What Is the Fiverr Affiliate Program? 5 Reasons To Sign Up Today!

I am totally overwhelmed by the opportunity presented by the Fiverr Affiliate Program, as will you be!

From an Affiliate Marketer’s perspective, this is almost heaven! Read on to find out why I say that!



Fiverr Affiliate Program


“Fiver is the world’s largest marketplace for services starting at $5.” That is insane value for money – what costs $5 these days? Well, that is the starting price for services offered through Fiverr. Perhaps, like me, you are aware of who Fiverr is, but in the event that you are not, here is a little precise:

Fiverr is a platform where talented freelancers can be found and introduced to entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking for their services. What kind of services are we talking about? Audio, creative, digital, web design, web programming, copywriting and more.

In Fiverr’s words (taken from Awin.com) “Fiverr is the home for digital, creative, web programming, copywriting, audio, video and other professional services, providing a one-stop shop for millions of digital services. Fiver allows entrepreneurs and business owners to make their business better, stay on budget and get things done in just a click. Currently, Fiverr lists more than three million services on its site.”

Let’s discuss the topic at hand: What Is The Fiverr Affiliate Program? I am bringing this article to you in review format, it’s only fair that we look at all the different angles of the Fivver Affiliate opportunity.






Introduction and Summary

As an Affiliate Marketer, you and I will be aware of the high demand and need for a wide variety of professional services and skills. Not only is hiring a Fivver professional worthwhile in terms of cost but also, in terms of time! Imagine, how much time you could be spending on the strategic side of your business if you could outsource the design of your websites, daily implementation of research and writing blogs, social media, etc. What a massive time saver that would be! As an Affiliate Marketer, it is easy to promote these services, we understand the desire to be entrepreneurial, working on our own terms (as the freelancers do) and as business owners, we get how valuable the services offered really are!

What is the Fiverr Affiliate Program?

Until yesterday, I was aware of Fiverr, they have an awesome reputation and are very well worth knowing about, but I had no idea about their Affiliate Program – allow me to share this with you – this is so well worth knowing about!


Thank you for visiting my site to have read the answers to the question posed at the beginning: What Is The Fiverr Affiliate Program? I started out saying that I would give you 5 Reasons to Sign Up, truth is there is a lot more than a mere 5 to speak about! You can be sure that I am recommending this opportunity because I believe in it. How can you be sure? I have joined The Fiverr Affiliate Program, I would not have done that if I did not believe in it!


Let’s get into 

The Fiverr Affiliate opportunity is not too unlike other affiliate programs in the mechanics of how it works. You promote the products and services, a customer makes a purchase through your link and you earn a commission.

Where it is extremely different from other Affiliate opportunities is in its extremely wide range of products and services to promote! This enables you to write more than one promotional piece and target more than one market. I am sure that you, just like me, look for different ways to showcase the products and services you affiliate for. Fiverr makes this easy for us by offering a myriad of professional services. Here is a list for you to digest:

  • Graphics & Design: Logo Design, brand Style Guides, Business Cards & Stationery, Illustration, Brochure Design, Poster Design, Flyer Design, Book & Album Covers, Packaging Design, Web & Mobile Design, Menu Design, Postcard Design, Catalog Design, Social Media Design, Portraits & Caricatures, Cartoons & Comics, Car Wraps, Banner Ads, Photoshop Editing, Architecture & Floor Plans, 3D Models & Product Design, T-Shirts & Merchandise, Presentation design, Infographic, Design, Vector Tracing, Invitations, Twitch Store
  • Digital Marketing: Social Media Marketing, SEO, Content Marketing, Video Marketing, Email Marketing, Crowdfunding, SEM, Marketing Strategy, Surveys, Web Analytics, Influencer Marketing, Local Listings, Domain Research, E-Commerce Marketing, Mobile Advertising, Music Promotion, Web Traffic
  • Writing & Translation: Articles & Blog Posts, Resumes & Cover Letters, Technical Writing, Translation, Creative Writing, Research & Summaries, Sales Copy, Press Releases, Transcripts, Legal Writing, Email Copy, Business Names & Slogans, Website Content, Scriptwriting, Book & eBook Writing, Product Descriptions, Speedwriting, Beta Reading, Proofreading & Editing
  • Video & Animation: Whiteboard & Animated Explainers, Video Editing, Animated GIFs, Short Video Ads, Logo Animation, Intros & Outros, Lyric & Music Videos, Spokespersons Videos, Live Action Explainers, Visual Effects, Animated Characters & Modeling, Animation for Kids, Slideshows & Promo Videos, Product Photography
  • Music & Audio: Voice Over, Mixing and Mastering, Producers & Composers, Singer-songwriters, Session Musicians & Singers, Podcast & Spoken Word Editing, Vocal Tuning, Jingles & Drops, Sound Effects
  • Programming & Tech: WordPress, Website Builders & CMS, Web Programming, E-commerce, Mobile Apps & Web, Desktop applications, Support & IT, Chatbots, Data Analysis & Reports, Convert Files, Databases, User Testing, QA
  • Business: Virtual Assistant, Data Entry, Market Research, Business plans, Branding Services, legal Consulting, Financial Consulting, Business Tips, Presentations, Career Advice, Flyer Distribution, Lead Generation
  • Lifestyle: Online Lessons, Arts & Crafts, Relationship Advice, Health, Nutrition & Fitness, Spiritual & Healing, Family & Genealogy, Gaming, Greeting Cards & Videos, Your Message On Viral Videos, Celebrity Impersonators, Collectibles, Global Culture

