Mindset Mastery [Whether We Practice Mastery Or Not, Our Mindset Makes A Difference To Our Lives]

It is true, Mindset Mastery is everything! Too many of us are unaware of what mindset really even is. I include myself in those too many, I have been learning about mindset for only 4 years – actually studying it and taking it seriously. Had I known earlier in my life how Mindset is so very important, I would have given it more attention, taken it far more seriously. Another reason I am a Late Bloomer … at least I’m consistent.

Mindset Mastery does matter – whether we do it or not, it makes a difference to our lives.



The Realities of Mindset

It is easy to slip into a mindset that does not serve you. It is easy to not even know that you are in that mindset. Survival Mode is a perfect situation where one can slip into the wrong mindset. When you are in survival mode your focus is on the here and now, there are no big plans for a bright future when you are wondering where your next meal or sip of water will come from. As long as your focus is on those kinds of needs, you are not going to lift your eyes, and your mind, to bigger things.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

This is the typical Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs scenario, below you can see the pyramid used to give an overall understanding of this concept.

Mindset Mastery



As you can see, from this pyramid, our physiological needs are the basis of everything, included in here are food, water, breathing, sleeping – really the basic things we need to survive as human beings.


The next one up is Safety – our physical safety, health, job security, resources, morality and values, and also our property.

Love and Belonging

In the middle we have Love and Belonging – human beings are designed to live in community, in relationships, in families. We have an intrinsic need to love, be loved and belong.


Esteem is all about self-esteem, confidence, receiving the respect of others, regarded as a person of worth.

Self Actualization

Finally, we get to Self Actualization – now this is where the real magic happens, we can become all that we are meant to be, we can be creative and spontaneous. This is ideally where we all need to be!

When all of our needs are taken of, we don’t worry about the basics, we feel loved and accepted, respected and confident. These things combined allow us the freedom to dream, to explore, to grow, to learn. Sadly, that is not what always happens.

How many people do you know who do live with all of these needs taken care of and yet, they are living unfulfilled lives, merely existing, some depressed, some demotivated, just not achieving everything they are capable of, and why? Mindset! This is where Mindset becomes so very important.

We are discussing Mindset Mastery but what is Mindset?

I Googled this question and came up with 88 880 000 results, clearly, it’s a popular topic. There are articles written by professors of universities, psychology magazines, scientists, the medical field – you name it – and bloggers, but of course.

They speak about different aspects of mindset, there really is a plethora of information out there. What does this mean for you and me though, how does mindset impact us?

In my experience, my mindset impacts everything! If my mind is focused on happy things, my spirits are lifted and I tend to be a happier person. Conversely, if I watch too much news, spend too much time on social media, dwell on the plight of the downtrodden, the less fortunate – well yes, unhappiness, lethargy, and depression could become a reality.

It is not only about that though. There is no doubt that what we think about and focus on impacts us. What about taking control of our thoughts, making a concerted effort to examine what we think, what our values are, what we believe (about people, the world, love, life, spiritually, business).

Let us look at some examples, you fill in the blanks for yourself:

  • Men are ________________________
  • Women are ______________________
  • Millionaires are ________________
  • I am ______________________________
  • My husband is _______________________
  • Love ____________________________
  • God is ____________________________

I think you get the gist. The answers in those blanks are your beliefs – beliefs doesn’t make it true. Test what you believe, do it consciously, you will surprise yourself.

Beliefs about Money

Let’s look at millionaires. If you fill in the blanks and say the following:

  • Millionaires are selfish
  • Millionaires untrustworthy
  • Millionaires are greedy people

… would you want to be one?

How about if we said something along the following lines:

  • Millionaires are generous
  • Millionaires are intelligent
  • Millionaires are loving, fabulous people?

Much more appealing, right?

Depending on what you believe, you may or really may not want to make a lot of money!

This impacts your earning potential, your ability to build a business, grow your company, your ability to negotiate. It affects everything around money!

Beliefs about Love

How about if we considered the question around love? 

Say we completed the love question as “Love Hurts”? Would you want to be in a love relationship?

And if we said that Love is everything that 1 Corinthians 13 says – patient, kind, etc and that it never fails? How would you approach relationships then? Would you behave differently, would your expectations be different? Of course, they would.

Mindset Mastery


Beliefs About Self

With the above definition of love, how about if we believed these things about ourselves?  This was particularly profound for me, I did a little exercise and placed my name in place of the word “love”.  As follows:

  • Louise is patient
  • Louise is kind
  • Louise does not envy
  • Louise does not boast 

… and so on. 

