No Money To Retire? [7 Creative & Enjoyable Ways To Make Money For & In Retirement]

So many people are not going to be able to retire, simply because they have no money to retire on. This is more common than you think – thanks to the global financial crash, single parenthood, illness, accidents, bad planning and a myriad of other reasons.  Is it anyone’s fault –  who cares – I am definitely not here to criticize?  Once we are in the situation, we need to find our way out of it. Thanks to the online business world, we have many solutions to the challenge. Stay with me as we address the question No Money To Retire? and celebrate some answers:  7 Creative & Enjoyable Ways To Make Money For & In Retirement.


A little research revealed that many people are searching online, seeking the answers to the following searches:

  • No money to retire
  • Enough money to retire
  • No money for retirement
  • No money at retirement
  • No money retire
  • Money to retire for
  • Money to retire
  • No money retirement
  • Best Place retire no money
  • Survive retirement no money
  • How to retire with no money
  • How can I retire with no money

Now, I am not certain if these questions are asked by people who want to retire with no money, highly unlikely, who would want to do that? Or are heading toward or at retirement age and have no money to live on in retirement. Either way, the prognosis could be really bleak! The question that made me sad was “survive retirement no money”. Who wants to “survive” when we can thrive! I digress, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of what to do when you have no money to retire on.

I am going to present you with a range of ideas and at the very end (no, don’t go peeking now, rather wade your way through the different ideas first :-)) I will reveal my number one choice.

The ideas presented here can be done whilst you are working and heading toward retirement, or in retirement itself. These are 7 creative and enjoyable way to make the money you will need to live on during the golden years of your life (or maybe you’re planning to retire young, so not necessarily golden years, but definitely retirement years).

1.  Proof Reading

How is your spelling and grammar? If you have a knack for spotting errors, this is a great option for you! The job of a proofreader is to check copy for errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar. It’s a job that you can do from home (or anywhere else you fancy, so long as you have a computer and internet connection), is easy on the body (save energy for the things you truly love to do) and can be done at times that suit you. There would be deadlines to meet of course, in the main though, you control your working hours.

This visual is of a book, naturally, you would be doing this proofreading on a computer – I just fancied that image.

2.  Photography

Oh man, how I wish I had a photographer’s eye – sadly I do not. Thankfully we don’t all because that offers the opportunity for people (you perhaps?) who do to make money out of their talents!

Thanks to the online world there is a demand for good images and photos. You can literally take photos of anything and sell them to the different stock photo websites. Keep in mind, these photos can be digital images from days gone by, recent or future photos you may take.

Millions of people are seeking great photos to use on their websites and in their blogs. II’s a great market to get into. Highly competitive, but an opportunity worth considering.

Here are some ideas about where to sell your photographic works of art:

  • 123RF
  • Adobe Stock (
  • Alamy
  • Big Stock Photo
  • Canstockphoto (
  • Corbis Images
  • Crestock
  • Dreamstime
  • Fotolia
  • Getty Images / iStoc ( or
  • Shutterstock (
  • Stocksy
  • Stockxpert

There are also a host of free images and royalty free images available online – this should not deter you though, you could consider putting some of your images up on a free offer and build a reputation for yourself. Have a read of where bloggers and online business people find Stock Photos and Free Images.

3.  Voice Over Artist

I have worked on the radio and it can be so much fun! Literally, you use your voice to make money. For me, the most enjoyable part of this is that you can act without being seen. Yeah, I’m a little stage shy, but behind a microphone, it can be a whole different story.

The agencies looking for voices are open to all ages and accents – think about the advertising industry and all the different voices they make use of. Yours could be the next voice they are looking for. All you need to do is find a Talent Agency in your area. You will be required to send in some recordings of your voice as part of the application process. Working with an agent will also make your life easier too, they will handle the client relationships, marketing and billing. All you need to do is show up for recordings when they find work for you.

Another voice option is to become an Audio-book Narrator. A friend of mine can only enjoy audio-books these days as she lost her vision in an accident. I know from her that she would far rather listen to a book narrated by a local accent (South African English) because, as it would be all over the world, locals know how to pronounce local names correctly. It would be no different in your area too, I am sure. Having said that, there is no restriction provided you speak well and can read audiobooks in a way that your listeners will enjoy. Another bonus to this opportunity is that you record the audiobooks in the comfort of your own home – no need to commute or travel anywhere – no time wasted and no travel costs incurred! You can do this at hours that suit you, meaning that you could be employed in a 9 to 5 job and record in the evenings and over the weekend.

There is a range of online courses you could complete that will assist you in training and developing your voice. I recently bought a course for my daughter from Udemy – very cost effective too!

4.  Online Tutoring

There are a variety of subjects you could teach online to create an income stream. This too can be done from the comfort of your home, or from anywhere in the world – so long as you have a computer and internet connection.

The opportunities are quite broad for online tutors, especially if you have a teaching background. Never fear if you don’t though, there is a huge opportunity for language teachers, specifically English. I wrote an article, Start Teaching English Online With A Top Notch TEFL Certification where you can learn more about this great opportunity! Between you and me, this is something I plan on doing in the not too distant future.

