What Makes Wealthy Affiliate LEGIT [Hint: It’s In The Tech]

What Makes Wealthy Affiliate Legit?  Hint: Its In The TechJoining Wealthy Affiliate in October 2018 was one of the most nerve-wracking and exciting things I have done! Since then, the journey has been one great adventure! I have grown exponentially – as a person, in my webmaster skills (yeah, this Late Bloomer is certainly fast on the way to becoming a fully fledged webmaster! And so could you be!), keyword research, understanding and making the most of SEO, writing – oh wow, the list is extremely long! The reason for this article is really to give a huge shout out to the Co-Founders of WA, Carson and Kyle, for their ongoing commitment and dedication to making WA the Leading Online Platform In Affiliate Marketing! That’s a mighty big claim right there, I can substantiate the claim too – stay with me and find out What Make Wealthy Affiliate LEGIT and deserve all the applause!

My Wealthy Affiliate Reviews

In 2018 I wrote my first review on Wealthy Affiliate, I was excited then by what I had already seen so it was extremely easy to write a glowing review – it may have been a bit of a naive review though because I was a relatively new member. A month ago I updated that review (as one does, Google happens to love updated content – I know this because of the incredible training I receive!) and I would love to share that updated review with you too. It was originally entitled Online Business Opportunity, yes, just like that – because those keywords ranked well when I did my keyword research (incidentally, I have a Free Keyword Research Tool to share with you too – take advantage, you won’t be sorry!) but in those days I was still learning about how to write copy that appeals to the readers. Since then, of course, I have learned some more and added a bit more flash to the title, it is now titled “My Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019 – The Online Business Opportunity Of The Year! See how my copywriting skills have grown? It may seem obvious at a glance, but really, when you are learning, you just do not know what you do not know! This growth is thanks to WA and the amazing community.

I digress, you can read my updated review: My Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019 – The Online Business Opportunity Of The Year – let me know what you think by popping a comment in the comment section at the bottom.

I have digressed – yes, this is something I am consistent with, please bear with me. The topic at hand …

What Makes Wealthy Affiliate LEGIT [Hint: It’s In The Tech]

To clarify, I have used the word “legit” in the teenager sense here, meaning that I am talking about what makes WA awesome! Often “legit” is associated with the opposite of “scam” (and WA is legit in that context too!) but I am referring to what makes WA stand out from the crowd. What makes this platform a place that you should be really excited about and clamouring to get onboard too!

We are privileged to have access to a wealth of training, different classrooms, incredible experience and generosity with that experience in the leadership and their backing team, plus a community who do not cease to amaze me and blow me away with their knowledge and willingness to share their expertise with lesser mortals, such as myself. I have been privy to an abundance of information within the community which would have taken me weeks, if not months, to find by searching online! Yes, the information is probably all out there on the www cyber highway, but how to access and make sense of it is another story!

Back to filling you in on the details of the title – that’s why you are here, isn’t it? It all started with me noticing something new on the platform last night, it appeared under my profile picture and is called “Affiliate Programs”. Hmm, I thought, that is new – what is it? I clicked on it and took a little meander around – oh wow! This is a place where I can do all of my Affiliate Program research within Wealthy Affiliate Platform!!! No more wondering around the www cyber highway to search and scrape around finding Affiliate Program information!

Let’s put that into context, shall we? Here is a screen grab of a search for How Many Websites Are There on The Internet in 2019. According to www.websitehostingrating.com, there were over 1.94 billion websites on the internet in January 2019. You are welcome to have a look at yourself. So, when I say searching the www cyber highway, I am sure you can relate and appreciate why I describe it as quite a feat! you really do need to know where to look, how to search and exactly what you are looking for.

With this knowledge, it is no surprise that having access to all the Affiliate Programs information in one place is a massive achievement and enormous benefit.

Carson wrote this blog:

New Platform Launch: Affiliate Programs

Sharing all the exciting information with the community. We are all overjoyed and happily sharing the news with the world, celebrating within the community too! You are welcome to click through and read the original article from Carson, or you can stay with me here and read the little precise I have prepared for you.

Carson started off saying that this Affiliate Program platform has taken almost 2 years to develop – like I said, this is a massive achievement from a tech perspective! Please know that the team working on this project are highly experienced programmers and IT specialists, if it took them 2 years, well, you must know!

