan – $5.95 per month and offers:
    • unlimited websites
    • unmetered website space
    • unmetered bandwidth
    • standard performance
    • 1 domain included
    • unlimited subdomains
    • unlimited parked domains
    • unlimited email accounts
    • unlimited email storage
    • $200 marketing offers
    • over $80 per annul in extras
      • Spam Expert
      • Domain Privacy
      • CodeGuard Basic

NAME: bluehost.comWEBSITE:

PRICE: From as little as $3.95 per month, offers a variety of packages

FOUNDER: Matt Heaton

KEY PEOPLE: Matt Heaton (Founder and CEO 2003 – 2011)

Dan Handy (CEO 2011 – 2015)

Mike Olson (CEO 2015 – present)


ACQUIRED BY: Endurance International Group in June 2011


My Final Opinion of offer loads of exciting features and extras, not only at the top-level price but at every price point. They offer flexibility for every budget and diversity of plans. No matter what your needs are, Bluehost is able to deliver.

The majority of clients are very happy with Bluehost’s services, this is in spite of some negative feedback. The fact that Bluehost has been in business over 20 years of online business, just proves that their reputation and delivery are sound! Described as “an absolute knockout of a web hosting provider” – I would recommend that you take advantage of their offers – particularly the current reduced rates as you have seen in this review!

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Bluehost, when you click a link and purchase hosting from through one of the links on this website, I receive a commission. Clicking through my site does not cost you anything more, the likelihood is that you will receive a better price through my links.

My Number One Online Business Recommendation

When it comes to building an Online Business, this is My Number One Recommendation. I recommend it because this is how I am learning to build my online business. Go ahead, have a look, it really is a FREE Starter Membership – no card information even needs to be shared!

If you need more information about this incredible Online Business Opportunity, have a look at my article here.

Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


6 thoughts on “ Review – By Late Bloomer”

  1. Thank you very much for your review. I often look for good hosting as I have used different ones in the past but mainly I have not been happy with the type of customer service and help when I needed it. I will surely look into Bluehost, the price seems really good and going on what you are saying I am having already good vibes about it. I hope this is the final one for me as I am really tired of keep changing it. Thank you

    • Hi Barbara

      Thank you, you have made my day! I really do put a lot of work into the reviews I write and even more so when it is an organization I am an affiliate for.  I do hope you have a wonderful experience with Bluehost.



  2. Hello, I’ve researched Bluehost as well as Hostgator. The Host is a highly recommended web host and shared host cloud host platform. That carries a 99.9% uptime guarantee. BlueHost is a well-rounded hosting platform. I also recommend Bluehost because it has been around awhile. Moreover, if you are using WordPress. WordPress recommends Bluehost because it has been around so long. You might not know this but Bluehost (1996) has been around longer than Google. 


    • Hi Kevin

      Wow!  I did not know that about Bluehost!  thank you for sharing.  I also appreciate your support of Bluehost, it is great to read that you are in agreement with this review.

      Thank you for your visit and time to leave a comment here, much appreciated.



  3. Hello,

    Very good information you provide about “Bluehost”. In my case, the choice of a hosting company is not an easy task. Bluehost has very good references for many is the best hosting company. I have worked with three different hosting companies, all of them also with good previous qualification and the truth is that the support is not what I expected.The technicians do not understand the problems that non-technical people like me have. I will also keep Bluehost very much in mind in my future plans.

     Regards! Claudio

    • Hi Claudio

      Thank you for taking the time to read this review of Bluehost – I am very happy to see that it was of service to you.




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