Best Online Training and Free Website With Hosting

Best Online Training and Free Website WITH HostingCan’t believe it can you? This article is going to tell you so much more than you expect, just like the very platform we will be discussing – “so much more than you expect”.

Be expectant! You have opened up an incredible opportunity to access the best online training and free website WITH hosting!

In fact, not just one website but two! That’s right – more than one website, with training and free hosting! Seriously, you have to dig into this opportunity!

No one else has this!  Let me not just give it lip-service, especially not when I have facts to share with you!

Let’s Start With Evidence

It is said that if you want to be successful you need to stop reading and start doing, well, here is your opportunity! Enter a name for your Free website below and build it right now! Yes, there is no time like the present – let’s get building your site!

Too Fast?

Am I moving to quickly for you? No stress, the opportunity is not going to vanish into thin air. We can keep chatting here, you’ll learn more by reading what I have to say and then have another opportunity to build your site.

As mentioned earlier, this is a free website builder, developed by an online university that trains you in how to build your website. Correction: two free websites, and you get free hosting. Sounds too good to be true? You know the expression, “if it seems to be too good to be true, it usually is”? Well, not in this case – I am speaking from experience here!

See, I am started this site you are reading on right now in exactly the place I am talking about. I do not have a remotely technical background, and if you had told me 6 months ago that I would be writing this article on this site right now – I would have laughed! It’s happened and I am here to share the details with you. In fact, I have quite a few articles to share with you, written by my fair hands.

If you are concerned about your abilities to build your site, here is proof that you are more than able with this system, let me share How To Build A Website in WordPress in 60 Seconds (including video evidence).

You are welcome to continue with me on this page though, and come back to read about that too if you prefer. For now, I am going to treat this as a review and give you the factual pro’s and con’s as well as my experience and opinions.

The Best Online Training And Free Website Hosting With

SiteRubix and Wealthy Affiliate University


Introduction and Summary

SiteRubix is an online platform where you can build two websites for free and be enjoying your site within minutes – literally! You have access to training, tools and support which will assist you in creating your valuable website property!

In addition to that, you are part of an exceptional community where you have support and coaching from fellow community members. The community are people with wide range of experience and are generous with their knowledge. Incidentally, the platform is international which means that all the support, training tools, community etc., are available 24 / 7 / 365 – yes, no need to wait for assistance, it is readily available.

The technical side of the platform is also taken care of for you, the way it has been designed simplifies the process which means you do not need to have an understanding of coding at all!

You will recall me saying that you need to be expectant – for good reason – there is more! Not only do you have access to the training, technical support and community support, there is also training to assist you with Google ranking, how to generate an income from your website and, guidance with how to advertise your website on Facebook – yes, this is included too!

Website Features

The themes on offer (more than 4000 of them!) are also mobile ready. This is vital as at least 50% of internet search is done on tables and mobile. The websites at SiteRubix are what is known as “responsive” and adapt to any size screen. This is huge – without the feature of mobile readiness, you would lose out on at least 50% of potential visitors to your site!

You have the opportunity to create a thriving online business out of your hobbies and passions. As mentioned there are thousands of professionally designed themes for you to choose from.

Functionality on Your Website

Typically as your website gets bigger, so will your requirements. There are tens of thousand of features that are available to be added with the mere click of a button. SiteRubix have made this easy – yes, you and I can do this!

Build Your Site With Ease

Described as “The world’s easiest website builder” for good reason, you can create your gorgeous and functional website in seconds! I gave you the opportunity to take it for a test drive earlier, go ahead, give it a whirl!

Still not ready? No worries, let’s keep delving into the delicious details. As if the above is not enough (like I said …) you also have your sites hosting on cloud hosting network which is state of the art and has been built with you in mind!

Technology Experts in Action For You

Experts working on the technology behind the scenes at SireRubix means that you do not have to be concerned about that side of your website. Site Rubix sites are protected, optimized and kept functioning on your behalf. In laymans terms that means that your website is protected from the likes of hackers, spam, malware and any malicious activity that exists online. Some people just have far too much time on their hands, me thinks!

