Starting In Online Business [4 Easy Steps]

Are you interested in creating your own online business but nervous to start? Have you thought about exactly what could be stopping you? Perhaps it’s the lack of technical know-how, or being (rightfully) wary of all the online scams around. I had the same fears until I found the right training, the same one I am about to share with you here.  In these trying times, starting in online business is the best thing you could do.

Here are the reasons I say that:

  • The online business world is a level playing field.
    • It does not matter what colour, age, gender or nationality you are
    • The online business world does not have the barriers that the corporate or traditional working world does
    • Maybe you’ve been retrenched?  That’s no obstacle!
    • Perhaps you are facing job insecurity?  You can start this out part-time
    • Perhaps you have made mistakes in your life and cannot secure employment because you have a criminal record – you can still build your own business online!
    • Maybe you are unable to commit to a 9 to 5 job due to ill health. You got it; the online business world is a great option for you!
    • It doesn’t even matter where in the world you are located
  • So long as you have access to a computer and internet connection, you can build your own successful online business!

That’s right!  There is very little standing in the way of you starting in online business – allow me to show you the way in 4 easy steps!

Free E-Book The Proven 4 Step Process To Starting In Online Business

What You Will Need To Start

Starting In Online Business

I am going to assume that you have not worked in the online business world before (or that you haven’t for some time now) and take you from grassroots up. Is that okay with you?

Here is a quick list of what you will need:

  • A computer and internet connection
  • A strong work ethic – yes, this does take effort, it is not a get-rich-quick scheme but it is the way to build your own successful and sustainable business
  • Knowledge of the online business world, or training to become knowledgeable
  • A supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs

Where To Find Everything You Need

Today is your lucky day because I have tried and tested more than one opportunity and can confidently share an amazing platform with you. How can I be confident about this? I joined in October 2018 and have not looked back!

My Number 1 Recommendation has everything you need to start today. Not only today but also on a 100% Free Starter Package so you can take it for a test drive without fear of losing money.

Everything you need can be covered in 4 Easy Steps, I am sharing them with you below.

What Are The 4 Easy Steps To Starting In Online Business?

Here is a little diagram that details each of the steps, I will also go into more detail on each of the steps:

Starting In Online Business

Step 1 – Choose An Interest

Starting In Online Business

This step is driven by what you are interested in, what you have a passion for and something you either have knowledge about or are keen to spend a lot of time researching so you can share your learnings and help others.

Your interest is also known as your “Niche” I have written an article about that too if you would like to have a read. If not, continue with me to the next step. As you can see above, your interest can be anything – make-up, hiking gear, Turkish tea, babywear, travel, sports – these are just a few ideas I came up with at a glance.

Step 2 – Build A Website

Starting In Online Business

Many people panic at the thought of building a website. There really is absolutely nothing to fear, creating a website has never been easier than it is now – no longer is this the sole domain of technical experts – in fact, it’s the technical experts who have made it easier for us! We do not need to know any code at all. Nothing to fear there at all, I promise. You could not meet a less technical inclined person than me if you tried – and I have built this very website with my own fair hands! I’ve taken the time to write an article about building websites to put your mind at ease, have a look.

Step 3 – Attract Visitors

Starting In Online Business

This is, in fact, a much more complex part of the journey than any of the others. Please do not allow yourself to be scared off though, you can learn how to attract visitors to your website, just like I am learning. Notice I said “I am still learning”, there is so much to learn in this industry, it’s best to know upfront that you will never stop learning.

There are different ways to attract visitors to your website, the initial focus is to learn how to get free traffic to your website. That’s right, you do not have to pay for advertising to get eyes on your website. We are taught how to do this first, so there is no additional outlay or loss of money. If you have the budget to spend on getting traffic to your site you can make use of the following:

  • Social media Adverts such as Facebook and Instagram
  • Pay Per Click

I recommend not spending money in this way until you have a firm grasp on the industry though.

Step 4 – Earn Revenue

Starting In Online Business

This is really exciting! Honestly, the first Dollars you earn online can send you into a happy dance! Remember though, we are building a sustainable business here, much as generating an income is exciting, we also want to make sure that we build our business from the ground up, creating a solid foundation that will see us through and into the future.

Here are 6 ways that we can monetize our websites, that is, earn revenue or make money:

  1. Affiliate Programs
  2. AdSense Ads and other Advertising programs
  3. Building a list (that is an email list)
  4. Amazon Products
  5. Relevant Advertisers
  6. Create Your Own Product

Let’s look at what the odds are of you achieving success, I am directing you to an article written by one of our amazing founders; it is entitled Your Chances of Success Are HIGH!

Kyle does not just talk the talk, he also walks the walk, I encourage you to have a read of his article, after all, he has been involved with more than 1 million online business entrepreneurs since the inception of the business 15 years ago.

A Quick Overview Of Affiliate Marketing

As you can see below, there is a great infographic of exactly how Affiliate Marketing or Online Business works:

Starting In Online Business

  1. The customer goes online and searches for something
  2. They land on your website because you have done a great job in creating content that is relevant and helpful
  3. They purchase the product via a link on your website
  4. You make money!

You’ve Come To The Right Place!

There is no doubt in my mind that you have come to the right place! I would not be putting in as much time and effort as I do into my online business if I did not have 100% confidence in the platform! There is so much more to Starting In Online Business than meets the eye, don’t waste your time by trying to go it alone and learn bits and pieces from all over the internet. Wealthy Affiliate is where you can learn absolutely everything you need to know to guide you to your success online – PLUS, you get to see it all without spending a dime! Here is the FREE Starter Package offer just for you:

Free Starter Membership

I look forward to seeing you on the inside!


Learn To Make Money Online

6 thoughts on “Starting In Online Business [4 Easy Steps]”

  1. This is a good basic guide for beginners. As it happens, I’ve been using WA for over a year now and am running two successful websites. You offer a lot of good advice. There are way too many “shiny objects” online that can lure us away and distract us. Stay focused and stick to one thing at a time. Thanks for good information here.

    • Hi Anne
      Thank you very much, I am trying to keep the guide simple so that readers can see the online business opportunity really is available to anyone if they are just prepared to work hard at their business. Success leaves clues, as we have seen!

      So true about the “shiny objects”, I have noticed a few of our community members write about that, just goes to show, we have to keep our wits about us at all times and stay focused on something we know works, right? Congratulations on your two successful websites, clearly you have followed the formula as laid out by Wealthy Affiliate.
      Wishing you continued success!

  2. It’s amazing how little yet how much it takes to start an online business. There’s a lot of new things to learn, but that only makes the process more exciting. Building an affiliate marketing website today is easy, making money is easy as well, but the part between those two can be a little bit challenging. At least, that is how I think of it. But then again, whey you have people to show you the way, you connect that two effortlessly. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Hi Ivan
      Thank you for taking the time to read this little article. Agreed, it’s the part between that can be challenging, thankfully we have the perfect platform in Wealthy Affiliate, to show us the way. The training and community continue to blow me away, even after all this time!
      My pleasure to share.

  3. I am new to becoming an entrepreneur in the online business. Honestly, starting off made me very nervous because I wasn’t sure if I was taking the right steps. But as I continue to learn as I am building my empire, I begin to understand more and I push myself to keep going. Thank you for this article as it is very informative

    • Hi Sonja
      I understand I have had the stomach-churning nervous reactions too. Wealthy Affiliate offers us so much amazing training, we can be confident that if we follow the steps as laid out in the training, we will do well! I love your expression “building my empire” – that’s a perfect way to view your online business!
      Wishing you every success!


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