How To Make Money For Free [The Clickworker Way]

It feels like we are looking for the Holy Grail when speaking about ways to make money. Making money for free is an even Holier Grail, right? Well, maybe not so much, see, there are many ways to make money, even for free. For me, the biggest boxes to tick are legal, ethical, and sustainable ways to make money. When these areas are covered, I am comfortable recommending them. So, let’s get into answering today’s question, how to make money for free.

I found these guys on online and decided to do a little research and tell you about them too.

Who are we discussing?

What do they do? Clickworker says they are “always looking for internet users worldwide who can, for example, create or correct texts, participates in surveys or search and categorize data for us”.

How it works: “You can sign up as a Clickworker free of charge. You work independently, your schedule is flexible, and all you need is a computer and/or mobile device with an internet connection. You decide when and how much you want to work – on a freelance basis” Review …

Clickworker is essentially a portal where an individual can sign up and work as a freelancer. This creates an excellent opportunity for people to earn money online without spending a dime – other than on a computer and access to the internet.

Clickworkers offer micro-jobs and also work in co-operation with UHRS (Universal human Relevant System) which is a separate website but also offers micro-jobs to Clickworkers who qualify.

Thank you for visiting my site to have a look at the Clickworker Review in your quest to find out how to make money for free.

It is my absolute pleasure to bring this Clickworker Review to you and the reason it is a pleasure is because making money is important to all of us and I want to show you the way to make money for yourself.

Let’s get into it.

Clickworker has what they call “more than 2.2 million internet-savvy people” in the community of international members. They provide opportunities for members of their community to earn money as freelancers.

Clickworker attracts clients who are looking for freelancers to complete micro jobs for them and the people registered with Clickworker have access to the work.

On proper completion of the work, the freelancer (known as a Clickworker) is paid.

Overview: Clickworker At A Glance
Price:Free To Sign Up As A Freelancer
Founded By:Alexander Linden
MD:Christian Rozensensenich
Overall Rank:5

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

Pro #1 No need to go out looking for your own freelance gigs

Pro #2 No setup costs (other than having your own laptop & internet connection)

Pro #3 Clickworker has shown exponential growth, especially over 2020 (possibly due to Covid lockdowns?)

Pro #4 You have the freedom to work where and when it suits you

Pro #5 You do not need to be qualified, work is secured by your abilities rather than completed qualifications which make this perfect work for students

Pro #6 Your existing talent can be put to good use

The Bad:

Con #1 There are 2 million other clickworkers to compete with

Con #2 Trust Pilot reveals some payment concerns, though these appear to be resolved in the main part

Con #3 As a Clickworker you are building someone else’s dream, not your own

Con #4 No guaranteed or set income, in fact, Clickworker themselves go as far as to say “Working at Clickworker should not be considered a substitute for full-time employment or self-employment.”

Who is Clickworker For?

Clickworker is tailored for a variety of industries and Clickworker talents. Examples of work you can expect to sign up for are as follows:

  • Writing
  • Translating
  • Researching
  • Data processing
  • Audio Recording

I have taken two screenshots to show the demographics of the clickworker Community and crowd:

Here is an example of what is on the Clickworker site from a copywriting perspective:

Clickworker Tools & Training

Clickworker offers an online portal where you can register as a Clickworker.

This online platform does not seem to offer training, rather they offer opportunities for registered Clickworkers to earn money making use of existing skills. As a Clickworker, you do stand to gain experience which will stand you in good stead for future gigs too.

Clickworker Skills

I signed up as a Clickworker to see how the process works and what specific skills they look for. The information required by their system is dependent on where in the world you live and your language ability. I am a first language English speaker and successfully completed the tasks to sign up. If you are a native English speaker, this will be a cinch for you too.

There is the opportunity to sign up as a native speaker of other languages, I am unable to test that out however and my language abilities are restricted to English only. If you are multi-lingual, I am sure that will be to your advantage.

Below is a screen-shot displaying how the company qualifies their Clickworkers

Clickworker Hobbies & Know-how

This is quite a cool section if you ask me. There is an opportunity to select your field of interest and identify it as a hobby or an area where you have Know-how. What it means to me is that you get to work in areas that you have an interest in. Talk about working within your passion!

The categories available for a Clickworker to select from are: Sports; Lifestyle: Engineering; Events; Computers & Internet; Consumer electronics; Economy & Society; Science & Research; Media; Home & Garden; Tourism and Adult Content.