That means that as a SiteRubix member, you get to spend time on building your website with all the technical back end stuff taken care of for you!

Here is snip of the SiteRubix FAQ’s page:

(Just to give you an inside peak)

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

PRO #1 Quick and easy to use

PRO #2 You get to choose your domain name

PRO #2 You get to name your website

PRO #3 Choose from more than 4000 themes

PRO #4 No pesky ads popping up in your site (as can be seen with some competitors, i.e “powered by weebly”

PRO #5 Your site grows with you (as your knowledge and expertise increases, your site has the capacity to deliver more too)

PRO #6 All the benefits of WordPress (because it is WordPress) but made a lot easier by the founders of SiteRubix!

The Bad:

CON #1 I can’t think of any – really, not even one (I may be biased, but you will only know for sure when you try it out)

Who is Site Rubix and Wealthy Affiliate For?

Site Rubix and Wealthy Affiliate will benefit a very wide range of people – literally from startups (entrepreneurs & businesses) to highly experienced entrepreneurs and well-established businesses! SiteRubix and Wealthy Affiliate will be huge contributors to the lives of entry-level to expert level webmasters. Allow me to be more specific:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • PPC and Online Advertisers,
  • Marketers looking to find the ranking of their sites and posts (SERPs – Search Engine Results Pages)
  • Local marketers and businesses

SiteRubix Tools & Training

SiteRubix training is seriously superb. Not only do you not need to be a rocket scientist to use it, so it is easy to get up and running (literally takes less than 60 seconds) but it also offers training and support to assist you with your growth as a webmaster. Yes, you can become an expert!

Wealthy Affiliate Tools & Training

Please have a read in my Wealthy Affiliate Review for more information on this superb platform – I have been with them for 6 months and have never been happier with training and community than I am with Wealthy Affiliate.

Suffice to say that the tools and training have superseded any expectations I had at the outset!

Just to recap, you have the option to join as a FREE Starter Member or as a Premium Member. I started out as a FREE Starter and went Premium in a matter of days. The first month is $19 and thereafter it is $47 per month (or you could pay less by signing up on a 6 monthly or annual basis. Have a look at the new payment options below:

New Payment Options At Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate new Payment Options

Here is a breakdown of the benefits you receive on the different membership options too. I am sure you will agree that the Starter Option gives you a good look into the Premium options. You can remain on the Free Starter Membership as long as you like. Absolutely no pressure to upgrade to Premium. Though I highly recommend that you do! This brings me to another huge advantage with Wealthy Affiliate – there are no upsells, once you are at Premium Membership level, that is the pinnacle of their offerings, you have access to everything the platform offers at that price, it will not change (unlike so many of the competitors).

I started out saying that you needed to be expectant when reading this article. I hope that I have done justice to both SiteRubix and Wealthy Affiliate in what I have shared. It truly is difficult to tell you everything in one article – there is just so much more for you to enjoy and benefit from than I can share here. I do hope that you take up the opportunity to build your FREE Website with SiteRubix. In case you didn’t take advantage earlier, here is the opportunity once again:

When it comes to Wealthy Affiliate, if you are serious about building your online business and creating a life of freedom (financial freedom, geographic freedom and the freedom to make a difference in the lives of others – my three main goals), then grab hold of this Free Starter Membership and do not let go! Yes, there will be good day and there will be bad days, just like any other aspect of life – but, you will be building YOUR online business!

Free Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate

Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


Yes, that is me! It always helps to put a face to a name. I have another awesome offer for you. Perhaps you would like to take advantage of a 7-Day FREE Training Series? That way I can guide you through the Wealthy Affiliate process. If that is you, join me – it will be my pleasure to share what I have learned to date. This offer is a series of emails to take you through each step and give you some personal attention. Remember, there is a whole community of online entrepreneurs, not only highly experienced and successful but also generous with their knowledge!

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