Six Figure Mentors – I Loved Them And Left Them, Here Is Why

Six Figure Mentors – Review from someone who loved and left them

I joined Six Figure Mentors end 2016 and was active with them until mid-2018. I loved SFM and left them to join Wealthy Affiliate, here is why:

An Overview – Six Figure Mentors

Product Name: Six Figure Mentors

Web address:

Pricing: Varied, $29 (limited student level) to $20,000 (top-end)

SFM offers a range of memberships (pricing can be viewed further down)

Co-Owners: Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross

When Founded: 2011

Rank: 80 out of 100

Product Type: High Ticket Affiliate Marketing (emphasis on High Ticket)

Who Benefits: the Co-Founders and possibly the top 10% on the leaderboards (perhaps)

Summary: Six Figure Mentors are an affiliate marketing company. The challenge your average man on the street is their pricing. You can expect really great online marketing training, their area of excellence is mindset training. SFM services range according to the different membership levels (Students receive the bare minimum), plus they offer events, retreats, and masterminds event – again, with high ticket prices, and dependent on your membership level. The SFM can be characterized as an affiliate marketing company with and incredibly high amount of upsells.

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: For those who have loads of money to invest and time to wait in order to recoup the investment, yes

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More about Six Figure Mentors

The SFM is an affiliate marketing company offering step-by-step training within the industry. This includes online and internet marketing plus they offer various tools to assist their members in making money online.

SFM USP: teaching about living a “Laptop Lifestyle”

Stuart Ross, the Co-Owner is featured in many video’s on YouTube, he is a great looking chap with a beautiful British accent, he is persuasive and compelling to watch.

SFM offers the following resources to its members:

  • Marketing Banners
  • Affiliate Links & Sales Pages
  • Customizable Sales Funnels
  • Customizable Link Generator
  • Customizable Tracking Generator
  • Customizable Tracking Stats

Members get to follow their training, it may be scan or high level – this depends entirely on your level of membership (my knowledge of their high level offers is based on the many upsell videos I watched during my training so I personally cannot vouch for it. I expect they would hold true to their offer though). Dependent on your membership level, you also have access to a range of different coaches, the more money you have spent, the higher the level of coach. It really is a case of what you spend dictates what support you receive.

Six Figure Mentors make a very appealing offer for those who wish to enjoy a lifestyle of freedom – challenging the status quo and leave the corporate world or mundane job.

Sadly for me, they did not advertise upfront just how large the investment would be to achieve that freedom. There is more to be revealed as we go along.

Who owns Six Figure Mentors?

The Co-Founders are British-born Stuart Ross and Canadian Jay Kubassek.

Jay is very open about having been the co-founder of online company Carbon Copy Pro. It appears that this company no longer exists.

Digital Experts Academy (DEA) is another of their offerings. I can say this, DEA was a positive experience for me, the upsells placing it out of my reach – yet again, so frustrating. You can expect high ticket prices here too.

Six Figure Mentors Funnel

This organisation creates very effect funnels. I shall be astounded if you have not encountered them when searching for affiliate marketing information. Here is a break down of how things work:

1. Advertising

My exposure was through one of their affiliate teams via Facebook. Showcasing also on websites, blogs, social media (organic and sponsored), YouTube etc. I filled my information in on a lead capture page, SFM is keen on A Weber.

The advert which appealed to me spoke about running your highly profitable online business from anywhere in the world so long as you have a laptop and internet connection. This fits in perfectly with my goals of making a difference in the lives of others plus achieving financial and geographic freedom.

2. Lead Generation

Then comes the offer of a Free 7-Day Video Training, admittedly it contains great information but, as can be expected, just enough to reel you in! As a rookie, I had no experience in these things. To view the Free 7-Day Video Training, requires you to complete the lead capture form with your name and email address.

Another offer is their free Simple Lead Capture EBook – these are not unusual online marketing tactics – offering value is highly regarded within the online marketing world. This particular EBook was written by Stuart Ross whilst he holidayed somewhere exotic – Maldives or Mauritius, I forget now.

3. 7-Day Free Video Training

The videos feature Stuart and Jay and arrive timeously. In short, The Six Figure Mentor business model is presented and the plan, naturally, is for you to sign up with the SFM.

4. Six Figure Mentors Basic Membership

Should you like what you see, you are offered the option to invest a relatively small amount, a mere $29.95. This offers limited access to the Six Figure Mentors training system. It is also the first in the many, many upsells headed your way.

5. Contact Your SFM System Consultant

The very cleverly designed system creates a situation where you are given a system consultant, you can talk with. I say clever because it includes the human factor and you have the opportunity to ask questions directly. The ultimate outcome, of course, is to get you to upgrade – to increased insight into the training and systems with an increased price tag.

6. Student Membership, Essential Membership. Elite or Elite Plus Membership – and there are more upsells from there on too

I am shortcutting here, but I am sure that you have already seen there are different membership offerings, each with an increasingly higher price tag. The day came for me where I could not afford “the investment” to climb the ladder any higher.

