Is Legendary Marketer A Scam or What?

Legendary Marketer A Scam or What?

– Review by Late Bloomer



Introduction and Summary

Legendary Marketer’s communications and messaging is very slick, almost aggressive, but as you go on, you find the heart of your presenter, mostly David Sharpe, the owner.  I am a bit of a soft-sell person so the initial hard-hitting messaging repelled me, though I did stick around long enough to see if it’s worthwhile or not, I do allow my gray matter to rule when it comes to money-making opportunities.

This company describes itself as an organization whose mission is “to help people start an online business or grow an existing business using cutting edge marketing strategies.” They go on to so that they “help people learn the necessary personal, business and marketing skills to thrive with confidence in an ever-changing and highly competitive online market place.” Finally saying that they do this by “providing robust digital courses, personalized virtual coaching, and highly dynamic and supportive live mastermind events.”

At first glance, Legendary Marketer appears to be a great opportunity. My impression is that they probably do offer excellent training and master mind support. Let’s’s get into it a bit more and see if this is a smokescreen or the real deal.

Legendary Marketer

It’s great to see you here taking advantage (in the best possible way) of the research and work I have put into bringing this review your way. It makes perfect sense to get as much information as possible before parting with your hard-earned cash to invest in your future. Good for you.

Let’s get into all things Legendary Marketer

Legendary Marketer At A Glance:




NAME: Legendary Marketer


PRICE: Free Basic Membership and Pro for $29.95 per month plus A LOT of upsells – more in a bit

FOUNDER: David Sharpe


The Good & the Bad

The Good:

Thumbs Up From late Bloomer

Pro #1 Income potential is not proven, they provide projected annual income as $500 to $2000

Pro #2 Money Back Guarantee

Pro #3 Their webinar offering is unique to them, no competitor that I have seen offers anything like this

Pro #4 Reporting and comprehensive split testing features are excellent

Pro #5 30 Day FREE trial for all their features

The Bad:

Thumbs Down From Late Bloomer

Con #1  There seem to be a lot of up-sells, I’m sticking around with their 15 Day Challenge to learn more though.

Con #2 High ticket Pricing Structures – though these can be good because it also means high earning potential, but can also be interpreted negatively

Con #3 Your membership fee is not all you pay for, the teaching focuses on paid traffic, ensure you have the money

Con #4  I am not sure if you ultimately become a true entrepreneur, the training is focusing on promoting their products only, will keep going with the training and find out more


Who Is Legendary Marketer For?

Legendary Marketer is positioned as an offering for both newbies and experienced marketers looking to get online. This is great in theory. My gut says that their training is probably very powerful and slick, the concern that keeps resonating in my mind though is that they are training their members only to promote Legendary Marketer. Truth is that as an online marketer, you have the opportunity to promote many, many products (within your niche of course – you can read more about niches here).

Here are some ideas of who can enjoy the benefits Legendary Marketer offers:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • PPC and Online Advertisers,
  • Writers – freelance, permanent and contract
  • YouTubers
  • Local marketers and businesses

Just be sure you have the budget to invest – in the programs and the advertising methodologies they teach.


Legendary Marketer Tools & Training

Legendary Marketer has two main offerings (before we get into their extensive upsell menu – I have an aversion to upsells having encountered them previously, you are welcome to read a review I wrote about that here. The jury is still out on Legendary marketer though because I am still in their training). Their two main offerings can be seen below, there is Basic (for newbies and offers limited benefits) and the Pro (which offers maximum payouts and tools). Details below is a list of the different tools they offer, which all look pretty cool, to be honest. I like that they have detailed their offerings in this way, makes for a transparent relationship right from the outset. The commissions are interesting as you can earn between 10-30% and between 40-60%, those are large variances.

Things to look out for are: 1. the wide variance in commissions; 2. as a Basic member you do not integrate your own autoresponder, that seems to be that Legendary Marketer will then own any leads you generate. As an online marketer, it is wise to own your list so that you can promote other opportunities to your target market (of course the products need be to be credible and appropriate for your list/target market). Clever of Legendary Marketer to do this so they can continue selling to your leads. In other words, going to Basic for an introductory period would be fine, but I would not recommend staying there. Which means you would need to pay $29.95 per month as a minimum. Stay with me and look out for the UPSELLS as Legendary Marketer.

