What Is The Tailwind App? [Jumpstart Your Instagram & Pinterest With A Free Trial]

I don’t know about you but I am not waiting for January to get ready for next year.  Especially not when there is no time like the present to get everything into motion. Yup, a brand new year ahead! Bring it on! In the process of preparation, I decided to have a serious look at a handy, amazing tool that just happens to offer a free trial, taking us into the new year. Join me as we answer the question “What is the Tailwind App?

* This post may contain affiliate links, which means I will make a commission at no extra cost to you should you click through and make a purchase.  In fact, Tailwind is so incredibly generous that I am being remunerated by them for this review. That said, I promise to keep things real and truthful.

Tailwind For Pinterest & Instagram

What Is The Tailwind App

Introduction and Summary

Part of my planning is looking for ways to run my online business as efficiently as possible. Social automation tools seem to be an obvious place to stop. I am not advocating automation for everything, no chance! Personally, I like to have a handle on my business, I want to be in contact with you, my visitors on a regular basis.

Having said that, there are some functions that really are extremely time-consuming and can be automated by the use of the Tailwind App, without losing touch with your audience and your business.

The Tailwind App is designed specifically for automating posts to Pinterest and Instagram, both these platforms are in a relationship with the app, this should create a seamless process for us online marketers and entrepreneurs.

Tailwind has been written about by some top names in the online business world, which can only bode well for them. Let’s see why there is so much attention given to this online app. I cannot wait to share my findings with you …

What Is The Tailwind App

Tailwind for Pinterest & Instagram

Thank you for visiting my site to have a look at my findings when it comes to the Tailwind app.

It is my absolute pleasure to bring this Review to you, I love learning about everything the online business world offers to us affiliates and online entrepreneurs. Sharing what I learn is a close second.

Let’s get into it…

Tailwind boasts 300,000+ members and the reviews they share are great, have a look at some screen snips taken from their site below:

What Is The Tailwind App

As mentioned above, Tailwind has marketing partner agreements in place with both Pinterest and Instagram. Not only do they work well together but Tailwind has taken it a step further and created some amazing add-ons in the form of Tailwind Tribes and Smart Loops. We will get into the nitty-gritty of these in the course of this review.

Overview: Tailwind At A Glance:

PRICE:Free Trial
Detailed pricing included in the review below
FOUNDED BY:Daniel Maloney (co-founder)
CEO:Daniel Maloney
OVERALL RANK:9 out of 10

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

Tailwind Pros

Pro #1 Free getting started

Pro #2 Tailwind literally explodes your Pinterest traffic

Pro #3 Tailwind provides the facility to have a constant presence on Pinterest without having to manually Pin all day long

Pro #4 You can space out your pins to coincide with the best engagement times

Pro #5 Tailwind helps you save time with the Find Content feature

Pro #6 Tailwind includes Tailwind Tribes which is a niche facility

Pro #7 Has a looping facility which means your pins keep posting to Pinterest automatically

The Bad:

Tailwind Cons

Con #1 Tailwinds load time can be slow, especially if you are working with a large number of pins

Con #2 Tailwind does not include Twitter and LinkedIn posting facilities

Con #3 Not inexpensive

Who is Tailwind For?

Tailwind is tailored for a very wide range of online businesses with users from entry-level to expert level. Here are some ideas of who can enjoy the benefits Tailwind offers:

  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • eCommerce Businesses,
  • Bloggers,
  • Content Marketers,
  • Local marketers and businesses
  • Online entrepreneurs
  • Influencers

Tailwind Training

Tailwind offers a respectable amount of training and tools in its Resource Center. These are in the form of webinars, videos, free guides, planners, and more.

Specific to Pinterest and specific to Instagram which is really handy – if you have more experience in Pinterest than Instagram for example, you do not have to wade through the Pinterest training getting to Instagram training and visa versa.

As you can see below, these resources are free. All you need to do is click on the training you are interested in, load up your email address and you’re in:

What Is The Tailwind App


An example of the training you can expect:

What Is The Tailwind App


Tailwind Tools

What Is The Tailwind App

Tailwind For Pinterest

Being a Pinterest Partner, Tailwind ensures that your account is kept safe and growing.

They have made it very simple to use. Link your Pinterest account with ease and allow Tailwind to analyze your Pinterest account, your niche, and then it generates a Smart Schedule for you.

What does Smart Schedule do? This very handy tool generates a schedule of the best times for you to Pin for audience engagement. Talk about making life easy!

What Is Tailwind SmartLoop? As the name suggests, Tailwind finds a smart way to loop things around and keep sharing your Pins. The system is intuitive and ensures that your pins are re-circulated without breaking any Group Board rules. You can set Pins to loop all year round or within a specific season. It’s a pretty amazing thing! All automated – no need to keep content calendars to reschedule pins for you!

All you need to do is let Tailwind know how many Pins you plan to schedule per day (though they do not recommend any more than 50). With the Tailwind Plus plan, you can schedule Pins til the cows come home, so long as you are paying yearly.

What Is Tailwind Tribes About?

