My Wealthy Affiliate Reviews 2023 – The Online Business Opportunity of the Year!

I value your time, and for that reason, allow me to give you a quick introduction to this amazing platform in the following video.  If you have time to spend with me here, welcome to my Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023, fasten your seatbelt, and enjoy all the information … trust me, there is a lot to know about the online business opportunity of the year!

Here it is, My Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 – The Online Business Opportunity of the Year! 


You can get started right away!


OR you can enjoy all the information I have put together for you below.  There is a lot to know about Wealthy Affiliate, so buckle up your seat belt and enjoy the journey with me! 

====>  If you would prefer a shorter read, I have prepared that for you too –The Skinny On Wealthy AffiliateI do not want you to miss out on an awesome opportunity because time is short, & as I said before, I value your time. <====


The Facts

*Brand: Wealthy Affiliate


*Active Since: Sept 10, 2005

*Members: 1 million+

*Training: 96.01%

*Support: 92.83%

*Website Builder: 98.28%

*WordPress Hosting: 93.45%

*Software Tools: 91.92%

*Success Stories: 90.09%

*Starter Membership: $0.00 (1st week get FREE access to Premium features)  Join Here

*Premium Membership:

  • $49.00/Month 
  • or $497 for an annual membership ($91 Discount which is almost a 2-month discount!) Join Here

*Upsells: Premium Plus+ Membership – one you’ll jump at as soon as you are ready (no hurry and no pressure)

*Scam Status: Definitely not a scam

To quote a fellow affiliate who is far more tech-savvy than I “Wealthy Affiliate is THE most sophisticated online business building platform available right now.” As a tech-boffin and committed member of WA, he not only knows his business, but he also puts his money where his mouth is!

The Wealthy Affiliate Way

Online Business Opportunity of the year


Wealthy Affiliate focuses on helping the “average man on the street” (and woman for that matter) to build and scale an online business. Just this aspect speaks my language, I am all about helping others (and being helped of course, particularly with the tech side of things).

Initially, Wealthy Affiliate was a keyword listing service, that was in 2005.  Today this beautiful business has become an incredible resource for information, training, software tools, security and so much for – specifically for entrepreneurs.

Speaking of training, Wealthy Affiliate updates training materials in the region of 750 times a year, and system improvements are around 155 fixes each year on average.

Wealthy Affiliate is a front-runner in online business, it has been established as a trusted authority, and recognition within the search engines proves this.

The absolute joys of pursuing an online affiliate marketing business with Wealthy Affiliate:

  • No need to develop your own products, they already offer what you need to build a successful and lucrative business
  • No need to develop systems, research, and search for suppliers of the different elements you require (website hosting, site security, niche finders, keyword search facilities., etc., etc), Wealthy Affiliates offer everything you could need in one place
  • No need to spend a fortune on testing and doing a wide variety of different training programs, all of this has been done for you at Wealthy Affiliate, all you need do is follow the system.

Now you have the facts at your fingertips, allow me to introduce you to the amazing team who created and maintain this incredible platform.  After that, we will delve into a more detailed description of the wonderful business opportunity available to you.

Meet The Co-Founders

The co-owners, Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim studied together and had already enjoyed success prior to establishing Wealthy Affiliate.


Kyle Loudoun & Family

Carson Lim & Family

Kyle and Carson joined forces with the shared vision of creating an authority brand to offer entrepreneurs the Online Business Opportunity where they can build businesses with every support possible. Wealthy Affiliate offers:

  • seriously top-notch resources,
  • unsurpassed quality training and service
  • a superb platform to build a business without having to fret about the many potential technical challenges the digital environment can present.

Their hard work has resulted in more than 2 million people worldwide learning how to make money online!

Let that sink in!  2 million plus & still growing! 

Do not let those numbers scare you off.  There is still room for you!  Consider this, more than 4 billion people are online – that is more than 4 billion potential customers!

How did Kyle and Carson get this right? Let’s delve a bit deeper.

Firstly. they surrounded themselves with an awesome team, here is a breakdown of everyone in Senior Management:

Kyle Loudoun, Marketing Chief & Co-Founder

Co-Founder and Marketing Chief, Kyle is often the face of the brand.  It is not uncommon to see and have direct access to Kyle within the community.  He is extremely approachable and always more than happy to assist.  As you can imagine, he is inundated with greetings, requests, and messages so you have to be quick!  Kyle is also the frontman with the Affiliate Bootcamp and OEC Training – more about those a little later

Online Business Opportunity of the year

Carson Lim, Design Chief & Co-Founder

Carson is less frequently seen online in the community, the nature of his responsibilities plays a part in that of course.  He has been seen mingling amongst the community, just not as regularly as Kyle.  As you can see, Carson’s role is described as “critical”.  I suspect he is the one responsible for making our lives really easy from a technical perspective, and thank heavens for that – as entrepreneurs, we get to concern ourselves less with the technicalities of our businesses and more with the money-making aspects.

