The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review

More than a Keyword Research Tool

Originally I wrote this review in 2018 / 2019, I was a true newbie back then.  Times have changed and so has Jaaxy.  Let’s dig into this review, but before we do, let’s also be clear that Jaaxy is not only a keyword research tool – no not at all! 

As you can see below, Jaaxy also offers the following tools:

  • Niche Research
  • Competition Research
  • SiteRank Check
  • Domain Research


The above said, let’s focus on the original intent of this review and ask the question:  Is Keyword Research Worth Spending Money On?

For me, this is a no-brainer!  I have been privileged to have the use of an incredible Keyword Research Tool.  Why do I call it incredible? 

Well, my blogs are ranked and indexed by Google, I put that down to the keywords I am using – which I am able to find and include in my articles as a result of the fabulous training I am receiving! 

Not everything hinges on keywords only, of course, there is also on-page and off-page SEO to take into account – one of the many things I have learned in the Wealthy Affiliate community.  

It is only once you are involved in the online business industry that you realize just how much work goes into creating articles and blogs that will be ranked and get to where you want them to go.  That is in front of your readers. 

There is an enormous amount of work that goes specifically into research.  If you do not research, it is a case of  “spray and pray”.  High-ranking keywords are worth every dime!  Having said that, let’s ensure that our dimes are well spent, shall we?  Introducing:



The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review

It is my absolute pleasure to bring The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review to you and the reason it is a pleasure is because I have enjoyed great success using it. I love speaking about positive and exciting topics.

Let’s get into it.

Keyword research is everything when it comes to driving free traffic from search engines to your website.  If you do not conduct proper keyword research (in addition to topic research), it literally is like doing business blindfold. 

There are no prizes for guessing when it comes to reaching your target market, what they are looking for, and how they are looking for it. 

Being too close to your niche can be dangerous too if you make assumptions you could miss the mark completely. 

You need to know exactly what your target market is searching for, what words, and what phrases they are using.  Without that, you really are in unchartered waters, not the best use of your time and efforts.

The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review will reveal why this is the best tool for you to make use of in your keyword research.  Jaaxy takes all the guesswork (and risk of assumption) out of the equation.

Show and Tell

I am not only telling you about it, but I will also be showing how to use it too!  You can play with it too, right here:



The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool – Overview



Price:      Free Starter Trial

               Pro  R49 per month

               Enterprise:  R99 per month

Owners:  Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim

Overall Rank:  9 out of 10


The Good & the Bad

The Good:

Thumbs Up From Late Bloomer

Pro #1 Jaaxy is super-easy to use

Pro #2  Because Jaaxy is super-easy to use, your learning curve is not steep at all

Pro #2 Jaaxy provides incredibly accurate information

Pro #3  The results provided by Jaaxy are delivery very efficiently, the speed is awesome

Pro #4  Jaaxy was created by people who understand the online business world, it was designed with you in mind

Pro #5  Being an online app, you can access it from any PC, laptop, Mac, IPad etc

Pro #6  No software to download, install or purchase

Pro #7  All updates and upgrades are managed on the backend

Pro #8  Delays due to upgrades or updates are unheard of – access to the latest version is yours for the taking

Pro #9  Jaaxy helps with finding strong keywords which will be invaluable in your online advertising campaigns

Pro #10 Excellent training material available

Pro #11  The support is world class – efficient and reliable

Pro #12  Jaaxy is multi-dimensional and can be used for a variety of different online businesses:  online marketers, domain flippers, affiliate marketers, in fact, anyone working online

Pro #13 Jaaxy collects data from Google, Bing, and Yahoo – the three major search engines

Pro #14  Jaaxy is more than a Keyword Research tool – niche research, competitor research, site rank check and domain research also form part of the offering


The Bad:

Thumbs Down From Late Bloomer

Naturally, Jaaxy is not perfect, it is worth knowing though that the team is continually improving Jaaxy and including new features, making it even better than it already is.

Con #1  Local and global searches are not definable, they reflect as one

Con #2  Language selection is restricted to English

Con #3  Some of the features may not be of interest to you (not right now anyway)

Con #4  Keyword Research (and more) with JAAXY can be so enthralling and intriguing that you run the risk of becoming addicted to research


Who is Jaaxy For?

A very wide range of online businesses with users from entry-level to expert-level utilize Jaaxy.  Here are some ideas of who can enjoy the benefits Jaaxy offers:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • PPC and Online Advertisers,
  • Niche researchers
  • Writers – freelance, permanent, and contract
  • Domain flippers
  • YouTubers
  • Companies involved in SEO
  • Competitive researchers
  • News website owners looking for viral news and trends to take advantage of
  • Marketers looking to find the ranking of their sites and posts (SERPs – Search Engine Results Pages)
  • Local marketers and businesses
  • Online businesses and marketers researching for topical issues to include in their email marketing efforts
  • pretty much anyone who is looking to rank content organically (no advertising budget required)

As an extremely versatile tool, Jaaxy is perfect for you whether you are starting out or a highly experienced online professional.



Jaaxy Tools & Training

Jaaxy is an very easy to use keyword research tool and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to use it.  Maybe you are a rocket scientist and ease of use is not a big deal – I certainly am not.

For once in the online business world, the learning curve is not steep at all. 

There are great training videos available within Jaaxy.  The focus is on

  • Keyword Research & Management,
  • Website Research and Analysis,
  • Niche Research Refinement

and the best part is that if you are keen to make money whilst you are spending it, the Affiliate Program offers you that opportunity too.