Tailwind Tribes are like-minded users who are grouped together (by choice) and have the opportunity to share one another’s content.

The Tailwind Tribe opportunity is awesome because every member gets exposure to highly relevant audiences. I shall write a separate and detailed article about Tailwind Tribes for you, but in the meantime, you are welcome to watch this video tutorial below:

Typical Pinterest Results of Tailwind Members

My experience of using Pinterest on the free trial was amazing, I could not believe the growth! For someone like me who is learning a lot in a short space of time, Tailwind certainly assisted me with getting Pinterest up and running quickly.

I may not be typical though, so let’s look at some evidence shared by Tailwind themselves, these are impressive, I am sure you will agree:

What Is The Tailwind App

What Is The Tailwind App


Pinterest Analytics Courtesy of Tailwind

Tailwind not only provides automation for your Pins but analytics too. the results revealed by analytics include which pins and boards are your best performers.

As can be expected, on the paid Plus Plan, the Tailwind offers more detailed analytics, such as :

  • Your follower growth
  • Number of Pins added
  • The growth in Repins
  • Comments added to your pins

Then you have Pinterest Board Analytics and can expect to see:

  • Number of Pins per board
  • How many followers per board
  • Total number of Repins per board
  • Viral behaviour of bins per board
  • Repin activity per pin per follower for each of your boards

Tailwind includes a Pin Inspector which allows you to see the repins on every pin you have added to each of your boards.

And that’s not all folks! Pinterest even offers Website Analytics:

  • Number of Pins saved from your website
  • Number of visitors to your site from Pinterest

These insights are available for specific time periods so you can see exactly what is trending and when it is trending too.

Plus, plus … yeah, it hasn’t stopped, there is more – you even get to see the most popular words from the Pins saved. The Plus plan certainly does go all out and offers great analytics, i could go on with their graphs, page views, visitors … you get the idea. One could suffer analysis paralysis – as an online business owner, there are worse things.

Tailwind For Instagram

Tailwind saw an opportunity to provide an amazing post-automation tool for Instagram and grabbed it with both hands. Not only did they see the opportunity to provide the post-automation tool, but they also saw the gap for including really awesome features such as Smart Schedule, Hashtag Finder, and Analytics!  What does that mean?  Before we delve into the details, as with Pinterest, Tailwind is a Partner with Instagram, making it legit, trustworthy, and all those lovely things.

Right, let’s get into the detail …

How Can Smart Schedule Help You On Instagram?

Tailwind claims that they provide “the most intuitive Instagram Scheduler Available.” Not only that, it is also available with automatic posting.

The Instagram schedulers is designed to make scheduling to Instagram as easy as possible. What does this offer?

  • You get to plan your posts, stories, and videos with the use of a simple drag-and-drop calendar
  • Scheduling and posting is made possible across devices. That’s right, your mobile, tablet, or your desktop. Sorted.
  • There is an automatic sync facility which means that you can share media to Instagram in a matter of a few taps
  • Plus, SmartSchedule chooses the best posting times – selecting the times when your target market is online and browsing their feed.
  • Continuous content would be awesome, right? Well, Tailwind Smart Schedule makes that possible too. You get to Regram all your top posts from Instagram and even share images from any website with the browser extension.
  • You can schedule weeks of content with Smart Schedule, literally, weeks.

What Is Hashtag Finder?

Tailwind has provided the facility for users to find and capitalize on current hashtags for use on Instagram. Talk about creating the opportunity for your posts to reach your audience with ease! No more copy-paste for you! No longer do you need to wrestle your way to prominence on Instagram, Tailwind gives you a headstart by handing you the right hashtags on a silver platter!

What Is The Tailwind App

How much time would you save if you did not have to conduct your own research for the perfect hashtags every time you post? This feature is priceless! When it comes to time, can you honestly say you have more than you need? I certainly cannot, this time-saving tool is an absolute gem!

As you can see, the Hashtag Finder offers intelligent hashtag recommendations and offers the opportunity for you to add your hashtags from the get-go!

What Is The Tailwind App


Does Tailwind Offer Analytics For Instagram?

You bet it does, and how. Tailwind Analytics for Instagram offers you a snapshot of all your top-performing place, helping you to make savvy decisions. You can expect to see your Daily Follower Growth, number of Followers, and Likes over a selected period of time too.

What Is The Tailwind App

Have a look below at how Tailwind puts it themselves.  We get to learn faster, enjoy in-depth analysis, monitor our engagement rate, and see it all with great visuals!

What Is The Tailwind App

Tailwind Pricing – Find One That Fits Your Budget

* This post contains affiliate links, which means I will make a commission at no extra cost to you should you click through and make a purchase.  In fact, Tailwind is so incredibly generous that I am being remunerated by them for this review. That said, I promise to keep things real and truthful.

