Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money? [Reliable Stats & Facts Included]

There are so many online scams around.  Too many people say they’re making money, but in truth have yet to find the right formula to generate a sustainable income. In this article, I will be giving you hard evidence about Affiliate Marketing. There are many naysayers out in the world who have witnessed people they love try one thing after another, only to come out empty-handed. Well, I am here to share some great news with you – there are viable business opportunities available to you in the beautiful online world!  It gives me great pleasure to answer the question is: Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money?


Let’s Look At The Facts

Before we go any further, there are some important facts we should consider and keep top of mind:

1. There are more than 4 Billion people online; that is 40% of the global population!

2. $10,000,000,000’s are being spent online, and this number grows year-on-year

3. The tools to build an online business are better now than they ever have been

4. Thanks to the online world, we have access to the best training and mentors in the world!

Here are some numbers according to (

“In 2018, an estimated 1.8 billion people worldwide purchase goods online. During the same year, global e-retail sales amounted to 2.8 trillion U.S. dollars and projections show a growth of up to 4.8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2021″

Thanks to the 2020/2021 pandemic and resulting lockdowns, these numbers on the rise like never before!  Have a look at these numbers, thanks to Adobe Analytics:

U.S. online purchases over the 2020 holidays grew 32.2% from 2019, totaling a record $188.2 billion as shoppers stayed home and shopped on the web during the pandemic, according to Adobe Analytics.”

eMarketer data had this to say:  “Consumers spent an additional hour every day online in 2020 in light of the coronavirus pandemic and stay-at-home restrictions.

People spent 7 hours and 50 minutes per day consuming digital media in 2020. That’s a 15% year-over-year increase, up from 6 hours and 49 minutes in 2019.”

Here’s a little more information to whet your appetite:

People Search Online for Information

– 8 out of 10 people from developed countries

– 21 out of 61 people from developing countries make use of the internet (ICT Facts and Figures)

– Approximately 40% of US companies market by way of blogs (eMarketer)

– 35% of Fortune 500 companies have been involved online with active blogs since 2008 (Forbes)

– A staggering 97% more links to websites are generated by companies with blogs (HubSpot)

I have not even mentioned the social media aspect of marketing yet! Let’s have a glimpse at Facebook’s numbers, they are going to knock your socks off!

– 2017 – Q3: the net income was $4.7 billion

– Facebook is THE #4 most valuable brand ON PLANET EARTH – $73.5 BILLION!

– 1.37 billion Facebook users per day, we are talking about active users here

Is The Online World Worth Venturing Into?

With that information securely under our belts, I believe that we have answered the question of Is The Online World Worth Venturing Into? It is more than safe to say that the online world is definitely worth becoming involved with, but how? What are the ways we can become involved in the online world? There are many, here is a list of 10:

1. Sell Information Products

2. Write and sell EBooks

3. Dropshipping

4. Affiliate Marketing

5. Print-On-Demand Products

6. Digital Marketing Services

7. FBA – Fulfillment by Amazon

8. Online Coaching – Personal, Business, Courses and Consults

9. Offer Advertising Services

10. Software As A Service (SAAS)


So, Let’s Answer The Question At Hand:

Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money?


Answers To The Question Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money Online


I am a member of an incredible online community and between us all, we have reviewed thousands upon thousands of online business opportunities.

This platform offers an incredible Online Business Opportunity and has educated 1,500,000+ people since 2005 to make money online. Our research has definitely shown us that Affiliate Marketing is the way to go. If that was not the case, we would all have left a long time ago.

Wealthy Affiliate is the name of the platform, I have written an article with the details which you are welcome to read.

The purpose of this article is not only to answer the question and provide you with evidence – it is to present you with an opportunity too! 

What opportunity?   An awesome one …  to learn everything you need to know to create your own successful online affiliate marketing business and all the tools you will need.