Try it out … how does it make you feel?

Joyce Meyers said to try something along these lines.  Decide that you are difficult to offend.  So, say the words:

  • Louise (or your name) is difficult to offend

It’s quite incredible, the moment you feel offense rising up inside of you, remember the words, “…….. (your name) is difficult to offend”.

I found this exercise to be completely liberating!

One definition of Mindset

Mindset – Wikipedia


Indecision theory and general systems theory, a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or more people or groups of people.? History (Academic) ·In politics · Collective · Specific theories

We can safely say then that mindset is what we assume or believe. I think the illustrations above about people who have amassed wealth and what we could expect from love, are fairly clear about how what we think and believe can affect what we expect.

So, let’s turn it around for ourselves. Let’s believe the best in love, in whom rich people are, who men and women are, who we are. Just those beliefs will change our approach to our businesses, making money, our families, and our spouses.

“Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.” Jul 20, 2012 Margaret Thatcher

This is mindset. This is Mindset Mastery – powerful stuff!


Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset


According to Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University, there are two types of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

“In a fixed mindset, people believe their qualities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change.”

“In a growth mindset, people have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience.”

In the article that link leads to, they are discussing intelligence primarily. I put it to you that we can be fixed or growth-oriented in everything we are and do. If we believe we are lovable, then guess what, other people will see that. If we believe we are not lovable but observe others, and see what it is about them that is lovable, we can also develop those traits. The same goes for every aspect of who we are from intelligence to heart to our physical bodies, our spiritual development – literally everything!


Visualizing and Mindset Mastery

I have learned an incredible tool, based on training my subconscious mind into seeing and developing a mindset towards what I want my life to be.

I was taught to imagine and write down a perfect day in my ideal life. Right from waking up to going to sleep – everything including how I feel; adding in the use of all my sense… what things smell like, look like, feel like, taste like; sound like.  My home, how it looks, where it is; what I do when I wake up, where I go, with whom – literally, every detail of that day in high definition colour and feeling. Here is an excerpt:

“I awaken to the sound of the sea and can smell the ocean breeze blowing through my open windows. The windows are open because I live in a safe environment, no need for burglar bars. My home is light and airy, warm and welcoming, with a mix of gorgeous floor tiles in the kitchen, patio and bathrooms, wooden floors in the lounge, passage and study and sumptuous carpeting in the bedrooms. The windows and doors are wooden frames, and my furbabies enjoy the freedom to come and go. I live in a little town on the coast of Australia, not far from Melbourne, perfect for me. It is a safe, friendly community and I have a group of warm friends who have the same spiritual beliefs as me and together we enjoy making a difference in the lives of others. Our lives are intertwined; we enjoy taking long walks along the beautiful beach, sharing meals together, in each other’s home, picnics on the beach and braais in one another’s gardens. Special occasions, sunsets and sunrises. My garden is a peaceful haven, a riot of colour and fragrance, one of my many prides and joys. The vegetable garden is tended to with lots of love and feeds not only me but also those around me – friends who swap delicious goodies from their gardens for those in mine; soup kitchens, children’s home and shelters.”

My encouragement to you is to try this, write down your perfect day in your ideal life from waking to retiring and everything in between. You will be amazed and how this simple practice daily (or as near as humanly possible) will impact your life, your business, your relationships, your world!.

Try it, and let me know, I would love to hear from you.

Here’s to your Mindset Mastery!



12 thoughts on “Mindset Mastery [Whether We Practice Mastery Or Not, Our Mindset Makes A Difference To Our Lives]”

  1. When I read this I was like wow this is one thought out really information packed post about kinder mastery. I do agree 100% mindset will change your reality if you let it whether that is in a negative way or positive you decide. I don’t know about you when I read this post I thought about The Law Of Attraction something I believe in do you?

    No matter where we want to go in life there are some people who are the rulers of their mind and there are others that ruled by it. The ones that rule their thoughts and kind are the ones that get to their goals achieve them and eventually live out their dreams. 

    I loved your article it showed how much your thoughts really do have on your life whether you believe it or not you know?

    This is a very thought provoking post that even made me think some about some aspects of my life I thank you for this post and I hope you are well?


    • Hi Matt

      I am so happy to see how well this post has been received, thank you.  

      I do agree with The Law of Attraction, only the provider or the source of provision is not me or my mind.  I believe that God is my provider.  

      There is evidence in the Christian Bible of the law of attraction in action, Matthew 21 : 22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”  Matthew:  7 : 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 18 : 19 “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”  Hebrews 11: 1 “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”   This is my personal favourite.