Incidentally, there are NO upsells as my NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION – you are welcome to consider that opportunity too. I highly recommend it.


Training within Legendary Marketer

As you will see below, they describe the $30 per month option as “The Netflix of marketing training). They are taught via video online and judging by their sales videos, you can expect them to be pretty slick too. The promise is that you will be equipped to launch your online business and the training is given by people who are “doers”, in other words, experienced online marketers. I won’t say knock it because I really have not tried it (confession time, I have signed up for their free 15-day trial – I’m curious to see how much they can teach in such a short space of time. My expectation is that this is a clever lead generation tactic and I will be subjected to upsells along the way – will report back on that).

REPORT BACK  –  I promised you the report back on the 15-Day Trial

I am not too far into the 15-Day Trial because there have been some technical glitches in moving from day to day.  you cannot proceed with the training unless you have ticked that you have completed today’s training.  That has frustrated me enormously because I am really enjoying the training and cannot wait to move onto the next day.

Having said that, everything I have learned so far is well worth learning!  In fact, I would go as far as to say it’s excellent.  Go ahead, give it a try yourself, sign up here for the 15-Day Challenge with Legendary Marketer.

The research I have conducted so far has revealed that their training is valuable, however, you really can find training and community support for far less elsewhere. As I said, I do have a Number One Recommendation – take a look here.

As you can see below, Legendary Marketer offers a range of Products and Events. They are as follows:

  • Legendary Marketer’s Club
  • Traffic Rolodex Bundle
  • Marketer Mastermind
  • Entrepreneur Mastermind

Legendary Marketer – Pricing – This is where life gets interesting!

Here they are in bullet point with the details taken from the Legendary Marketer’s website:

  • Legendary Marketer’s Club – $30 per month – as you can see, this is their flagship subscription
  • Traffic Rolodex Bundle – $247 once off – this teaches you how to succeed with your online campaigns. Digital marketing training if you will.
  • Affiliate Marketing Business Blueprint – a whopping $2500 once off (thank heavens for that!) Here you are trained in everything you need to know about Affiliate Marketing. You can do the same as My Number One Recommendation, along with a host of other trainings, a fraction of the cost!
  • Digital Products Business Blueprint – another whopping $2500 one time. Here you are taught all the different aspects of digital products (which have many advantages over trading in physical products, as they point out). Again, this is a very high price to pay.
  • Coaching and Consulting Business Blueprint – yet another whopping $2500. I am sure they offer great insight and expertise, I just really am not sure about this pricing. It is exceptionally high. Again, this is offered as my Number One Recommendation, just saying.
  • Events and Mastermind Business Blueprint – you guessed it, another $2500! This is cleverly positioned because they include the human touch – I like that. We also have that where I am, within the community and with the owner. Did I mention this? At a fraction of this cost.




As you can see from above with the pricing structure, if you do join Legendary Marketer – and trust me when I say I am not knocking what they offer, I am certain it is great training and masterminding and blueprint building, really I am – just brace yourself for the upsells.  As I mentioned earlier, I personally have an aversion to those. There are many ways to participate in training and blueprints etc with a once off cost. The amounts of $2500 just seem out of whack for me.

NAME: Legendary Marketers


PRICE: As you can see above, from free to $2500

OWNER: David Sharpe


My Final Opinion of Legendary Marketer

There is no doubt in my mind that David Sharpe is good at what he does and is highly successful. This is not his first online business offering, and that is a good thing, it means that he has great experience and expertise to offer.

If you can afford it, this may be a great opportunity for you.  The best way to have a detailed look is to sign up here for the 15-Day Challenge with Legendary Marketer, it is FREE.  This will also give you more insight than any review could offer.  As this stage, I will continue with the 15-Day Challenge and free option for two reasons:

1. I have had experience of a really slick organization (which I also loved) where the training was superb – I just could not afford the upsells. That stopped me in my tracks after a lot of work, very disappointing experience.

2. My Number One Recommendation offers everything that Legendary Marketer offers plus more, at a fraction of the price. This for me is a no brainer. Have a look and see what you think:

My Number One Recommendation


You are welcome to try it out for FREE too (for as long as you want it to be FREE) – no card details required! Just have a look here:


Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside! I will be there to welcome you and show you around. I may even have some exciting bonuses for you too – to help you hit the road running!

Blessings always!

Louise aka Late Bloomer

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