I encourage you to read on for 5 success stories. There are many, many more, I just want to share the tip of the iceberg with you


1. Grace aka LittleMamaGrace aka Littlemama profile picture

Grace describes herself as “just a say home mom” and she has achieved incredible things! Clearly, this Littlemama is a very hardworking LittleMama!  She has gone from earning $119 per month to $4,931 per month in 1 year!  Her sights were set on making in excess of $10,000 per month in 2019, which she topped.  2020 and 2021 continue her massive upward growth curve.

Grace joined in September 2016 and achieved Super Affiliate status on August 23, 2018. Grace has only great things to say about Wealthy Affiliate, have a look at a snip of her profile below:

About Littlemama

What an inspiration this lovely lady is! Don’t take my word for it though, read Grace’s success story for yourself! This are a few of Grace’s articles:

These articles detail how Grace earned $54 in 2016 and how that rose to $40,049 in 2018 and $100,000 over a 4 year period!  Online, working hours that suit her, from home, no less!  w

I love the way she shares her journey because it creates a realistic expectation in the minds of others, she speaks about how much work she started putting in mid-2017 and how that is why she achieved what she did. I also love how she says “If a stay at home mom can do this, so can YOU!!”


Littlemama - 2019 Year In Review:  $40K Thank You WA!  Happy New Year!


2. Roope Kiuttu

Roope Kiuttu

Roope is from Finland and he joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2015. Roope is a full-time Affiliate Marketer and he enjoys the freedom of living wherever he wants in the world. Roope is also known as Robert, in his words “because it’s easier for foreigners ;)” This young man has done extremely well, have a look at a recent article he wrote entitled $2,200 in 20 hours – This Works!

Now granted, Roope has been at this business for some time now, but it is only 5 years – could you make $2,200 in 20 hours with what you are doing in the same time frame? No? Okay then, read on.

As you can see in the article he wrote below, Roope asked the same questions as all of us:

  • Does Wealthy Affiliate work?
  • Can I really make money online?
  • Can I succeed even though I don’t have any prior experience in affiliate marketing?

And his response is: “Let me answer in 3 words: ‘YES! YES! YES!”

Roope is a humble and hardworking guy who has put everything into his training and development (in fact, he continues to participate in training and attend development seminars and workshops). On his profile, he says that he is glad he gave it a try and didn’t quit, even though he did not see immediate results. This article offers proof that Affiliate Marketing does work and evidence that the training and support he received at Wealthy Affiliate is what enabled him to achieve what he has!

Roope doesn’t share these numbers to brag, he shares them to encourage others. As you will see in the article, he offers his advice based on his experience. He shares the numbers knowing that there are other Affiliate Marketers within the community who have made much, much more than the $2,2K in a day. He shares this information to show us that it is possible for anyone who is prepared to take the training seriously and work hard.

Here are a few more articles shared within the community by Roope:

Roope Kiuttu  +$2,200 in 20 hours - This Works!



3. Jerry Huang
Jerry Huang Profile Picture

When it comes to Jerry, I am not even going to share all his achievements, because they are ridiculously huge and I do not want to set the wrong expectations with you.

I am going to share one of his blogs though, which explains a lot to beginners – about what to expect, how to work, and what to plan for. This article is solid advice and also share his achievements in financial terms plus shows where he comes from.

Jerry was set to go to university and was working part-time at a hotel buffet. Instead, he chose to do Affiliate Marketing and joined Wealthy Affiliate. Today Jerry is a full-time Affiliate Marketer and has written and launched an Affiliate Marketing training course in Mandarin. Jerry’s income has shot through the roof! As a direct result of the training and support, he has received with Wealthy Affiliate.

Let’s have a look at his advice to beginners though, this is so very important. He shares a wealth of knowledge (at his tender young age) and if he can do this, with sheer hard work, determination, and grit, so can you! Have a look at what Jerry has to say in this article entitled A Very Important Message For All Beginners

A Very Important Message for ALL Beginners!  Blog by JerryHuang

One of Jerry’s most recent articles within the WA community, is titled How WA has transformed my life – literally! 