Clickworker Pricing

Free – no fee to sign up as a Clickworker

Clickworker Earning Potential

You can earn EUR5.00 by referring a friend or acquaintance, as soon as they have earned EUR10.00 as a Clickworker. This is made simple for you as the platform offers a facility for you to add in the email addresses of the people you are referring to.

As mentioned in the Cons above, no guaranteed or set income, in fact, Clickworker themselves go as far as to say “Working at Clickworker should not be considered a substitute for full-time employment or self-employment.” Gigs can pay anywhere between cent amounts to two-digit euro sums, according to the Clickworker site. They go onto to say the fee is calculated according to the following:

  • by estimating average processing time
  • the level of difficulty
  • length of the text
  • amount of research required
  • special knowledge or skills required

This means that your earning potential is dependent on how much time you want or have to work on gigs. Plus the level of experience and speed at which you work.


You will need to have a verified PayPal account in order to receive payments.

Overview: At A Glance:
Price:Free To Sign Up As A Freelancer
Founded By:Alexander Linden
MD:Christian Rozensensenich
Overall Rank:5

My Final Opinion of Clickworker

This online platform appears to offer great earning opportunities for newbies and experienced talent alike. One thing I particularly appreciate here is that individuals can sign up and gain experience as they complete work through Clickworker. As an ex recruiter, I identify quite strongly with people who have studied hard to gain access to a particular career and then find they cannot secure employment because they have no experience to offer. Clickworker appears to offer the opportunity to gain experience.

Having said all this, please be clear that Clickworker does not guarantee income. No different from being an offline freelancer, there is no guarantee of work or earnings.

If you have time to wait for the right gigs to come in and time available to work on them as and when they are presented, then Clickworker is a great option to consider. You could also register with the likes of Fivver and peddle your wares there too. Thankfully you are not obliged to remain with one online portal only.

One of my online platform colleagues wrote a great piece about Fivver, I invite you to see what he had to share:  15 Ways to Make Money on Fivver [STEP BE STEP]

In short, clickworker does tick the boxes of legal and ethical ways to make money.  Unfortunately, it is not sustainable, as they said themselves.

If you would like to have more control over your future, I recommend you build your own business, specifically an online business. Why? For all the same advantages as Clickworker:

  • You choose where and when you work
  • You get to work in the area/s you are passionate about


  • With your own online business, your earning potential is not dictated or restricted, you get to choose;
  • More importantly, with your own successful online business, you are creating a sustainable business for the future.  Done well, you could even create multiple streams of passive income!

Something to consider – you could always sign up as a Clickworker and make money as a freelancer whilst you build your own online business(es).   That really would be worth your while!

My Number One Recommendation – Get Started For Free!

If you need more information about this incredible Online Business Opportunity, have a look at my article here.

If you have any questions or input to offer, pop me a message in the comments section below.


8 thoughts on “How To Make Money For Free [The Clickworker Way]”

    • Hi Norman
      Absolutely, the risk is very low. It’s also a great way for inexperienced writers and researchers to build their portfolios.
      Thank you for taking the time to pop over for a visit.

  1. Thanks for your insights into this program Louise. I had not heard of it previously. Sounds okay to pick up a few bucks here and there, but I agree that time and energy is better spent creating your own businesses All the Best. Joseph

    • Hi Joseph
      My pleasure to share. Clickworker definitely offers advantages, as they say themselves though, this is not the way to generate a sizeable income. Creating our own online businesses is challenging and loads of fun.
      Blessings always

  2. Clickworker seems like an interesting way to make a side income or, perhaps a supplemental income to an already existing business. Perhaps one could use it to supplement their existing business by utilizing the profits to put back into your primary business. One question I do have, is there an upgrade or up-sell to the program?

    • Hi Ralph
      I agree, there is a place for Clickworker, a great way to build some experience and generate an income.
      There is no upgrade or up-sell to the program if you’re signing up as a Clickworker. From a paying client’s perspective, that may differ.
      Thank you for taking the time to visit my site and drop me some feedback, really appreciated.

  3. Hey Louise, you always explain these articles in a comprehensive way. Thank you for such a great review. I can safely say now that I know about ClickWorker, thank much to you again for sharing.

    • Hi Earl
      It’s my pleasure to share, especially in the current world situation, many people are looking for ways to generate an income.
      Blessings as always


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