How To Make Money Online Writing eBooks

How To Make Money Online Selling EBooksLet’s start with some benefits of the online business world:

  • Become an entrepreneur
  • No more 40+ hours working away from home per week
  • No more hours wasted in daily commutes
  • No more hours away from your family
  • Increase your income – double, triple or even 10X!!!
  • Work from wherever you choose
  • Work whenever you choose
  • To achieve high-income earnings
  • Retire on your terms

These are some reasons you may be reading this article and considering how to Make Money Online Writing eBooks.

Make Money Online Writing eBooks

How awesome could this be – you get to make your own money, without even leaving your home. Or how about, you don’t even have a fixed home, you decide to travel the world and live a life of complete flexibility and freedom? Yeah, this could be you too! Whichever you choose. Maybe even a combination – that would be my first prize! Gypsy when I fancy and homebody when that suits me too.

If you have a passion for writing, here are some options for you:

  • Make money online writing blogs
  • Make money online writing articles
  • Make money online writing content
  • Make money online writing ebooks

In short, you can make money online writing – simple as that!

Is There Money To Be Made Online?

Is There Money To Be Made Online?

Let’s address this question first and foremost. I recently published an article called “Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money?” and in that article, I included a lot of stats about making money online. Trust me, the numbers are very compelling! Pop over there and have a read of the article either now or once you have finished reading this article. Those stats are produced by independent research companies as you will see.

Here is the article name with a link again – Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way to Make Money?

I also wrote an article entitled “How To Make Money Online Selling Information Products” which may interest you too.

Let’s address the topic at hand, How To Make Money Online Writing EBooks.

What To Write About

What To Write About - The Same Genres As You Find In The Library

The genres are as wide as you would find in any traditional book store or library. No longer are authors and writers compelled to work with the publishers. Technology has enabled self-publishing is a way that we probably never imaged would happen! If you are a writer and keen to share your musings, the online world has opened everything up to you!

eBooks really can be written about a wide range of topics, do not have to be reams and reams of text and you can write about anything from your hobbies and interests to fiction. Literally, anything that you have to share. There is a huge international audience of people who are keen to get healthier through exercise and a variety of different diet types (vegan, keto, you name it) or who want to learn a musical instrument, learn about drones, etc.

Off the top of my head, here are a couple of examples:

  • Travel hacks and tips
  • Educational: Any area of learning: writing, mathematics, arts (painting, drawing etc), music, mechanics, horse riding, sports – you name it!
  • Religious
  • Biographies
  • Non-Fiction
  • Fiction

If we cast our minds back to when aspiring authors sloughed through reams of paper typing all hours of the night and day to produce manuscripts. Then they moved from one publisher to another experiencing rejection after rejection before securing a publisher to produce their work. After all that, they were charged a fee!

The online world has changed all of that! No longer do you need to trudge from publishing house to publishing house. You can publish online and make money selling eBooks. What about if your writing is not up to scratch. No problem, hire a ghostwriter and get your EBook published on a platform like Amazon! Truly the opportunity is wide open.

First prize is if you are a writer with great skills, that way the entire process is simpler. If you re not a great writer, but have something valuable to share, then you hire a writer – there are loads of ways to do this.

The eBook industry continues to provide profitable ways for writers to share their skills and abilities. Livelihoods are generated this way! Perhaps you are a writer who is keen to work as a ghostwriter. Many of the online business people are non-writers and outsource their writing – another awesome way to earn an income!

Researching what readers enjoy is key, look out for what sells well and how to market your eBook. Your research will reveal the potential for you to cash in on, and the reason writing eBooks has made it onto the list of top 10 online businesses to start.

Just to encourage you a little further, think about the increase of eBooks readers – people literally carrying their libraries around with them in their Kindles, iPads, eReaders – you name it. In my mind, there will always be a place for good old-fashioned books printed on paper with hard or soft covers – I love the feel and smell of a book, don’t you? But if I am travelling around and want to take a number of titles with me, that’s when technology overcomes my nostalgic yearnings.


eBook Business Strategy

I encourage you to consider planning your eBook Writing Business as a long term opportunity and the key to this is to have a longer-term vision. With this in mind, you get to build lasting relationships with your customers and they will return to purchase from you again, and again. It makes good business sense to approach your business this way. Remember, it is a business, no different to brick and mortar in many ways, make sure it is something you are going to love and want to do long term. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme I am advocating here, far from that in fact. Those are more often than not scams.

Once you have achieved this, your online eBooks business will provide you with a great lifestyle, just as I detailed right at the beginning of this article.

