How to Build a Website In WordPress in 60 seconds (Includes Video Evidence)

If you are anything like me, the idea of building a website at all is intimidating – putting a time frame on it is just insane! But here we are, doing just that! Don’t believe me? Stick around, there is even a video to show you how to build a website in WordPress in 60 seconds (actually, it’s less, according to our presenter, Kyle – he is talking about 30 seconds!)

Who Is Our Presenter?

So you know, this is not my work I am showcasing, but it is the work of our fearless leader at Wealthy Affiliate. We are privileged to have access to the most incredible training. You can experience it for yourself, for FREE, by clicking this link. Either that, or just read on – you will see the video training shortly (oh OK, be like that then, just scroll straight to the video, lol! I would be tempted too)

First, What is WordPress and Why Choose it?

When the world wide web first came into play, building a website required the skills of a programmer-come-designer plus a serious computer with seriously expensive software. Thankfully times have changed. I am a rookie and this site you are on has been built by none other than yours truly. Admittedly, it still needs work, but I am in training, watch this space, it just gets better and better!

So what changed things up? WordPress! This is what is known as an “open-source framework” and has a community of people millions-strong (literally) and at tens of thousands of developers. WordPress is an incredible offering, but still needs a range of other things like – web hosting, FTP, and a degree of technie know-how to install.

Known as the best platform available, still, in WordPress, installation can be challenging. I am told that even experienced web builders and marketers can face difficulties installing a WordPress site. Then guess what happened – WordPress Express – created by none other than our Wealthy Affiliate fearless leaders!

My experience of building this site has been mind-blowingly impressive – it is efficient, even I know how to do this (yes, with help when I need it, read on, you will see how and where). This WordPress Express has really simplified life for the average man or woman on the street. We don’t need to stress ourselves with the technical aspects of building our sites. Rumour has it that folk within Wealthy Affiliate have built their sites in less than 30 seconds, I wasn’t that ambitious, so I stuck to 60 seconds. How competitive are you?

Getting back to why it is so much simpler to build your site in WordPress express, this is what you do not have to worry about at all:

  • Database set up
  • FTP files
  • Domain Registrars or DNS
  • HTML
  • Photoshop
  • Expensive programs

YIP, the good news is that ALL of the above is taken care of for you! Very cool.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

OK, so let’s talk about the absolute proof that YOU can build your website in less than 60 seconds. Have a look at the video below, prepare to be mind blown, the process is insanely simple. Just to be clear, this video will walk you through building a WordPress site from the very beginning, nothing is prepared in advance. Literally, the name and theme and are chosen, then install … I wish I could be a fly on the wall as you watch this one!

Watch The Video By Clicking The Image Below

Incredible, right? And it only gets better!

Right now YOU can get your own WordPress set-up for FREE!

Literally, within a matter of minutes, YOUR site can be up and running – your own WordPress site. Included in this is MANY different themes (brace yourself, I took a while to choose mine – hence the 60 seconds and not 30!). Plus your website can be build around your passions, your interests which means ANY niche you may be keen on. It is your choice! This opportunity doesn’t end here, in addition to building your site with ease, you also have access to a supportive community, that is help and training available to you when you get your site! (See, I told you I got help, now you know how)

The Process Is Simple – Only Two Steps:

(1) You create your FREE Starter Wealthy Affiliate account – yes, FREE!

(2) You get to build YOUR very own WordPress Website

It couldn’t be simpler! There is even more exciting news for you here, my site was ranked by Google in absolutely no time at all, and I am not the only one! There is so much proof inside Wealthy Affiliate, go and have a look for yourself in our success stories, right here!

Just to reiterate:

Step One: You create your FREE Starter Wealthy Affiliate account, either by clicking on the link above (1) or by clicking on this image below:

Step Two: You get to build YOUR OWN WordPress Website – in less than 60 second, OK, or 30 – you competitive thing you!


Sharing Is Caring


Do this one thing for me please. Seeing as you are finding your way to build your website with minimal (if any) pain, as a result of being here with me, please return here and place your URL (website address) in the comments below. That way you will get free traffic – and traffic is everything in the world of online marketing! Also, share this page with anyone (friends, colleagues, family) you know who would also like to build themselves a WordPress website. Surely you can do that for me?

I hope that the video was clear enough, if not, we are here to help. Post any questions you may have below, and I will reply (if I don’t know the answer, I will find out in this wonderful community and get back to you).

Look forward to seeing you on the inside!



4 thoughts on “How to Build a Website In WordPress in 60 seconds (Includes Video Evidence)”

  1. Thanks Louise. This is a great tutorial for those who have never created a website. Your simple instructions should get them going in no time. I have created 4 websites already and like you say, it is is so simple and easy to get started!

    Thanks again for sharing this!

    • Hi Mary Ann
      Thank you for your visit and your comment, I really appreciate your time.
      Agreed, it is so much simpler than we expect!

  2. Hello Louise,
    My wife and I have created 2 websites so far and are shortly to start our 3rd. Wealthy Affiliate is truly the best decision my wife and I have made in the area of creating your own business online. We encourage anyone to join WA and create a new found freedom for their work lives. We wish you great success.
    Thank you for sharing this professional website

    • Hi John
      It is so exciting that we can share our successes with Wealthy Affiliate! Thank you for stopping here and leaving me feedback – not only for me but anyone considering building a website and online business. Such an incredible way to create a life of freedom!
      Blessings to you and your wife


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