What Is The Tailwind App

Free Trial – This is a free trial and offers great insight into what can be achieved with Tailwind. I was suitably impressed!  The trial is based on 100 scheduled Pins or 30 scheduled Instagram Posts

Pinterest Plus – $9.99 (this is the monthly amount but is paid annually, i.e. 12 x $9.99 = $119.88)

Pinterest Plus – $14.99 (paid monthly, calculates out to $179.88 per annum, i.e. $60 more than annually paid)

Instagram Plus – $9.99 (again, the monthly amount, paid annually)

Instagram Plus – $14.99 (paid monthly, as per Pinterest Plus above)

As mentioned earlier in the cons, Tailwind is not inexpensive. However, when compared to the amount of time you could spend pinning and posting manually, not to mention the inclusion of Hashtag Finder and Analytics features, Tailwind could be exactly what your online business needs.

Overview: Tailwind At A Glance: 

PRICE:Free Trial
Detailed pricing included in the review below
FOUNDED BY:Daniel Maloney (co-founder)
CEO:Daniel Maloney
OVERALL RANK:9 out of 10

My Final Opinion of Tailwind

Seems to me that Tailwind has taken the job of over-delivery seriously.  They certainly have gone all out to make posting to both Pinterest and Instagram as efficient as possible.  The opportunity to post intelligently without spending hours on analytics is awesome, just on its own.  If Pinterest and Instagram are important aspects of your social media strategy, it makes sense to spend your money with Tailwind.

No need to part with any cash (or even card details) to try it out though, remember the Free Trial is available to you!  (Gentle reminder the trial is based on 100 scheduled Pins or 30 scheduled Instagram Posts)

What Is The Tailwind App

*This post contains affiliate links, which means I will make a commission at no extra cost to you should you click through and make a purchase.  In fact, Tailwind is so incredibly generous that I am being remunerated by them for this review. That said, I promise to keep things real and truthful.

Thank You…

Thank you again for taking the time to read my article “What Is The Tailwind App?”  I trust I have answered the question to your satisfaction.

Before I leave you, it would be remiss of me not to share my #1 Recommendation with you.  This is where I am learning everything I know and I have the double whammy of being part of the most incredible community of online entrepreneurs and business people.  More than 1,5 million of us cannot be wrong!  (January 2020 update, we are now officially 2 million members!)

If you are looking for the best online business training in the market and to benefit from interacting with like-minded online entrepreneurs, I encourage you to read more in my detailed article.

What is the Tailwind app

Blessings as always!


12 thoughts on “What Is The Tailwind App? [Jumpstart Your Instagram & Pinterest With A Free Trial]”

  1. Hi, interestingly enough (maybe it was the law of attraction – just kidding) I was just thinking about how I can up my game with pintrest and twitter. I am following people like crazy every day and I am barely getting any followers back. My traffic is also not where I want it to be. After my 30 day trial, will I lose all my traffic?

    This is a fantastic post, thanks very much and great work.

    • Hahaha! Touche Jake 🙂
      I didn’t lose my traffic after the 30-day trial, but it didn’t continue growing either. I encourage you to give it a shot, there really is nothing to lose.
      Blessings always

  2. Social media is at the root of having online success because of the numbers that can be reached in a short time. Tailwind seems to be an excellent tool to boost social traffic. I have used the 7 days free trial and from what I understood it really can help with social sites like Pinterest and Instagram even though I have not fully committed because of needing sufficient funds to use this program but the set up of tailwind is so great.

    • Hi Norman

      You’re in luck because the trail is 30 Days – I highly recommend you take advantage of the full 30 days, your Pinterest and Instagram presence will increase exponentially and you will attract your perfect followers too! Then, once you are in a position to pay for the Tailwind App, you will already have gained some traction for your online business.

      Go for it! 🙂

    • Hi Joseph
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my review of Tailwind & leave me a message. It’s an incredible tool – I look forward to hearing how you go with it.
      Blessings as always

  3. Hi Louise!

    I have seen tweets, posts, and all sorts of social media engagement on Tailwind and always wanted to know more about the App. You have provided me with lots of information on the App and now know everything I wanted to know. It seems like a great app and will sure be trying it out!

    Thanks for sharing a great post!

    Have a fantastic weekend.


    • Hi Catherine

      I am really happy to read that this article offered you some value. Tailwind is a fabulous tool, I am sure you will find out for yourself shortly.

      Blessings & wishes for a lovely weekend!
      Louise x

  4. Hi Louise- I have just barely scraped the surface of Pinterest and I thought 2020 might just be the time.
    I was happy to find your review full of info and I am thinking about a 30 day trial to see how it all shakes down. I will report back after I join. Thanks again for your insight. ANNE

  5. Thank you for this in depth review of Tailwind. My New Year’s resolution is to get my social media under control so this couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I agree I have been a little frightened of automation but i am realizing with Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and Tic Toc that I am just getting overwhelmed and need some help. I am thinking of doing Hootsuite and Tailwind and spend some money to gain some time and results (followers, pins and likes) I am going to bookmark your page and try the free trial to see if it’s something I can work with and if I like the short term results. Thanks so much for the info.

    • Hi Heather

      I am so happy to see that this article has helped you – made my day 🙂 I shall do a review of Hootsuite too – let’s see how that goes and if it is necessary to use both Tailwind and Hootsuite.


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