You have to agree, that is an impressive array of products and services! From an Affiliate Marketers perspective, its almost heaven – think about who you can target in your promotions! Agencies, Corporate Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Schools, Teachers … the list goes on!

There is enough there to keep me busy for an extremely long time – in fact, I may even have to hire some freelancers through Fiverr!


Overview: Fiverr Affiliate Program At A Glance:

NAME: Fiverr International Limited

PRICE: FREE to Join as an Affiliate

PRICE: $5 to $1000’s to customers, depending on their requirements

OWNERS: Tim and Dan Joo (Co Founders)

FOUNDED: 1 February 2010



The Good & the Bad


What Is The Fiverr Affiliate Program?  Pros Of The Opportunity

The Good:

Pro #1 The extremely wide variety of professional products and services to promote (almost Affiliate Marketers heaven)

Pro #2 Great commission structure, potential to earn is very high

PRO #3 Available in multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch

Pro #4 Well established, professional and slick

Pro #5 Great marketing material and creatives, across all the different products on offer

Pro #6 Easy to sign up as an Affiliate

Pro #7 Affiliate portal at Fiverr is user-friendly, even for newbies

Pro #8 Great online support available

Pro #9 Free to join


What Is The Fiverr Affiliate Program?  Only 3 Cons

The Bad:

Con #1 One time commission for new customers only

Con #2 I’ve seen others say that the banners ads and tools are basic, I am happy with them, not being one for too much flash and distraction

Con #3 Anyone can become an Affiliate, this is easy to overcome though if you know how to do effective market research



Who is Fiverr Affiliate Program For?

Fiverr Affiliate Program is tailored for literally anyone keen on earning an income, as a side gig or full time. It can be used in conjunction with other affiliate programs.

Your Target Markets as a Fiverr Affiliate Marketer is as follows (and you could probably add more to this already long list)

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • PPC and Online Advertisers,
  • Niche researchers
  • Writers – freelance, permanent and contract
  • Domain flippers
  • YouTubers
  • All Companies involved in SEO
    • Corporates, Small Home Businesses, Entrepreneurs etc
  • Market Research Houses
  • Agencies – PR, Corporate Communications, Advertising
  • Marketers looking to find the ranking of their sites and posts (SERPs – Search Engine Results Pages)
  • Local marketers and businesses
  • Online businesses and marketers
  • Local businesses
  • Schools, Teachers
  • Pretty much anyone

Fiverr Affiliate Program Tools & Training

As mentioned above, Fiverr offers great Affiliate tools in the way of banners and branding, and they are created for the broad range of products and services offered. Have a look at some examples below:


Fiverr Explainer Video Advert


Fiverr Singer Songwriter Advert


Fiverr Copywriting Advert

Fiverr Logos Advert Trendy Market


Fiverr Logos Advert Corporate


This is just a few examples! They have more than 50 pages available to you as an Affiliate Marketer!

Training within Fivver

Fivver Affiliate Program is so easy to use, really simple to navigate – there truly is absolutely no need for training as an Affiliate.