SFM Membership Options & Pricing

  • Affiliate Access: FREE (Very information available here, take it as a teaser)
  • Student Access: $29.95 + $25/month (Optional) (again, interesting for a rookie but not enough information to grow a business)
  • Essential Membership: $297 + $97/month (this is the real teaser to get you to Elite – that is where you need to be as an absolute minimum)
  • Elite Membership: $2,500/year + $97/month

As with any affiliate marketing program of value, as soon as your information has been captured, they stay in regular contact with you. Unlike Wealthy Affiliate though, the SFM continues up selling with an increasingly higher price.

My entry into SFM was free, sold on the idea of the lifestyle freedom, I invested the $297 in Essential Membership plus the monthly $97 over a period of 18 months. Delving into the training, I learned about the many more levels on offer, the increasing price tag of each one – plus the recommended advertising budget required! With my situation of earning the South African Rand and converting to the USD, this became too far a stretch for me.

To give you a comparison, I am now with Wealthy Affiliate, I had the option of staying at a free membership as long as I wanted, then joined on a special offer of $19 for the first month. As a Premium member, with access to everything on offer, I pay $49 per month! Just to reiterate, there are no upsells here and I have access to the following:

  • All the training available – this includes recorded and live
  • Community interaction
  • Website experts to assist with my sites
  • A variety of service offerings – community, specialists and even direct access with the owners

Back to Six Figure Mentors – DEA Membership

As with the SFM memberships, there are also levels of DEA memberships available. As you level up, you can expect higher levels of support and training. This is not a personal testimony because I did not take the journey, it was simply out of my reach financially. DEA levels are listed below, along with their considerable price tags:

  • Silver: $2,500
  • Gold: $8,000
  • Platinum: $11,000
  • Black: $20,000

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, the upsells are apparent, and they are high-ticket indeed!

Please don’t just take my word for, see for yourself right here payout structure. Commissions are 5 to 10%. A member can really only reap the high commissions when sales are made of high-ticket memberships, right at the narrowest point of the funnel.

Clearly, a member needs to invest a considerable amount before having access to earning the high-ticket commission payouts. Confirmation of what I said initially, the biggest earns are the co-owners, and the top 10% (perhaps).

Six Figure Mentor Tools & Services

4 Major Sales Tools for SFM Members

As add-ons to the SFM memberships, a range of tools are available which will assist in building and running an online business. Again, these are to be purchased.

Here is an idea of what is available:

  • Digital Business Lounge (DBL): $37 or $67/month
  • Simple Lead Capture: $29.95/month
  • Graphix Creator: $99
  • SimpleTrakk: $9.95/month

Unfortunately I have no firsthand experience with these tools, however, members who could afford them gave positive feedback.

It is entirely possible that once you have built your business with these tools, it would be challenging to change to others. This means one would continue paying, whether or not you remained with the SFM.

Advantages I gained from being an SFM member

1. Exposure to Affiliate Marketing – basic level

This was my initiation into the world of affiliate marketing, and it really did reveal the incredible opportunities available online. I had no former knowledge of this at all.

I resistant to speaking badly about Six Figure Mentors, I have discovered that they are expensive and have serious upsells going on, however, they do not appear to be lacking in value – if you can afford the investment required, initial and ongoing, this may just be the home for you.

SFM teaching prepared me for where I have landed now – extremely happy too. Have a look, Wealthy Affiliates not known as No.1 for no reason.

2. Mindset Training

The biggest area of benefit to me was this. Six Figure Mentors zone in on and focus on mindset. An extremely important aspect of any business is to have the right mindset

This is such a clever strategy on their part, members are prepared to become successful and in the process, encouraged to take bigger and bigger risks with higher ticket memberships. Very smart. Now that I am with another Affiliate Marketing company though, I know that these kinds of higher ticket memberships are not essential to achieving great things.

3. Intro to Online Business Models and Affiliate Marketing

Six Figure Mentors helped me understand the concept of online marketing and the requirements in terms of skills, unfortunately, it did not equip me with the skills though. This possibly happens as your investment into the higher level memberships.

4. A revelation of the Online Business Opportunities

I have the advantage of hindsight now, I have a bit of experience with online opportunities and can compare where I can be and what I encounter going forward.

My biggest blessing is that I encountered Wealthy Affiliate and this is where I get everything I need. This is why:

  • It’s affordable;
  • The training is exceptional and the community great

Let me back that up a little, within my first month, I have had two articles ranked by Google – as a direct outcome of diligently doing the training, one step after another – certainly not because I am a genius. PLUS, my first referral came through via my website, organically in other words, and the site is not nearly complete!

One other aspect the Six Figure Mentors assisted me with is to not be fearful of failure and to take “MASSIVE ACTION”. The Bible says “God blesses the diligent” and a popular expression is “the universe applauds action”. Action is imperative and fear just has to move out of the way!

A general overview of Six Figure Mentors

Good and the Bad

The Good:

PRO #1 First Class training in Mindset

PRO #2 They are pretty well-established

PRO #3 Earning high commissions is achievable, (the first move is yours with high-level investments)

The Bad:

CON #1 Expensive plus upsell after upsell

CON #2 Frustration with training due to needing to up level to be exposed to the next level of training

CON #3 Opportunity to earn income at the entry levels is highly unlikely, in other words, up level is the only way to go

VERDICT: Expensive and LEGIT

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