Jerry joined Wealthy Affiliate with every intention of success, what he has achieved has blown even his socks off!


4. Eddy Salomon

Eddy Salomon profile picture

Eddy has been with Wealthy Affiliate since June 2007, so he is very experienced, but he works full time so that is something to keep in mind.

In his article, My Blogs Earned Over $100K Part-Time in 2018, he shares about a new site he launched in 2017, not anything to do with making money online which was the niche he has been in for the years.

Eddy details his experience about how to grow and develop your niche site, and how he learned to do this as a result of the training he received at Wealthy Affiliate.

He speaks about the ups and downs and challenges he experienced, these are important for us to know as newbies to the industry.

Eddy enjoyed great success with his new site, in spite of the challenges and he shares how his part-time blogs (not just this one) earned him over $100K part-time in 2018. Well worth reading! Have a look.

My Blogs Earned Over $100K Part-Time in 2018 blog by Eddy Salomon

To give you an update on where Eddy is at, here is another blog he wrote recently – I Made Over $1 Million With Affiliate Marketing

5. Chris aka BenjisDad

Chris aka Benjisdad profile picture

Chris started with Wealthy Affiliate in April 2017 as a result of feeling the pressure of having a new family to take care of – this was after his son Benji was born, hence the name “BenjisDad”.

He tried a host of other things, moonlighting as a DJ on the weekends, a YouTube channel, and what he describes as “other odds and end work”. He goes on to say that “these things were nice, and I made a little money with it but there were a few problems…”

The problems included not bringing in enough money, too much time away from family on top of his job, and no end in sight. So he decided to look at Affiliate Marketing as a way to generate a Passive Income. Chris describes Affiliate Marketing as “something that virtually has no ceiling.

You make as much money as you want. You just have to put in the work.”

Have a read of his article $500+ in 1 Day when he talks about earning an income whilst he “was sick as a dog. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, headaches… The works.” So literally, Chris generated more than $500 in his online business whilst he was incapacitated, as he describes in the blog.

You will also notice how Chris is yet another humble man, he speaks about how he doesn’t like to share his earnings in posts because he does not want to be seen as bragging. Wealthy Affiliate has an incredible culture within the community, Chris is a great example of it.

$500+ in 1 Day blog by BenjisDad

Here is some generous information from Chris about becoming successful without selling your soul.   Another one of the awesome things about being part of an online community is that we get to learn from one another in ways we may never have imagined.  

Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money?

Yes!  Written in the  beach sand

In conclusion, I believe that this question has been answered as a huge resounding YES! More than once!  By the way, I intentionally used that beach shot – my plans include extensive travel and eventually settling down somewhere beautiful, right on the coast!

This is the Late Bloomer way of saying ABSOLUTELY YES!!!

Late Bloomer Thumbs Up


Where Is The Best Place To Get Involved With Affiliate Marketing?

Now we have established the answer to the original question, I need to give you the answer to:  “Where to go?”.

Without a doubt, Wealthy Affiliate is the place to go.  I have been with them since October 2018 and have loved every minute so far!

The training is superb and the community absolutely awesome! You cannot go wrong with Wealthy Affiliate! Read more about it in the article I have written, entitled “Online Business Opportunity”

Or, jump straight in with this FREE Starter Membership offer.

Yes, it is 100% free, you do not even need to give your card details to gain access. It is my personal invite to you, join me on the inside, you will be overwhelmed with information and the quality of the training and community – plus, I will even give you a bonus for joining me! Here is your opportunity, grab it now:

Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


Free 7 Day Email Training Series


2 thoughts on “Is Affiliate Marketing A Legit Way To Make Money? [Reliable Stats & Facts Included]”

    • Hey Roope
      You have just made my day! Thank you for your visit and for taking the time to leave a comment!
      Thank you for being the success you are so that we can share this amazing opportunity with others.
      Blessings always


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