5.  Virtual Assistant

The role of a VA is quite varied and you really can assist business owners and executives and make their lives so much easier! It also enables you to avoid the traffic and work from your home.
If you have a PA / secretarial or admin background, it will come in very handy. Responsibilities such as organizing meetings, travel arrangements, management expense accounts, financial accounts and more can be managed by you from a virtual or home office. Depending on your experience, you can offer more or less than these functions – are you a writer, do you have a background in customer support or event management? Any of these skills (and more) can be offered as a VA. If you are taking a professional approach, create an organized working environment and make good use of technology, you can generate a great income as a Virtual Assistant. I see VA’s often promote themselves on platforms like LinkedIn – well worth considering.

The only drawback with this opportunity is that you would need to be available during the normal office hours, so unless your clients are in a different time zone, working as a VA will interfere with a 9 to 5 job you may already have. It is worth keeping in mind for retirement time too though.

6.  Business and/or Life Coach

A very close friend of mine has recently left her very high-level corporate career to pursue and grow her new life as a Business and Life Coach. You can choose to do one or the other or both.

the role of a Life or Busines Coach is to assist their clients in gaining clarity about their lives and businesses, making decisions, setting goals and achieving those goals. There is a level of accountability between the coach and client which works extremely well for many of us who are procrastinators by nature. Coaches typically act as a sounding board for their clients and help them to whittle things down to what really matters and then work out the steps it will take to achieve or complete what needs to be done.

Coaching is a great online business opportunity especially if you have life and business experience to offer. There are many Coaching Courses available too, it makes sense to get the training in place as well as the life experience.

I found a UK based Association For Coaching online: I am sure a lot of your questions can be answered on this site. There are many available from what I saw though, I recommend you look at a few places before you decide. There are certifications and diplomas offered so you can market yourself as a qualified and experienced professional!

Secret Revealed…

7.  Last But Not Least – My Number One Choice – Affiliate Marketing!

Why Affiliate Marketing? There are many reasons, let me list a few:

  • You can start your affiliate marketing business whilst you are still employed, no need to wait until retirement. Though you could do that if you chose to.
  • You can make a lot of money, and continue making money – this is a lucrative and sustainable business opportunity
  • You can start part or full time once you are retired
  • It’s a very affordable business model – no need to have your own products
  • You can work from anywhere you choose – from home or as you travel – the true laptop lifestyle

What Would You Need?

  • So long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you are in business – this is the classic work from home or work as you travel opportunity!

What is it, I am sure you are asking? None other than Affiliate Marketing!

I have written an in-depth article about Affiliate Marketing, which I encourage you to read

Here is a little graphic for you Affiliate Marketing At A Glance:

Let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Join an organization (who has their own products and services)
  2. Promote their products and services
  3. Earn a commission

This description really simplifies the whole process – but that is the point, I want you to see how simple the business model truly is.

What Will You Need To Become An Affiliate Marketer?

  1. A computer
  2. Access to the internet
  3. Training

Number 1 and 2 are quite simple. Number 3 is where the hard work starts. Don’t be afraid of the hard work, the joy of Affiliate Marketing is that the hard work you put in now, comes back to reward you over and over again. This world is completely unlike any other I have been involved with!

The training is also amazing! I don’t want to lie, it can be challenging – but that is also part of the excitement of becoming an Affiliate Marketer. There is so much to learn! The training I am going to share with you is truly superb and will take you through the process in a way that you will understand and build your business, literally as you learn!

The Step By Step Process

  1. You decide what kind of products you would like to promote & sign up to the Affiliate Program
  2. You decide how you are going to promote the products (there are a number of ways, I recommend you start out with a website, then move your way along to YouTube, email campaigns and the like. It’s all good, I have the perfect place for you to learn ALL of this and more!
  3. You promote the products.
  4. A visitor to your website buys the product, you earn a commission

I have written an article that will take you through the process in more details, it’s called Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Training For Beginners. You can have a read or just take a leap of faith with me and sign up for a FREE Starter Membership!

This is exactly how I started in October 2018 and I have not looked back! I am building my Affiliate Marketing online business as a direct result of the exceptional training I receive and the incredible support from the community too! You can sign up, just as I did, and not even have to share your card information for access!

Take the opportunity for a test drive, you have absolutely nothing to lose and, trust me on this, everything to gain! Like me, you can build your own online Affiliate Marketing business from scratch by following the training on offer! I have no technical inclinations at all, and even I am managing to get this right! (all thanks to the training, technical support and community!)

Want to learn more before you take the leap? No problem, I have you covered with that too. I recently updated my Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2019, you can read everything you need to know, and then take advantage of the Free Starter Membership.

So, if you are anything like me and you are looking for a way to make money for and in retirement, I do believe I have provided you with some great ideas. I would love to hear if you have anything to add, or if you have any questions – you can drop a message to me in the comments below, I promise to respond to you.

Look forward to seeing YOU, on the inside!

Blessings always

PS. Yes, that is me, Louise, aka Late Bloomer. I have another amazing offer for you! I am sharing training I received in a FREE 7-Day Training Series, called Have Something Exciting to Retire To!
Join me, I would love to guide you through the process!

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