What Is Wishpond? [The Good, The Bad & The Ugly]

The first thing that caught my attention is the name of this company – Wishpond, it really appeals to me. I have fond memories of tossing a coin into a wishing pond. Then I started looking a bit deeper and saw a very wide range of great tools for online marketers. The tools you can expect to find at Wishpond range from landing pages to autoresponders, forms builders and so much more. Stay with me a little while and enjoy all the information I will reveal to answer the question, “what is Wishpond?” including the good, the bad and the ugly.

What Is Wishpond

Wishpond Review brought to you by Late Bloomer …

What Is Wishpond

Wishpond came to my attention via a fellow community member, he had great things to say and share. Naturally, I headed over to Wishpond to check it out for myself.

I would not expect anything less from you of course, but you can also take advantage of the insight I have gained over the last couple of years. I have conducted numerous reviews, specifically on tools that make life easier for us online businesses.

I would love to hear your feedback and any contributions you would like to make, please pop them into the comments section at the bottom of this post.

Thank you for visiting my site to have a look at the Wishpond Review – I value your time and feel privileged that you chose to stop by here.

Let’s get into it.

Wishpond’s tag line “The Easiest Way to Generate, Nurture and Manage Your Leads” is very descriptive and makes big promises … “The Easiest Way”.

“Seeing is believing”, and that is why we are here, to have a good look and evaluate exactly what this platform provides and if it can live up to the tag line.

Wishpond offers a broad range of products, these are as follows:

  • Landing Pages
  • Contest Promotions
  • Website Pop-Ups
  • Leads Tracking & Management
  • Online Forms
  • Marketing Automation
  • Email Marketing
  • Referral Suite
  • Newsletter Templates
  • YouTube Contests
  • API

Looks very good so far.

Wishpond also offers an affiliate program. Being an affiliate marketer, this caught my interest so I signed up for the affiliate program too.

That was more than a month ago, and unless something changes very soon, I shall not be recommending Wishpond’s affiliate program. Stay tuned, I shall do an update as things unfold.

Actually, allow me to share my experience so far:

  • 7 August 2020 I signed up as an affiliate for wishing pond
  • On the same date, I received an email from the affiliate manager giving me access to a training course.
  • Once that course was completed I would be fully registered as an affiliate
  • 13 August 2020 I completed the course and responded to the email advising as much
  • 15 August 2020 I sent another email as a “gentle reminder” that I am still waiting for access to the affiliate platform and all the lovely goodies on offer (tools to write about and promote Wishpond)
  • 17 September I have received numerous promotional emails from Wishpond but still no reply from the Affiliate Manager.  So, to encourage a response, I have emailed the Affiliate Manager and the Campaign Manager now.  Hopefully, someone will get back to me soon

At this present moment, would I recommend Wishpond for you to sign up as an affiliate? The answer is a big fat NO.

What Is Wishpond

If this situation changes, I shall advise – promise.

Between you and me, I am hoping they rectify things, I really like the look of the product offering. As an affiliate marketer, however, I cannot recommend a company that does not have its affiliate program house in order.

This is not uncommon by the way. I have encountered other companies that offer affiliate program opportunities but their tracking does not work well.

What that means is that we, as affiliate marketers, will promote their product without realizing any rewards. Affiliate marketing is a business opportunity, so that is a very hard (and expensive) lesson to learn.

My recommendation in this instance is to say, stick with affiliate networks rather than individual affiliate programs.

Let’s get into the products on offer at Wishpond and put the affiliate program aside for now.

Overview: Wishpond At A Glance:

PriceSee detailed pricing within this review
Founded ByAli Tajsekandar
CEOAli Tajsekandar
Overall Rank3 out of 10

What Is Wishpond

The Good & The Bad

The Good:

Pro #1 Wishpond offers a broad range of tools all in one place

Pro #2 They achieved a 4.1 out of 5 Score over 83 reviews with GetAppReviews.com

Pro #3 Easy to use system

Pro #4 Great training available on the platform

Pro #5 Loads of email follow-ups offering insight and training once you sign up as a client

What Is Wishpond

The Bad & Some Ugly:

Con #1 When I tried to email to the support via Wishpond themselves, it hung in the air with nowhere to go

Con #2 Wide variance in reviews about Wishpond’s customer service. “When they were good, they were very very good. When they were bad they were horrid”. Not only from GetAppReviews.com but also from Trustpilot The score with Trustpilot is 3 out of 5 and the bad reviews are really bad!