Carson then goes on to commiserate with us about how difficult it has been to find Affiliate Programs the traditional way, because they are spread out across the internet and, as Affiliate Marketers, we have had to wade our way through information looking for the perfect matches. Remember the 1.94 Billion websites?

Wealthy Affiliate has changed that for us now by creating the Affiliate Program platform which offers us a really simplified way to discover the Affiliate Programs and also to write reviews and share our experiences about the Affiliate Programs we encounter. All in ONE place!

I have already alluded to the fact that WA is an exceptional platform from a training perspective, specifically empowering Affiliate Marketers and preparing us for online success. Until now though, and I mean literally now, May 2019, we had not had access to all the Affiliate Program information in one place.

That has all changed! We now have access to the Affiliate Program Platform as a part of our membership with Wealthy Affiliate.

You can have a sneak peek at the Affiliate Program Platform too!

What The New Affiliate Program Platform Gives Us Access To

Here is a quick overview of what we have access to with the new Affiliate Program:

The Search Facilities

  • Country Availability (in other words, is this available to you as an affiliate in your country?)
  • Payout Options
  • Auto Approval (of Commissions)
  • A Rating
  • Commission Percentages in USD
  • The Fee charged by the Network

There are filter tabs that are manageable by us as members of the community, this includes all the aspects listed above, from the country to the different payout options (PayPal, Cheque, Bankwire etc), how the approvals work, what percentage commissions are paid out etc.

You can even search for niche related Affiliate Programs! Carson goes on to demonstrate searching within the Golf Niche.

This Affiliate Program Platform really does offer us all the bells and whistles we could possibly need when searching for Affiliate Programs to join and to write reviews about for our websites.

Not only that, the article written by Carson provides us with invaluable training PLUS it reveals just how amazing the user experience is with the new Affiliate Program Platform – I cannot wait to give it a whirl and will definitely be doing that tomorrow!

The Communication Element

Not only do we have access to searching for the really important information we need, but we also have the ability to communicate directly with the merchants via this Affiliate Program Platform! What an incredible tool this offers to the Affiliates and the Merchants alike!

Best of all, the community will all be able to offer assistance to one another when it comes to questions about the different Affiliate Programs. We will have sight of the discussions taking place regarding the details of specific Affiliate Programs. As Carson said, there is a very good chance that hundreds of the community members have had experience with the Affiliate Programs, which means this platform provides us with an exceptional opportunity to share our knowledge with one another!

There is also a review section where we can offer and share feedback – regardless of whether it was a positive or negative experience.

What this means is that we can assist one another as Affiliate Marketers in determining the quality of the Affiliate Program. Plus the Affiliate Program Managers will get to see that feedback too which enable them to improve what is not so good and continue with the great work that is going well. Ingenious! See what I mean about my “Hint: It’s In The Tech”? Who else has this?

As Carson goes on to share, all of this provides the Merchants with a playing field and the Affiliate managers and company owners are going to have access to managing their Affiliate Programs within WA. Plus they can c communicate directly with us as their Affiliates!

This Affiliate Program Platform will also reveal which Affiliate Programs are true opportunities and which are less so and make our lives as Affiliate Marketers so much easier. Plus there will be a much higher level of transparency between the Affiliate and the Merchant!

It Doesn’t End There!

In true WA fashion, there is more to expect going forward! This new Affiliate Program Platform has been described as “WA Affiliate Programs 1.0” (and has taken thousands of hours and 2 years to develop) but there are improvements and what Carson describes as “powerful advancements” coming our way in the next 12 to 18 months! Not only from a tech perspective (as if that wasn’t exciting enough) but also the merchants from indie producers to Fortune 500 enterprises!

Do you know the expression “The Future Is So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades”? 

 Yeah, this is definitely fitting for the future of Affiliate Marketers within the WA Community!

Think It’s Time To Join This LEGIT Platform and Community?

Yeah, I agree. This is how you can do it, on a FREE Starter Membership too!

Sign up today – it’s free – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, especially now that you know What Makes Wealthy Affiliate LEGIT!

I will see YOU on the inside!

Blessings always

PS Yes, that is me, Louise, aka Late Bloomer – always helps to put a face to the words 🙂

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