Having said that, Fivver has an incredible range of Training Courses – you could sign up for and/or promote!


  • Fiverr PRO Services – $150
  • Whiteboard & Explainer Videos – $60
  • Website Builders & CMS – $60
  • Ecommerce – $50
  • WordPress – $40
  • Lyric & Music Videos – $40
  • 3D & 2D Models – $50
  • Presentation Design – $50
  • Web & Mobile Design – $35
  • Data Analysis & Reports – $35
  • Mobile Apps & Web – $35
  • Spokespersons & Testimonials – $35
  • Promotional Videos – $35
  • Research & Summaries – $35
  • Business Copywriting – $35
  • Resumes & Cover Letters – new sub-category was added with $35
  • Articles $ Blog Posts – $30
  • Creative Writing – $30
  • Translation – $30
  • Voice Over – $30
  • Illustration – $30
  • Branding Services – $30
  • All Other Sub-Categories – $20

What Is The Fiverr Affiliate Program?


NAME: Fiverr International Limited

PRICE: FREE to Join as an Affiliate

OWNERS: Tim & Dan Joo (Co-Founders)

FOUNDED: 1 February 2010


My Final Opinion of The Fivver Affiliate Marketing Program

Fivver has competition in companies such as Upwork Freelancers.com, and are the only company offering an Affiliate Marketing Program in its field. This alone makes them progressive and smart in their strategies. In addition, Fiverr is constantly growing and developing their product offerings, they are very in tune with the demands of the market place.

An Affiliate Marketer who does not take advantage of this incredible opportunity is missing out in a big way. Fivver Affiliate Marketing Program presents us with great opportunities to market and grow our businesses and earn exceptional commissions. The question really is this: why would you not consider becoming a Fivver Affiliate?

Before I love and leave you, I have to share My Number One Online Business Opportunity with you.  This incredible opportunity is right up your street if you are:

  • already an Affiliate Marketer
  • newbies looking for an online business opportunity
  • looking to work from home (stay home mom, stay home dad, disabled or even a teen or young adult student)
  • looking to make additional money for luxuries
  • keen to earn more for retirement
  • planning for retirement
  • already in retirement
  • seeking exceptional online training in a dynamic and forward thinking online environment
  • looking for an incredible community of like-minded online entrepreneurs to rub shoulders with, learn from and contribute to

Look no further, it is right here for you, AND, you even get to test drive it on a FREE Starter Membership Package!


No ready to jump in with both feet? No problem, more information is available in an article I wrote especially for you in my article about this wonderful Online Business Opportunity

Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside – yes, I will be there to greet and welcome you!




PS  Yip, that is me, Louise, aka Late Bloomer Wealthy Affiliate and online marketing guru in training.  I always prefer to connect a face with the words.

6 thoughts on “What Is the Fiverr Affiliate Program? 5 Reasons To Sign Up Today!”

  1. Oh boy! Looks like I’m missing out big time. I’m an affiliate marketer and the affiliate program looks great for Fiverr. I’m surprised that the others like Upwork have not caught on to include their own affiliate program. Fiverr is really ahead of the game, isn’t it? I will definitely be applying to become a Fiverr affiliate.

  2. Wow, you learn something new everyday. I almost feel ashamed that I did not know that Fiverr had an affiliate program. This is awesome. I have been involved with affiliate marketing for quite some time now and have used Fiverr many times. But, I had no idea they had an affiliate program. You have laid this out perfectly. Thank you so much for this post. The benefits of this affiliate program are amazing and quite lucrative I might add.

  3. Hey, and thank you for the review.
    I’ve read from the Top to the Bottom 🙂 and find that your topic is very interesting.
    As an Affiliate Marketer, that great insight you’ve given me and thank you once more for that.
    I knew not about Fivver befor but after reading your review I am more than willing to go with they affiliate program.

    But for personal reason I have to wait for a time 🙂 .
    I’ll come for sure, I can’t loose such a great opportunity.

    Absolutely I Appreciate your post, for giving me another great opportunity to earn money online.
    See you very soon on Fivver.

    • Hi Fatchola
      That is awesome to hear – I am so happy that this article has given you another opportunity to earn money online!
      Wishing you every success!
      Blessings always


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