Online Business Opportunity of the year

KC, Programming Chief

As can be seen below, KC is one of the original members of the team and is the head of programming.   Simplicity is a theme that you can see running threading itself through the way things are done within Wealthy Affiliate.  All to make our lives so much easier.

Online Business opportunity of the year

Aaron, Technology Chief

Aaron joined the team in 2009 and brought an incredible depth of technical knowledge with him.  He does a great job of making sure that this substantial platform (they call it a “beast) runs with the stability, security, and speed that we can expect from a top-level online offering!Online Business opportunity of the year

WA Training Chief

Jay, Training Chief

As Jay is our Trainer Supreme, we get to enjoy his company during the live training classes.  Jay is an incredible presenter, very animated, and engaging.  He brings a wealth (no pun intended) of experience to the community, we are so blessed to have access to this wonderful man!

Jay also surprises the community with impromptu training from time to time, which is in addition to the weekly scheduled sessions we have come to know and love.

Jay too pops into the community to chat and help out – a great addition to the team and a huge benefit to the community is Jay.  Online Business Opportunity of the year

In addition to senior management, the Wealthy Affiliate team comprises more than 20 full-time “Superstars”.  The community members have constant access and assistance.  Literally 24/7/365, no matter where in the world you are based, or which time zone you are working in!  It’s a phenomenal achievement, I am sure you will agree.  No wonder the platform is called the “beast”, can you imagine the sheer magnitude of it?

Over 20 Full Time Super Stars On The WA Team


Wealthy Affiliate University

Online Business Opportunity of the year


Wealthy Affiliate offers an incredible education, here is what you can expect (all for your Premium Membership fee):

Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC)Online Entrepreneur Certification Logo

5 courses – 50 lessons

  1. Getting started – level 1
  2. Building your own traffic-producing website – level 2
  3. Making money – 
  4. Mastering social engagement.
  5. Achieving maximum success through content creation.

Online Business Opportunity of the year

What Does OEC Prepare You For?

The OEC takes you through the process of creating your own niche online business.  Anything you have a passion for and can see yourself talking about for the rest of your days – is what you can build a niche website in.   Naturally, there needs to be a market and products to sell around that niche, if I take one of my passions into consideration, cycling, I could  build a website around a variety of aspects:

  • Road cycling
  • Off-road/mountain biking
  • Competition cycling
  • Recreational cycling
  • Bikes
  • Helmets
  • Cycling Shoes & Cleats
  • Training methods
  • Best places in the world to road bike
  • Best places in the world to mountain bike

These all came to be almost within an instant!  They are all different aspects of cycling and I could choose one, or a combination of these topics, to build a website and sell related products.  See what I mean?  Perhaps your interest in scuba diving or ladies’ make-up, clothing, or road running – you name it, there is a way to build your online business around your passion!

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you exactly how to choose your niche, create your website, drive traffic to your site, and make money online by selling products within your niche.


Sign Me Up Now


Affiliate Bootcamp

7 courses – 70 lessons

  1. Getting your business rolling.
  2. Content, keywords, and conversion.
  3. Giving your site social value.
  4. Get visual, get aesthetic. Get a brand through media.
  5. Knowing your audience and catapulting your referrals.
  6. Bing, Yahoo, and the power of Pay Per Click (PPC).
  7. How to scale successful PPC campaigns

Online Business Opportunity of the year

The Affiliate Bootcamp differs from the Online Entrepreneur Certification in that this course teaches you all about Affiliate Marketing.  Another very exciting online business opportunity – available to you at Wealthy Affiliate within the same Premium Membership!

My Training Activity

There is a very convenient auto-save feature that generates a record and history of your activities – this eliminates the pains of finding your way back to where you finished off, it takes you straight back to where you need to be.

Online Business Opportunity of the year


Training HQ

Training HQ includes all the classrooms, training, text, and video lessons

Training HQ is fabulous to navigate, it is a well-designed resource center. The design makes it simple to locate everything you may need when it comes to building your online business.

There are also great live training webinars once a week which include live Q&A sessions. Recordings of previous training can be accessed online too!

