How To Make Money Online And From Something YOU Love!

You know the expression, “do something you love and the money will follow”? Yes, well, read on, I have something really exciting to share with you. Sounds too good to be true? Yeah, I would have thought so too, if I didn’t know that it really is possible! You have every right to get excited about this! Why? Well, who wouldn’t want to make money from something that is close to their heart? We all need money to live, why not make it doing something you love?

My experience, until October 2018, was that you could make money online by selling products that were profitable but not necessarily something you have a passion for. This all changed during training I have been so privileged to receive. It’s not only the training though, but I have also seen it with my own eyes.

Let’s weigh up the pros and cons of making money online before we get into the nitty-gritty.

Advantages of Making Money Online

There are many obvious advantages of making money online, let’s have a look at a few of them:

  • Work from home
  • Freedom to travel and work at the same time
  • Work from anywhere in the world!
  • Low start-up and running costs
  • All you need is a computer and internet connection
  • You are your own boss, yeah, you can fire your boss, haha!
  • Work when you like, no fixed hours – this will suit workaholics and those who prefer more of a balance
  • No long hours in the traffic commuting to and from the office
  • No time away from your loved ones (unless you want it that is – I’m kidding, really …)
  • Close to 4 billion people are online worldwide, this means there are close to 4 billion potential customers at the other end of cyberspace!
  • It does not matter what age you are – there is no age discrimination online – teenagers to retirees are making money online
  • It does not matter what gender you are – that’s right, male or female, this is a level playing field
  • It does not matter what colour you are – this is a no brainer!

Disadvantages of Making Money Online

I am not going to be untruthful with you here, there are disadvantages to making money online, only you can decide if these will sway you against taking advantage of this amazing opportunity.

  • You have to work for it (yeah, there is definitely a lot of work involved)
  • Self-discipline and self-motivation are absolutely essential
  • You need to know how to make money online, this will require not only learning how but also ongoing training because of technological advancements and changes in algorithms by the major search engines (Google) and other platforms (Facebook for example)

Some Solutions For the Disadvantages

Seeing as you are still here reading this, I can only assume that you are a solution seeker, that is great news! Any business, offline or online, will have challenges in need of solutions. There are great ways around all the disadvantages listed above:

  • This is not really a solution, but it is a massive reward! The hard work that you put in will be repaid exponentially, you can expect your business to grow at a rate far higher than a brick and mortar business, in the online world it’s known as scaling your business. Seriously, to go from an income generation of $1,000 per month to $10,000 per month is nowhere near as difficult online as it is in the “real” world. Here is some evidence for you.
  • Being part of a community who encourage and assist one another can help you build your self-discipline and self-motivation. Reading great books by some of the highest achievers can do that for you too. Think Oprah Winfrey, Anthony Robbins, Robin Sharma, TD Jakes for example. Watch great speakers on Ted Talks ( You could also do as I suggest in two other articles I wrote, Mindset Mastery and How To Discover Your Why & Why It’s Important.

Online training is readily available, I am part of an incredible platform who fit the bill for not only the training aspect of my needs but also the community. Also known as Wealthy Affiliate University. It is FREE to join and you have access to all the facilities for the first 7 Days, you cannot go wrong by joining us, have a look:

What Is The Secret To Make Money Online From Something You Love?

Okay, I have kept you in suspense for long enough, are you champing at the bit to find out exactly how to can make money online from something you love? Here it is!

What is your passion? What do you love more than anything?

  • Ice cream
  • horse riding
  • cats
  • dogs
  • fish
  • poetry
  • arts and crafts
  • photography
  • running, cycling, Pilates
  • gardening
  • hiking
  • swimming
  • reading
  • carpentry
  • music
  • food – deserts, dinners, pasta,
  • coffee
  • writing instruments, calligraphy

… are you getting the picture? Anything you have a passion and love for can be the beginning of your online business! The way that you can make money online from something you love!

The answer to the question is this: Build a Niche Website and Market Related Products Online

Sounds complicated?

Well, it could sound that way if you have not built a website before, trust me on this though, it is not nearly as difficult as you may expect. I have built this website with my fair hands with no former training or knowledge. That’s right, the training I spoke about earlier has taught me everything I need to know to build this site and even to write this very article! If I can learn how, believe me, so can you!

What Is A Niche Website?

I have written an in-depth article answering this question for you, it is called “What Is A Niche Website About?”

Let’s see how a niche website is described in Quora:

A niche website is a site that focuses on a narrow group of people in a larger market with a common specific interest. While targeting a very specific term that people use on search engines, a niche site offers its visitors helpful and quality content that answers a question or solves a problem.

Why Do This?

There are a few reasons why you would build your niche website and market products on it, they are as follows:

  • You get to research and write about the very thing you love
  • You get to share your passion and expertise with others
  • You get to build your own online business and make money
  • You benefit from all the advantages of making money online as listed right at the beginning of this article!

Ready To Get Started?

Here is how I recommend you get started with building your Niche Website.

1. Sign up with Wealthy Affiliate on the FREE Starter Membership Package

2. Create your profile (you can see my profile here – I will be on the inside to welcome you!)

2. Get stuck into the training, especially the Online Entrepreneur Certification

3. Become involved with the community and ask as many questions as you like

Once you are happy that this is definitely the place for you, I highly recommend that you go Premium. Please be assured, this is not a long line of upsells, that you are in for. That is one of the many things I love about this amazing platform, you get to test drive it for free and then you can choose to go Premium. There is nothing further to pay to be a part of the action! (Other than your domain cost which is around $14 per year).

Need To Know More Before You Commit?

No problem, I have you covered with that question too, have a read of my article all about this amazing online business opportunity. I wrote an extensive (but easy reading) Review of Wealthy Affiliate especially for you.

Or, you can just watch this video:

I cannot tell you how excited I am for you – this is truly such a magical journey! There are so many positive testimonies within the community of people loving the journey and achieving their financial goals and dreams by doing something they are absolutely passionate about!

Here it is again, the opportunity to sign up on a FREE Starter Membership:

I cannot encourage you enough to grab hold of this opportunity, hold on as tight as possible and run with it!  I haven’t regretted it for a second and neither, will you!

Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


PS  Yes, that is me, always helps to put a face to the writing.

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