How To Write eBooks and Make Money

How To Write eBooks And Make Money

The potential to make a profit with eBooks is very apparent. I would like to share a break down of genres and figures from 2017 taken from (Q2-Q4 eBook Sales By Genre), have a look:

  1. Literature & Fiction – 70,610,173, $330,926,873.53
  2. Mystery, Thriller & Suspense– 35,429,137, $187,673,043.62
  3. Romance – 50,957,116, $162,028,816.90
  4. Science Fiction & Fantasy – 18,996,783, $81,406,605.35
  5. Business & Money – 4,194,976, $41,325,645.77
  6. Religion & Spirituality – 6,455,761, $41,325,645.77
  7. Teen & Young Adult – 7,230,307, $34,336,298.95
  8. Biographies & Memoirs – 4,567,017, $33,107,908.66
  9. Health, Fitness & Dieting – 4,076,865, $30,935,130.61
  10. History – 3,931,305, $29,700,133.66

Convinced yet? Yeah, the eBook business certainly can be a profitable business to get into! You can even create it as an add on to another online business you run, Affiliate Marketing for example, remember the articles I mentioned earlier? Yes, here they are again:

Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way to Make Money?

How To Make Money Online Selling Information Products

They will all work really well together!

Making Money Selling eBooks

Making Money Selling eBooks

There are more steps in the process than the writing of your best-sellers only, of course, you need to know how to get your books into the market place. Before we go forward with this though, please ensure that your eBooks contain valuable content – think about it from a rating perspective, if you have the choice of a 5-star or a zero-rated eBook, which would you buy? Content is important.

The suggestions that I have read is that your first eBook can be made available for free or at a lower price. Once you have built up a customer base and you have reviews from your readers, you can start increasing the prices of your eBooks. Keep in mind that you will need to be competitive too, look at what the prices are in the market place when you are working your pricing strategy.

The really, really exciting part of the online business model is that you can generate recurring income. Whenever a customer searches for the topics that you have written about and purchases it – you get to earn money! This can continue for years, perhaps decades, after it’s published! Such an incredible way to build your online business! The work that you did once, continues to pay over and over! Very cool.

Cover Designs and eBook Publishers

eBook Publishers

I’ll be honest, I am not so clued-up on this side of things but can give you a couple of ideas to consider. I found these ideas in the course of the online work I do, which will be shared with you in a little bit.

PLR Planners

In their words “Build A Low Content Book Publishing Empire”. Just look at their exciting range of product offerings! Not only is there a great range, but the colours and images and designs are also truly gorgeous! I love PLR Planners products, they also offer incredible freebies! You can have a look by clicking on the image below.

PLR Planners


Sqribble offers you a great way to create eBooks directly from your URL with absolute ease. So, if you write articles for a website, this is a perfect fit for you! Very simple to use, no need for major technical skills at all. Sqribble have made eBook publishing extremely simple. As you can see, it is quick and easy, want to have a look at a demonstration video? Just click on the image below and have a peek:



Another exciting option! With Designrr you can literally create eBooks, Blogs and Flipbooks in no time at all! Definitely worth considering too!

Designrr - Create eBooks, Blogs, Posts & Flipbooks in 2 Minutes

I may just have to write reviews of each one of these options – because I am quizzy and I want to bring you, my valued reader, the best value possible! Having said that, we are all different and so it is highly probable that your preference will be different from that of another eBook empire builder.

Signing Off …

I trust that this article has offered you value. It certainly has been a very interesting topic for me to research and write about – who knows, there may even be an eBook or two in my future (actually, there definitely will be, it’s just a matter of time).

Oh, Wait!

Before I love and leave you, please allow me to share how and what i am doing to build this very website and generate an income online. I belong to the most incredible training platform within an awesome community of like-minded online entrepreneurs. We have the privilege of receiving top class training all whilst building our online businesses. You can join us too! Need more information? No problem, have a detailed read with this article, Online Business Opportunity where you will learn everything there is to know (as much as you can in a single article that is).

Or, trust me and jump right in here! I have a special offer for you, that is a FREE Starter Membership. No need to even enter your card details, all you will need to share is your name and email address. Join me – you won’t be sorry!

It really is time for me to sign off now. I have really enjoyed writing this article for you, I hope you have gained much from it too. Any questions or comments or feedback will be really appreciated – just drop them in the comments below.

Blessings always

Yes, this is me – Louise, aka Late Bloomer. I have one final special offer to share with you and that is my 7-Day FREE Training Series To Make Money Online! I would love to guide you for just 7 days in the training that I have received – this truly is an exciting opportunity for you. Hope you take me up on it and I look forward to seeing YOU on the inside.

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