Con #3 Question marks over their customer service

Con #4 Not responsive to affiliate emails

I do not usually include screenshots with the Pros and Cons when writing a review. With the wide variance, I decided it is best to show you some proof of what I am seeing. If you click on the image below it will take you to where the review was written:

What Is Wishpond

Who is Wishpond For?

Wishpond is tailored for any business which is looking to create an online presence.

Their product offering from landing pages through to competitions, email marketing, etc., can be utilized by all sizes of businesses too. From small Mom and Pop shops to major corporates.

Here is another screenshot, this time taken from the Wishpond’s website:

What Is Wishpond

As can see, Wishpond has a few big organizations listed with them as clients

I find it hard to understand. Perhaps they have dedicated teams for their larger accounts. I would be nervous to sign up with them for the following reasons:

  1. My personal experience so far has not been great
  2. Their reviews on GetAppReviews.com are extreme
  3. Their reviews on Trustpilot leave a lot to be desired too.

It seems that Wishpond is either loved completely or disliked with absolute intensity. I have also included a link to the Trustpilot reviews for wishing pond, you are welcome to see for yourself by clicking on the image below.

Three important things to note:

1. Trust pilot has not received a reply from Wishpond to the negative reviews for the past 12 months

2. 19 Reviews shared in total

3. A whopping 58% of the reviews are bad with 37% as excellent and 5% as good. See what I mean by the extremes?

What Is Wishpond

I am very hesitant to recommend Wishpond, but, if you were prepared to take a chance on them, there is the kind of business Wishpond is tailored for:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • Online businesses and marketers who are looking to expand their market share through email marketing.

Wishpond Tools & Training

Wishpond offers a wide range of free training. You do need to be signed in (which means share your information & receive future emails from them) to access the training.

From what I saw, the training is presented in video and text and covers a fairly wide range of subjects, as follows:

  • Ads (Facebook & Retargetting)
    • How To Use Facebook Ads to Get The Most Out Of Your Contest
    • How To A/B Test Your Facebook Ad
    • Choosing the Right Image For Your Facebook Ad
    • How To Use Facebook Ad Custom Audience
    • Fundamentals Of Ad Retargeting
    • Smart Spending on Facebook Ads
  • Case Studies
    • Sweepstakes;
    • Landing Pages;
    • PopUps;
    • Instagram,
    • Referral & Photo Caption Contests
    • Photo Contests
    • Form Examples
    • Coupon Examples
    • Vote Contest Examples
    • Essay Contest Examples
  • Content Marketing
    • How To Create & Promote An EBook
    • How To Make A Mini Video Course)
  • Email Marketing
    • How To Get 50% More Sale-Ready Customers With Lead Nurturing
    • Advanced Lead Nurturing Strategies
  • Industry Related Courses
    • How Realtors Can Advertise Pre-Sales Properties Online
  • Lead Generation
    • Optimize Your Landing Page for SEO & Conversions [WEBINAR with HostGator]
    • Instagram Marketing & Sales Course
    • How To Get Thousands Of Clients Using Sweepstakes & Contests
    • 5 Proven Strategies To Get You Thousands Of Leads 7 Sales Online
    • The Power of Pop-ups
    • 6 Advanced Landing Page Strategies
  • Wishpond User Guide
    • Getting Started with Wishpond
    • How To Create Sweepstakes
    • How To Create Landing Pages
    • Marketing Automation User Guide
    • How To Create A Photo Contest
    • How To Create An Instagram Hashtag Contest
    • How To Create A Vote Contest
    • How To Create A Referral Promotion
    • How To Create An Essay Contest
    • How To Create A Video Contest
    • Hot To Create A Standard Pop-Up, Opt-In Bar, Welcome Mat, and Slid-In Pop-Up
    • How To Create A Pinterest Contest
    • How To Create A Photo Caption Contest
    • How To Create An Instagram Photo Contest
    • How To Create A Coupon Campaign
    • How To Create A Form
    • Affiliate Crash Course
  • Webinars
    • How To Use Competitive Intelligence to Drive Demand With Crayon
    • Instagram Marketing: How To Increase & Engage Followers
    • Optimize your Landing Page For SEO & Conversions (Webinar with HostGator)
    • How To Get 50% More Sale-Ready Customers With Lead Nurturing
    • Instagram Marketing & Sales
    • How To Get Thousands of Clients Using Sweepstakes & Contests

What Is Wishpond

What Is Wishpond

What Is Wishpond

What Is Wishpond

WISHPOND Pricing Plans

Wishpond offers different rates, they are as follows:

14 Day Free Trial (be sure to cancel within the 14 days if you decide not to stay)

Starting Out $75 Per Month

Everything You Need $149 Per Month

Rapid Growth $299 Per Month

The pricing plans at Wishpond, in my opinion, are expensive.