The training is delivered by means of videos and loads of high-quality information, giving you insight into the way this amazing tool operates.

Here is one of the Jaaxy training sessions on offer within Wealthy Affiliate – Using Jaaxy Like A Keyword Research Ninja

You can view the training for free – all you will need to do is create a free account within the platform.

This screenshot of the Jaaxy Keyword Research & Management training reveals just how much exciting information you can expect to find inside this fabulous tool!


The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review


Right, let’s get into some research, I’m so keen to show you how Jaaxy works!

Jaaxy Keyword Research in Action

Here is a screenshot of my keyword search for a Little Black Dress (why not? 😉)  in Jaaxy for this article you are reading right now:

Jaaxy teaches us how to conduct detailed keyword research.  This is so beneficial to any online business, whether it is a blog, eCommerce store, or niche website. You cannot go wrong with Jaaxy. 

You will notice from the LBD search above, we have 13 keywords to choose from, mix and match or extend our wardrobe …. oops, I meant website, of course! 

Let me be clear too, these were not all the keywords that came up on the search, this is just what I snipped to showcase here for you!

Now that we have our Little Black Dress sorted out, let’s search for some Killer Heels to match our LBD:

A quick search revealed a range of great keywords to go with our LBD.  Let’s be real, the LBD will go with any of these keywords!  I am not a fashionista but this excites even me!

Jaaxy goes even further for us!  Read on to find out more ….

Here are some Domains to choose from too!  I did say I would not just tell you but also show you how well Jaaxy works!  Isn’t that amazing?  

The best part is that these results are results you will use, nothing going to waste here at all!  Jaaxy is worth more than its weight in gold, and why is that?  Because it was designed by highly experienced online business people who know exactly what we as online marketers need to do the best job possible.

Each and every one of the searches you do in Jaaxy will give you which EMDs (Exact Match Domains) are available and with the corresponding search term! 

Your socks will be blown off by the reality of how many amazing domains are available within YOUR niche!  No need to take my word for it, just have a look right here:

If I was a fashionista or fashion blogger, I could buy each of these domains.  Then put up a niche fashion site, and, due to Google ranking domains that have the keywords in them, I would have bought up the first rank in Google!

Let’s look at the numbers and see if this makes good financial sense:  $10 per domain per annum x 1000 clicks – you don’t need to be an actuary to figure this one out! 

Jaaxy reveals complete business model options as a result of its ability to efficiently reveal the domains available

Don’t take my word for it, give Jaaxy a test run here – FOR FREE! 


The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review



Jaaxy Pricing – Find One That Fits Your Budget

There is so much more to Jaaxy than what I have shown you by example here.   These are some:

  • You can do brainstorming (where you find niches),
  • find where your sites on ranked in Google (literally, what page),
  • discover affiliate programs;
  • see what your competitors are up to,
  • build lists of keywords. 

What an amazing tool Jaaxy is.  To call it a Keyword Research Tool actually isn’t completely accurate – you can do so much more with it! 

Please forgive me for my enthusiasm, Jaaxy has been so very good for me and to me!

Let’s look at the pricing.  You will see that there are options that fit any budget, from a newbie to experienced users who fully get the importance of keyword research to the super-experienced, power-marketers.  

There is more than one different level of membership with JAAXY, each one affordable and tailored to the level you may be at in your online business.



The Free Starter is part of the Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership, Jaaxy Pro for $49 per month, or Jaaxy Enterprise for $99 per month (which you receive as part of the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus bundle).

As you can see from the image above, there are different benefits and features at each level.  


The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool – Overview



Price:       Free Starter Trial

                Pro  R49 per month

                Enterprise:  R99 per month

Owners:   Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim

Overall Rank:  9 out of 10


My Final Opinion of Jaaxy

Jaaxy has been an absolute Godsend for me – literally. As a newbie Affiliate Marketer, I had numerous articles ranked and indexed by Google in only a few months.  Some were ranked in a matter of days. This is a direct result of a Keyword Search in Jaaxy  (Not to mention the outstanding online business training I am receiving with Wealthy Affiliate, which you can also try for free here)

If you have read this far, there can be no doubt in your mind that Jaaxy is a superb research tool.  I encourage you to take advantage of the FREE Starter Membership

Kyle and Carson also created Wealthy Affiliate where I am a Premium Plus member and receive the most superb training.

You have the opportunity to get your hands on a FREE Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate. I encourage you, don’t delay, click on the image below, and join me – it is an exciting journey!

I encourage you to consider the Online Business Opportunity and have written that in-depth review, especially for you.


Look forward to seeing YOU on the inside!


Louise aka Late Bloomer

PS Yes, that is me, I find it helps to put a face to the words – don’t you? I would also love you hear your feedback, please drop me a line in the comments section below, I promise to respond to you.

2 thoughts on “The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review”

  1. Hi Louise,
    firstly I love your website, the way it’s layed out and all your available info. The Jaaxy post above is set out extremely well with every thing answered clearly. You have certainly put a lot of time into this post. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your story with the Jaaxy tool.
    Thank You.

    • Hi Anita
      Thank you so much – I am very happy to hear that my site has offered you value, makes all the hard work worthwhile.
      Jaaxy is a game-changer for online marketers who are looking to make headway with their keywords, niches, competitor activity and more.
      Wishing you every success!


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