Online Business Opportunity of the year


There are options available too. Rather than going through the Training HQ, classrooms can be accessed directly, where you have access to a wide range of information:

  • Questions and answers from members of Wealthy Affiliate.
  • Tutorial training.
  • Video training.
  • Courses

Wealthy Affiliate University

I am sure you will agree that all the training offered above can easily be equated to a University Degree in Online Marketing – only with Wealthy Affiliate, do you get to build your online business as you learn.  Ultimately, you get to earn as you learn.  All this is done from wherever you choose – including at home on your couch!



Super Affiliate Strategy Sessions

If becoming a Super Affiliate is of interest to you, then you’ll be very happy to know that Kyle hosted 12 sessions which will take you from where you are now to Super Affiliate status!

Available to Premium and Premium Plus+ members, these Affiliate Bootcamp strategy sessions are set to help us catapult our sites and online presence in a big way! 

Not only that!  With all the hard work and determination, you have an increased opportunity to win the All Expenses Paid Trip to Vegas!


Online Business Opportunity of the year


But that’s not all folks!  I encourage you to continue reading …

Platform Tools

Online Business Opportunity of the year


Site Rubix – Your Dream Website Builder

Wealthy Affiliates makes life so easy for their members, there is a website builder, domain registration, and hosting provider (SiteRubix) all available within WA! This saves an incredible amount of time and money!

Just to mention amazing offerings within the Domains and Hosting:

  • You can create and maintain between 1 and 10, yes, that is 10, websites
  • You can transfer domains to WA’s domain name registrar
  • Buy and renew domain names and the extensions, .com,.net,.org. biz etc
  • They have incredible hosting speed, comparable with Amazon
  • Instant DNS setup
  • Excellent bandwidth allocation (in the region of 500,000 visitors per month)
  • 24/7 security threat scans
  • Daily website back-ups (for those of us who are still students of this craft)


Help & Support Facilities

If anything has overwhelmed me at Wealthy Affiliates, it is the incredibly high level of Help and Support available – the owners (yes, they are hands-on and available) to mentors, to fellow members – there is always some available to answer questions! You can ask on an open forum or send private messages.  The response is rapid and often tags the perfect training for you to do a quick run-through and continue confidently.  Whilst we are on the training, I cannot emphasize enough how incredibly valuable the training is at Wealthy Affiliate.  Anything you need to know about building your online business is covered in this platform – written by either Carson, Kyle, or one of your fellow community members.  I cannot believe the brain power and knowledge within Wealthy Affiliate – totally mind-blowing!

Content Creation

Working within the SiteRubix platform, users can publish pages and posts directly to the internet. I am told (remember, I am not a techie, so this may make more sense to you than me – I go on faith here) that the Googlebot, and other spiders online, are encouraged to fetch documents to rank within search engines and directories – this is hugely important, it means all your hard work will receive the attention it deserves!

Not a published author – yet? No fear is necessary, as you type and complete your drafts, a simple click of the “check grammar” icon, will put your mind at ease. This checks for spelling errors, poor grammar, inaccurate punctuation, etc. Easy peasy!

Online business opportunity of the year


Traffic & SEO

The online world has its own “ecosystem”, websites grow and develop and as they do, they are attributed trust and credibility – the longer a visitor stays on your website, the better it will rank in the online “ecosystem” – in other words, your popularity grows, at least your content popularity does.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation – you know Google, Bing, and Yahoo?  Yeah, they are search engines.  Doing your SEO right ensures that you achieve recognition with the search engines and they reward your efforts but helping get visitors to your website.

Attracting traffic (visitors) to your website/s is absolutely key.  At Wealthy Affiliate, you have the opportunity to learn how to do this, an example is the core subject “learning how to gain free traffic to your website”. This, of course, is not the only course available, there is more than enough training to assist you in increasing the traffic to your online business.

SEO is a whole world of its own too – implementing proper SEO techniques is absolutely imperative, not done correctly, and your online business will fade into obscurity. No need to be fearful, enter Jaxxy – incredible technology which will hugely benefit and enhance your SEO efforts.

Jaaxy – The World’s Most Advanced Keyword Research Tool!

Jaxxy is integrated within every member’s profile at Wealthy Affiliate. Seriously a force to be reckoned with, Jaaxy offers high-tech Keyword Research, Site Ranking, Search Analysis platforms and more.  With this incredible tool at your disposal, you can exhale, in the full knowledge that your hard work is being supported in every way possible.