I have a Pro plan with AWeber for only $19 per month. They have recently brought out their AWeber Free Plan which is free so long as you choose to be free. I would opt for AWeber over Wishpond any day, especially the 14-day trial versus a free plan.

It depends on your needs though – have a look at and compare the two, taking your needs into account.

What Is Wishpond

Overview: Wishpond At A Glance:

PriceSee detailed pricing within this review
Founded ByAli Tajsekandar
CEOAli Tajsekandar
Overall Rank3 out of 10

My Final Opinion of Wishpond

It looks to me that Wishpond must have something of value to offer. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have the 100,000’s of clients they claim to have.

Between you and me though, I have not been convinced during the research I have done. If you would like to review what my colleague had to say about this company, you are welcome to access it here:

Wishpond – A Powerful Tool For Creating Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

I am happy with AWeber and at this stage, would definitely not opt to move over to Wishpond. The thing to remember with list building and email marketing platforms is that you do a lot of work to set everything up. Even after only 14 days (in the case of wishing pond) there will be a whole lot of work to redo should you decide not to stay with them.

I would not sign up with Wishpond. This is something I have never said in any one of the reviews conducted to date. In fact, a part of me cringes right now, just saying it. But, I have to be true to you, my reader.

If you have had experience with Wishpond and it is contrary to my review, please pop me a comment below. In fact, pop me a comment either way – I love hearing from you and always respond.

Before I Love & Leave You …

If you are in the market for an awesome platform where you can learn everything you need to know about online business and enjoy the company of an international community of online entrepreneurs, I invite you to check out My Number One Recommendation.

I have written two articles about it. The first one is a comprehensive review and the second an abbreviated review. Why two? Well, there is a lot of incredible value on offer which means that the comprehensive review is extremely long. I value your time so have given you the long and the short so you can choose which you’d like to read as follows:

1. #1 Recommendation Online business Opportunity, A Wealthy Affiliate Review (Comprehensive)

2. The Skinny On Wealthy Affiliate (Abbreviated Review)

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you have gained some insight into the question What Is Wishpond?  Hope you take my up on the offer to join me at Wealthy Affiliate and I look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


6 thoughts on “What Is Wishpond? [The Good, The Bad & The Ugly]”

  1. Thank you for this review.

    The service and all the features look very promising but all the negative customer service reviews are discouraging. I’m also weary of the fact that you are having a hard time with their affiliate program. This makes me skeptical.

    I hope that you get everything worked out. Keep us posted.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Vicki
      You are absolutely right, they appear to have a great offering.
      Reviews are important to take note of though and it’s important to we are sure about what we sign up for.
      Thank you for taking the time to visit, read my post, and share your thoughts

  2. Hi Louise,
    Reading through your post and I had the DeJaVeu feeling. I applied to a company, maybe 6 months ago, I had even bought some of their products, and they only got back to me last week, but I had sort forgotten about them.
    I don’t know wishpond. It seems you haven’t bought so they haven’t approved you. Possibly one reason .
    Good post on the pitfalls of affiliate marketing though.
    And I dare say Wishpond is not the only one behaving like this.

    • Hey Michael
      It’s disappointing to have this experience. Hopefully, there’s a valid reason for the delay.
      When I look at all the negative reviews Wishpond has received, I am inclined to think it’s not because I haven’t bought their product as yet. Many of the complaints were from paying customers.
      Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, I hope you write about it in the community so we can all be forewarned. As you say, Wishpond is not the only one behaving this way.
      Blessings as always

  3. There are too many companies out there with okay products and services but they literally destroy their long term potential by providing mediocre or simply bad customer service. With such a competitive environment in the internet marketing niche, companies like this will probably not be around very long; just long enough for the product developer to make a few (or a lot) of bucks and move on. Thanks for reviewing this company for us and providing your insights.

    • Hi Joseph
      It’s my pleasure to share my experience – in this case, I am sad to not give the company a glowing review, they have so much going for them. Sadly, there is no update to assist in turning this review around, still more marketing emails coming in and no response to my emails to them.
      I appreciate your time to read andleave your input.
      Blessings always


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