Affiliate Training With Affilorama – FREE Membership – Is It Really Free?

Introduction and Summary

Affilorama became in 2005 and was established by Mark Ling, an entrepreneur who has known the highs and lows of making and losing money. Mark Ling created Affilorama with a dream of creating more than one hundred video lessons and making them available to help beginner and intermediate affiliates to build their successful online businesses. One result of Mark Ling’s successes and failures is Affilorama. I invite you to read on and learn more about this Affiliate Training With Affilorama – FREE Membership – Is It Really Free?

As I mentioned, Mark Ling has known the highs and lows of money, starting out as a broke college student, he was searching for ways to make money. Mark came across affiliate marketing and earned a lot of money – we are talking in the thousands per week!

Unfortunately, this came to an abrupt halt as a result of something going wrong for him with Google. Debt, not just any debt, but massive debt was where he landed!

Thankfully he did not give up affiliate marketing altogether, he was tempted for a while and even took on a day job. It didn’t take long for Mark Ling to realize that the 9 to 5 lifestyle was not going to work for him. As I said, thankfully he did not give, he returned to affiliate marketing, gave his strategies an overhaul and today he is a multimillionaire. All as a result of affiliate marketing. You and I can live that dream too!

Let’s have a good look at the FREE Affilorama membership and how it can benefit us in achieving our online business dreams.

Affilorama FREE Membership Review – Is It Really Free?

It is great to see you here! Thank you for popping into my site to read the Affilorama FREE membership Review.

Reviewing products and services is something I really enjoy, it allows me to add value to you, my viewer, and helps me to understand the online business world even more – specifically affiliate marketing in this instance. I hope you enjoy learning from this review as much as I have in the process of putting it together for you.

Let’s get into it!

Affilorama FREE Membership At A Glance:

NAME: Affilorama FREE membership


PRICE: FREE membership is what we are discussing today, there are other offers too

OWNERS: Mark Ling



The Good:

PRO #1 Learn from professionals who have experienced the school of hard knocks in the affiliate marketing world

PRO #2 FREE Membership is 100% free, no tricks to uncover

PRO #2 More than 100 video lessons available

Pro #3 Includes a truly wonderful range of lessons (more on that a little later)

The Bad:

CON #1 Affilorama FREE Membership doesn’t give you everything they have to offer (not that I expect anything free to be everything)

Who is Affilorama FREE Membership For?

Affilorama FREE Membership contains more than 100 lessons, there truly is something for almost everyone here. Are you a newbie or intermediate in the online business world? if so, there are lessons designed especially with you in mind. These lessons teach the basics about affiliate marketing and how it works. My experience with this industry is that there is always something new to learn – it’s very exciting, such a dynamic environment!

As I mentioned though, there is also great value available to you if you are an intermediate online marketer. Mark Ling’s lessons incorporate topics which will assist more experienced marketers too. You can expect to be learning about outsourcing effectively to grow your website and spending money on your advertising for example. As you can see, these courses are not only for newbies, there is something for the intermediate affiliate marketers too!

Affilorama FREE Membership designed with newbies and more advanced trainees in mind. Here are ideas of exactly who can benefit from the training Affilorama FREE Membership offers:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers

Affilorama FREE Membership Tools & Training

Affilorama FREE Membership’s training offers more than 100 video lessons. There is so much to learn about when it comes to affiliate marketing, here is an idea of some topics covered in the lessons:

  • How to choose products which with generate a profit
  • How to create and design your website
  • How to generate traffic making use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • How to effectively use PPC traffic
  • How to scale your online business and outsource things like writing content (that gives me the “heebies”, I love writing!), website design etc

The FREE lessons contain actionable content which means that as a learner, you get to build your knowledge base by doing rather than just watching to learn. This is always the best way to learn anything – at least that’s how it is for me.

In addition to the lessons, you have what is known as a “virtual lesson book” which helps you to keep track of what lessons you have completed.

And that’s not all folks! Included in the FREE Membership is access to the Affilorama forums, one of the biggest online affiliate forums around.

PLUS! You have access to video’s and webinars where conversations are had with some most successful internet marketers in the world.

Affilorama FREE Membership is very easy to follow when it comes to their training. You can expect to be challenged and enjoy a steep learning curve, but the delivery is designed in such a way that you do not have to be a genius to grasp the concepts.

Here is a screenshot of what you can expect on the training dashboard, as you can see it is well laid out, easy to follow and understand – stress-free training!

Affiliate Training With Affilorama – FREE Membership – Is It Really Free?

Usually, in a review I would list the price points here. I hesitated about including this at all but believe it is worth mentioning that the FREE Membership is literally that. There is no catch, no hidden clauses when you join the Affilorama FREE Membership, that is exactly what you get – no fees at all.

There are other paid for options available within the Affilorama platform, I shall write reviews on each one of those and post them over the next little while.

NAME: Affilorama FREE Membership



OWNERS: Mark Ling



My Final Opinion of Affilorama FREE Membership

There is no doubt in my mind that Affilorama FREE Membership is 100% LEGIT and 100% FREE! One of the most powerful tools in the online marketing world is offering value for no return. Mark Ling has this down to a T when it comes to the Affilorama FREE Membership offer. Building a relationship of trust with people you have never met is a real challenge to the online business world. Offering this incredible array of training at no cost to the trainee is not only generous it’s also incredibly clever. For me, it is a no-brainer, sign up with Affilorama FREE Membership, learn about building your online business, generate an income and then have a look at the paid for options they offer.

I hope you have enjoyed this write-up: Affiliate Training With Affilorama – FREE Membership – Is It Really Free?

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to drop them in the comments below – I love hearing from you!

Blessings always

4 thoughts on “Affiliate Training With Affilorama – FREE Membership – Is It Really Free?”

  1. Hi Louise, this is the very first time that I have ever heard of Affiloramaand I am intrigued because I am a WA member. I am all for FREE anything that says free but I always find that there is a catch to everything.

    For example, I will attend free webinars, I know that at the end of the webinar there is the product that they are selling you. But I attend because always there is something that I will come away with, but even though I do not follow up I have to contend with all the emails they send me until they get the message that I am not interested.

    I find that there are always up sales in most businesses and I understand that there has to be otherwise it wouldn’t be a business. I have never found anything better than WA. But I am a learner and if there is something there for me to learn I will be there like a dirty shirt. Ya, no kidding!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for this post there is something new I learned today and I most probably check it out to see if I can learn anything else new. But I can’t think that there is anything better than WA.

    always a better way

    • Hello Linda
      I am so glad you learned about Affilorama here – it is worth knowing about! Though, like you, Wealthy Affiliate is still my number one recommendation.
      I love your openness to learning, so important for us to be teachable, especially as online marketers. Your expression “like a dirty shirt” really gave me a good giggle, thank you so much 🙂
      Louise x

  2. hello Louise
    thanks for posting; for 5 years I’ve been looking for a serious training session in online marketing, almost three months ago I got WA; now I find out from your posts that there are many similar segments; I found out about Affilaama from your post and it seems to be very helpful and good to me because I do not have too much money for training; I will try Affilama as soon as possible; I thank the highly documented information
    all the best for you


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