Online Business Opportunity of the year

Features of Jaaxy include:

  • Keyword metrics
  • Alphabet soup searching
  • Save-able lists
  • Search History
  • Search Analysis
  • Brainstorm queues
  • Affiliate program incentives
  • Site/page ranking
  • Help and support

I have written a full report on this amazing tool, you are welcome to read more and even give it a try – for free!  Or just go ahead and give it a quick try right here!


Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool


Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

There are three options available to you, you can join as a Starter Member, Premium Member, or Premium Plus+ membership.  All have obvious advantages.

The Starter Membership offers you the opportunity to get to know the system for free.  Your first 7 Days allow you access to almost everything.  Certainly enough to give you all the insight you need to make an educated decision.

If you have any doubts, and I really would rather you put those to bed soonest, then join as a Starter Member and take the system for a test spin.  Once you are convinced and ready to enjoy every benefit Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, then I encourage you to go Premium.

Below you can see the comparison between what is offered to a Starter Member versus the benefits of going Premium.  Starter Membership really is a taster for you to experience a bit of what is to come.  You get to try it out for free and you also have the option to join as a Premium Member.

  • Monthly, as can be seen below is $49 per month, 
  • Annual Rate $497 (which is almost a 2-month discount at $91 off!)
    • BONUSES WITH ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP:  Free .com Domain ($14 value), 100 Community Credits, Bonus Live Class (Aska Me Anything With Kyle)

Wealthy Affiliate rewards us with great saving opportunities as we commit ourselves to the process of learning and building our online businesses.  Whichever option you select, prepare yourself to receive an insane amount of value for your money!

I started on the Free Starter Membership and upgraded in a very short space of time, the value was that apparent to me.

Online Business Opportunity of the year

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus Membership

The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus Membership offers a great deal more than Premium Membership does.  There is a lot of information to share on Premium Plus so I decided to share it with you in comparison format rather than list all the features in isolation.

I leaped at the opportunity to become a Premium Plus member for the training (and wow, just wow!), and for the Jaaxy Enterprise access.  Just those two additions make it worthwhile.  As you will see below though, there is a whole lot more to Premium Plus than the two reasons I joined for.

Online Business Opportunity of the year

Online Business Opportunity of the year


Sign Up As Premium Plus Member Today!


How Do I Know What Wealthy Affiliate Offers Is A Good Offer?

This is not my first rodeo so you can take it from me, the options offered by Wealthy Affiliate are seriously good. I am not here to knock any other opportunities, but I can tell you, this one is well worth your time, consideration, and investment!

There are other legit online business opportunities around, I have reviewed some of them and participated in others.  They simply do not all offer the value that Wealthy Affiliate Marketing does, I can promise you that.

Everything on offer at Wealthy Affiliate is exciting.  One of the most amazing things they offer is the freedom to build your business around your own passion with a niche website, or you can market the Wealthy Affiliate opportunity itself! 

Learning how to become an effective affiliate marketer through the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp training, also opens wide the door to signing up with other great online affiliate marketing ventures.

Many online opportunities only offer you the education to market their own products, that is not the case here.

For me, it is a no-brainer to sign up as an affiliate for WA, let’s look at the benefits:

Review Wealthy Affiliate Program – Commissions and Incentives

It goes without saying that there is money to be made in the Affiliate Marketing industry, this does not come without work, hard work, and consistency – these two elements are vital.

You also need an entrepreneurial mindset, that’s a whole other topic on its own. 

Let’s take a look at the great earning potential at Wealthy Affiliate.

Online Business Opportunity of the year


There are other platforms offering higher commissions – but their ticket prices are also considerably higher.  Don’t be fooled by the hype with some of those, you have to invest heavily before seeing any return – and there is never a guarantee on the return!

There is also an annual incentive trip to Vegas to consider! This is an incredible opportunity to rub shoulders with other high-achieving affiliates, learn about what to expect in the year ahead, enjoy awesome accommodation, delicious foods, superb entertainment, and more! Suffice to say, it is one incentive worth aiming for!

Here is what was shared about the 2022 Las Vegas trip!

Want Proof of Success at Wealthy Affiliate?

Want some proof of success within Wealthy Affiliate?  No problem, I have written an article to give you a glimpse, there are many, many more success stories, these are just a few.


Why would you not consider joining WealthyAffiliate?

