How To Start An Online Business For Free

Welcome, welcome! I am so happy you have found this article. It can (& will) change your life if you are prepared to put in the time and effort. As you will soon see, there are many examples of people who have already followed this process and created successful online businesses. That’s right, access to everything they learned is shared right here in this article and will show you how you can start an online business for free!

How to start a online business for free

Your Question Will Be Answered In Two Parts

Starting your online business has a few different moving parts, I will do my best to narrow things down so we cut to the chase really quickly.

The first aspect is all around how to start an online business and the second is focused on where to go for all the training, tools, support, and community it will take to start your own successful online business.

How To Start An Online Business

The simplest way to start your online business is to break it down into the steps it will require, they are as follows:

How to start a online business for free

Step 1 – Choose An Interest

This can be a challenging step to start out with because many of us have no idea what interest we want to focus on. Sometimes, if we can find an interest at all! Choosing the right interest is very important for the following reasons:

  • It must be something you are passionate enough about to want to return to day after day. Something you are keen to tell other people about.
  • It must be an interest that will appeal to other people (your target market) and be one your target market is prepared to spend money on.

This “interest” is also known as a niche, I invite you to read more about niches within an article I wrote called What Is A Niche Website About?

Step 2 – Build a Website

No idea where to begin when it comes to building a website? No worries, we have you covered. Everything you need for your website is available: Training, Hosting, Site Support, and more.

Even if you are an experienced webmaster, there is something very exciting for you to look forward to.

Step 3 – Attract Visitors

Attracting visitors to your online business or website is a skill we can learn. Remember I said earlier on that you will be learning and applying what you learn on this journey?

Step 3 is an important step, probably the most important step. Why do I say that? Well, you can do steps 1 and 2, which is a lot of work by the way, but if you don’t get Step 3 right, all your hard work in the first two steps will go to waste.

Attracting the right visitors is mostly about helping people with advice. Think about it, you have landed on this article because you are searching “how to start an online business for free” – right?

Imagine, if you will, that you are a keen cyclist and you are searching for the best cleats on the market. You type “best cleats on the market” into Google and land on a website that shares information about the best cleats on the market.

Wouldn’t you be happy to have found a place where they are talking your language? Helping you with answers to your questions? Well, that is how we attract visitors to our websites, we research, find the answers to the questions, and share them. Simple, right?

Learning how to attract visitors to your site is not rocket science.  Actually, none of the steps are really.  We just need to remain committed to

  • learning (have a growth mindset),
  • building our businesses, and
  • have faith in the proven process.

Step 4 – Earn Revenue

Here is the ultimate outcome we all desire from our businesses (on or offline), we aim to generate an income.

This is done by selling your own products or by becoming an affiliate for the products you write about.

What happens is this –

  • when a visitor to your website (let’s stick to cycling and cleats here)
  • finds the product they are looking for, cleats in this example.
  • They click on the link you provide in your article about the best cleats on the market and
  • make a purchase through your article and link

As an affiliate marketer, you earn a commission from that sale.

How cool is that?

Here is a quick graphic explaining the affiliate marketing process, you are welcome to read more about this in another article I wrote entitled What is Internet Affiliate Marketinghow to start a online business for free

Where To Find Everything You Need For Your Online Business

Right, we have covered the 4 steps it will take to start an online business, let’s have a look at everything you will need and where to find it.

As we saw above, you will need to follow 4 Steps, let’s see what each step will need:

1. Choose An Interest

As mentioned already, this can be quite a challenge. If you missed the opportunity to learn more about what an interest (also known as a niche) is, please pop over and about it in another article “What Is A Niche Website About?”

Perhaps you already know what your interest is and that it offers a viable proposition, good on ya! .

If not, there is no need to be concerned, the platform I am about to introduce you to offers great training, tools and a community of successful online entrepreneurs.  All of which will help you find the interest or niche best suited to you.

2. Build A Website

One of the advantages I enjoy the most about technology made available to each one of us is that we can all learn how to build a website. It’s not nearly as technical or challenging as you may expect at first glance.

If I can do this, so can you! Pinky promise.

Here is more about building a website which speaks about how to build a website in WordPress in 60 seconds and includes video evidence!

3. Attract Visitors

Attracting visitors to your online business is all about learning what your customer is looking for. That means you will need excellent research tools, right?

Enter this exceptional Research Tool – which is also a part of the platform I am sharing with you. You can read more about it here: The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review.

Not only does this Research Tool provide essential keyword results, Jaaxy also offers insight into:

  • Niches
  • Competition
  • SiteRank
  • Domains

All essential components of your online business!

4. Earn Revenue

The training offered within the platform will teach you everything you need to know about generating an income or earning revenue from your website.

Not only that, you will be rubbing shoulders with successful online entrepreneurs from all over the world within the community. That means you have access to people who are already doing what you are aiming to do.

You can build really valuable relationships within the community these are people who know what it takes to build an online business and have enjoyed the help and support of others who went before them.

This is what has created a community of people who are willing to help others. People like you and me can, and do, learn from members within the community.

Where Can You Get Everything You Need For Your Online Business For Free?

I am so happy to share this with you. No more hunting around the internet, Googling this or that, everything you need is available in one place!

If you have ever tried looking for information about how to create your own successful online business, you will understand the value of having everything required in one platform.

Not only is it available in one place, but it is also available for you to experience for free – here it is, a Free Starter Membership.

How to start a online business for free

Online Business Success Stories

Remember I said I would be sharing success stories with you?

Here is a link to just one article which details 29 Success Stories within the community.

Only 29?  No, no, there are many, many more than 29 – these are just the tip of the iceberg and have been shared in one spot which makes it easy for me to share with you.

how to start a online business for free

There is so much more to the online business world that I could be share with you, the aim was just to show you how to start an online business for free.

I hope you join me within the community and find out more. Here is where to find me inside the community, pop over and say hi!

Blessings as always

How to start a online business for free

6 thoughts on “How To Start An Online Business For Free”

  1. Starting and online business is prertty amazing because the benefits are great once you begin to have success.
    However a lot of work is involved and you must follow each step correctly. Wealthy affiliate has the kind of training to do just that.
    I have been with Wealthy Affiliate these few years and have seen how effective their training is in helping anyone to have oneline success.

    • Hi Norman
      Wonderful to see you here, thank you so much.
      Wealthy Affiliate has been an absolute godsend to me. No more trawling the internet looking for information, it’s all in the one platform and community.
      Here’s to our online business success!

  2. You have provided many good ideas and insights on how to set up an online business efficiently, effectively, and with a modest budget. With a bit of determination and commitment, a person can do very well in the online world. All the Best.

  3. Thanks for this. Really great information. I believe in todays world me must all have an on line presence. An informative and well written article that I found easy to understand.

    Many Thanks

    • Hiya Stephen
      Thank you so much.
      We are so fortunate to be a part of an awesome community of online entrepreneurs and to benefit from everything we need for our online businesses.


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