      If we look at how people meditate and “call things into being”, it is not unlike prayer.  Prayer too is a way of focusing our minds, we are encouraged to focus on the good and to recite scripture.  Again, not unlike things like Affirmations.  All very important tools to keeping our minds in the right place.  

      I am very well thank you Matt and really appreciate the time you have taken to read the post and really give it your time and attention.




  2. Wonderful article that reminds us of the power of mindset. For me the tricky part is to constantly monitor your thoughts. It’s one thing to set-up a new mindset, but it’s much harder to stick to it, when times get rough. So, it’s an ongoing work and I think you’re never done. Maybe comparable when going on a new diet. At first you’re all excited about, but when you have a hard day, the chocolate bar starts calling again. Tony Robbins have some great stuff with regards to mindset. One that I absolutely love is to constantly raise your standards. You never go beyond a standard.   

    • Hi Felix

      Thank you for your comments – I agree, this is ongoing work, it truly never ends.  Controlling our thoughts is encouraged in the Christian Bible in Philippians 4 :8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”   Buddah: “With our thoughts we make the world”.  Also: “we mistake our thoughts to be our mind.  But they are merely mental processes – they are mental objects that arise and cease within our mind, but not the Mind itself.  Don’t mistake mental processes to be the Mind itself” 

      So we are human, with human frailties, and there are days where the negative thoughts prevail or the chocolate bar calls.  As you said though, its about raising our standards, Tony Robbins is amazing with mindset work, what a fabulous man making an incredible impact!



  3. This write up is very important to dairy basic life. At this write up i could see that Mindset Mastery is one of the great thing in people life and Survival mode is very important and is a perfect situation for where one can slip the wrong mindset. I could see that if someone can takes the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,it will help us from having wrong mindset.

    • Hi Barakat

      Thank you for your feedback.  Agreed, it is about our daily lives.  Survival Mode is very important but not necessarily a place where you would like to remain.  If you think about the Maslows Heirarchy of Needs, the bottom tier is where your basic needs are met just to survive physiologically, for me that is Survival Mode.  We need to move further up the tiers so that we don’t worry about the basics to keep us alive, rather get to the space where all our needs are met, physically, emotionally, spiritually etc., we can focus on achieving more and making a difference in the lives of others too.



  4. What an insightful post, this information gives out pretty good advice. We as humans are all social beings, introverted or not. Everything in this post is what we need to keep continuing our days to the fullest. This is basically a guide to happiness I think. I’ll keep this information in mind, and even show my girlfriend, she loves stuff like this.

    • Thank you Ty, I really appreciate your input.  

      Thank you for sharing with your girlfriend too – “sharing is caring” 🙂



  5. Wow,I like this post on Mindset Mastery.Many people have fixed mindset especially when it is about life change. If people are from poor family,many think that they can’t be rich as if they are condemned to be poor. I like when I find new information which can change my past thoughts. I have a question though.If I find that i have a fixed mindset,can I change it and adopt Growing Mindset?

    Thank you for your answer.

    • Hi Julienne

      Thank you for your comment, I love that the post is making a difference.  I too have a fixed mindset and have to work at changing it every day.  I encourage you to examine why you believe that people from a poor family are condemned to be poor.  Study success stories and see how and why they managed to change their lives.  People like Oprah Winfrey, and countless others, here’s a link for some of those stories:  https://www.inc.com/business-i… 

      I also believe it is about what you believe you deserve and why.  Here are some more links to success stories with some insight into how they turned their lives around:   http://smartandrelentless.com/…; https://www.mensxp.com/work-li

      So the short answer is that changing your mindset from fixed to growth is work, for me it is something I have to work on every day.  



  6. I find myself frequently stuck at the esteem section of the pyramid. And I feel like it’s not so much the respect from others that I think I need. It’s more like acceptance of myself and who I really am. I try really hard but I don’t know if I’ve ever fully been able to completely accept myself as I am. And I think that’s holding me back from achieving my potential.

    • Hi Mariah

      Thank you for your valuable comment.  If we are all honest, I think every single one of us faces this challenge.  It is an interesting one to explore and I encourage you to do just that.  Try starting by writing down what your values are, for examples some of mine are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5: 22-23).  I don’t have all of these but they are what I value and what I am moving towards.  Once you know what you value and start becoming that, your self acceptance will start changing.  Then you will also get closer to achieving your potential.  I am not an expert here, this has been my experience.  Blessings



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