I cannot think of a single reason right off the bat, let’s look at some pros and cons:


Pros of Wealthy Affiliate

  • You can test drive at absolutely no cost to you and, you are not obliged to become a Premium Member (though I highly recommend that you do of course)
  • Wealthy Affiliate contains an incredible amount of up-to-date training and information, you cannot underestimate the value of all these Wealthy Affiliate Tips!
  • There are numerous tools available from the awesome Free Keyword Research Tool, Niche Finder and more, all of which enables you to conduct a broad range of research, including page rank checks
  • The Site Content platform is superb, it contains: site manager, builder, domains, content, comments, feedback, and support
  • 24/7/365 live chat, personal and private messaging
  • Live weekly webinars
  • The education is not only related to building your online business but also includes courses that will guide you to success
  • The opportunity to connect and mastermind with other Wealthy Affiliate members
  • Exceptional earning potential


Cons - Thumbs Down

  • Information overload could fry one’s brain – this can be managed by following the recommendations contained in the training: step-by-step is best
  • This is not a get-rich-quick scheme (true entrepreneurs know that you have to commit to it for the long haul)  It is a marathon, not a sprint!

The Online Business Opportunity of the Year!

Truly, Wealthy Affiliate is the Online Business Opportunity Of The Year!  Definitely worthy of your consideration – don’t take just my word for it, click on the sign-up banner below – it’s a FREE Starter Membership – you have NOTHING to lose!  With the FREE Starter Membership, you will have an insight into the training, support, and community network I have been raving about.  The worst that can happen is that you will learn how to build your very own website and rank with Google in the course of the training!  Give it a shot … you will not be sorry  …

Seriously, take me up on the invite, you get the Free Starter Membership and have absolutely nothing to lose!

Free Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate


Last But Definitely Not Least: A SPECIAL BONUS, FROM ME TO YOU!


There is the FREE OPTION – yes, you read that right, it is also mentioned right above here – FREE STARTER MEMBERSHIP!   

Once you have joined, I shall be in contact with you soonest – there are conditions to this, of course, the first one being that you must set up your account – I already know you are an action-taker so this will not be a problem for you at all.

Not only are you an action-taker, but the process is simple, literally easy-peasy!  You can do it, no stress.

So, click on this link and join as a FREE Starter Member

So, when you create your account at Wealthy Affiliate, you can expect personal contact from me on your profile – that will be to say “hi” and offer you some more information about this amazing place, Wealthy Affiliate. 

Included in this message will be how to get help directly from me.  There are loads of new people to meet within the platform, when you arrive you will already know one of them – me. 

Don’t miss out, it’s going to be FABULOUS!

Thank you for taking the time to read my Wealthy Affiliate Review, it has been my pleasure to write it for you!  Now you know why it’s the Business Opportunity of the Year!

See YOU on the inside!



Free E-Book The Proven 4 Step Process To Starting In Online Business

6 thoughts on “My Wealthy Affiliate Reviews 2023 – The Online Business Opportunity of the Year!”

  1. Wow – Louise this sounds like a fantastic online business opportunity, not exactly what I expected to find simply because I was thinking inside the box.

    What Wealthy Affiliate offers is so much bigger than I thought.

    I have a thousand questions I could ask you but I suppose all the answers are available “on site” so to speak.

    What I am interested to know more about is the niche and selling other people’s products. I really thought an online business had two options:

    1. Recruiting to build levels of a team in a multi-level marketing program or
    2. Selling my own products. And I don’t have one.

    This seems to offer so much more and I am most definitely going to take a look.

    So pleased I came across your site

    • Hi Lawrence
      Thank you for taking the time to have a read and leave me your comment too.
      Agreed, there is so much more available to us than MLM or selling our own products online – I am grateful to have found Wealthy Affiliate.
      I look forward to seeing you within the community.

  2. Louise,

    You have created an awesome website. You really give the information that’s needed in making decisions to join. I’m so glad I did. I’ve been with WA for 3 weeks now and already have my website up and running. This is a great place to be and I’m so excited to get all the training done and learn more. Everyone is so helpful and friendly, too.
    Thanks for all your information. I’ll have to come back and read more of your articles. Great job!

  3. Hi Louise, I am slightly confused, I found your Wealthy Affiliate review, but in the drop down link under the menu it says “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019”, on the image at the top it says “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020” and in the title it says “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2022”. It is very confusing.

    • Hi Jacob
      Thank you for taking the time to visit my website, it’s great to see you here.
      Sorry that it confused you, I can see why and will explain a little:
      1. The post was originally written in 2019 and when I wrote it, I did not know yet that including a year in your URL is not the best choice. Now that this post has been ranked with Google, I don’t want to delete and start it from scratch again so I update it year on year. So that means the content is updated each year but the dropdown URL will always have the year 2019 in it. Most people don’t even notice that so well done to you! 🙂
      2. The feature image was still in need of an update, I have done that now.
      I hope this makes sense.
      Blessings always


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